It was Brian Greene... the String Theory guy
Then it looks like he has been practicing chemistry. I listen to the facts, not the person. He is simply stating bar-style that it was a possibility. Or that is how it seemed to me. He uses no facts to state "this is how it is", just a bar-style conversation.
first... that says nothing about a pantheon for them... it just talks about them.
You are stating that- for some reason- it is necessary for us to be a video game. If that was the case, that necessity would spread to the players, or we would not need it in the first place making your ideas totally invalid.
if you want to connect the dots and say "well if there's something for us, then there's something for them, and on and on and on... then that would be your take on things
Actually, it does. If something is a necessity for us, such as needing a creator or needing to be a video game, than that must extend to the creator or video game player.
maybe he/they just "happened" as most on this forum hypothesize for us
So why can't we just "happen"? Why must a higher being "Just happen", when it would be much simpler just to say we "Just happened"?
if they were real then maybe they just discovered a technology... or have had a technology w/ which they could create something like this... I'm not sure I know of anyone who's played a SIMS game and just sat and watched everything w/o doing something on their own.
The difference between playing with the lives of pixels and playing with the lives of an intelligent being are extreme. When you play Sims, you are playing with pixels. Nothing you can do would cause them actual pain. However, it would be horribly sadistic to create a race for the pure sake of your enjoyment, having a universe of horrible deaths to real things.
now as for all of us being "holograms"... I'm not so sure that I emit all that much light... the whole "light bulb flaring up thing" was just me getting into the post. If we are holograms and are just a projection of matter then whether or not there were lights in the beginning is irrelevant...
I thought you said we were video game characters?
friction is 2 things rubbing against each other right?
Kind of...
pieces of metal when rubbed up against each other can spark
That is more common with clashes, not simply rubbing, but still true...
sparks emit light
Now can I ask were we get metal in a universe made completely out of gas at the moment?
Friction does not create light. Sparks do create light, but rubbing hydrogen molecules together does not create sparks. Metals are needed to spark. Friction does not cause spark alone.
we don't "know" anything other than that we exist
We observe the world, thus know. If it is observed, it is likely true. I can observe my floor and have the utmost confidence that it exists. And if we are going with your logic, the word "Probably" must be put in front of every sentence to make it probably true. The observable world is the world, and you can be sure it exists.
Given what I've seen/heard on tv and other media I had the idea come to mind.... and so i tried to express it
Which is daydreaming. Not based on factual evidence at all.
I would think it actually more believable then most if not all religions.
That is not a very incredible feat. No religion has any credibility whatsoever.
Is it that as far as we know its not testable?
When we can't test, we assume. And when we assume, we must use logic and reasoning. It doesn't fit into logic and reasoning, therefor it is probably false.
I was told once that since it couldn't be tested then there was no reason in bringing it up
And something I forgot from earlier, you stated there was a "Prayer File" correct? That file could be tested. If you prayed, and the outcome was not what you prayed for, then it is false and your entire theory is probably false. If it is true every single time, than you are probably correct. Is that the case?
are all possibilities whether believable, testable, or neither to be filtered to just the believable ones?
Quite simply yes. There are literally infinite possibilities more believable than yours. I could say the world was created when Bob the Builder yelled "CAN WE FIX IT!" really loudly, but you should, if you have any logical bone in your body, filter this out as impossible.
i had not thought of it at all prior to seeing Brian talk about it. ...even after Mage and Walker pointed me in the direction of the "we might be a hologram" thread from a while back. at that point i was like "LOLWUUUUTTTT???" ... after hearing one of the more renowned physicists of our time even toy around w/ the same issue i just started to think and "day dream" since that's what you want to call it. we could just be a hologram w/ no God(s). Forgive me for fabricating something off of the top of my head and advocating it to be real... even tho i don't remember saying it was real, but only a possibility to discuss.
Its a theory, weather you stated if it was real or not, it is meant to be questioned. Is it possible that we are all holograms? Sure. Is it likely at all? No. We could literally be anything, by that logic, but it is extremely safe to assume that the world we observe is real.