Sasquatchcarrot this is not Harry Potter people are not like Voldermort and are able to put there souls into objects we go to Heaven or Hell depending on our sins and if we have been forgiven for them or not.
I don't think that's what he was getting at. It seems to me he was just saying once you die that's it, no soul, no heaven or hell, you are still that corpse and eventually that body will rot away back into the ground. Since you are no longer alive or have any thought or consciousness, you are an inanimate object at that point.
You say that that is what everyone has done for billions of years, but really, how can you or anyone else still living know. No mortal man besides Jesus has come back from the dead to explain to us whether or not our souls live on in heaven or hell or if we really do cease to exist as you suggest. We can only speculate, not state as fact.
Well, my belief is that the rightous Christians will live an eternal life in the Celestial Realm, the sinful non-believers are tortured in Hell until their souls are cleansed, and the sinful believers, rightous non-believers and those souls cleansed of their sins in Hell shall go to the realm of Purgatory.
rightous non-believers and those souls cleansed of their sins in Hell shall go to the realm of Purgatory.
So us righteous non-believers get to suffer in hell just for not believing in something, that (if this God does exist) the reason he gave us to use pointed to him not existing since he left no empirical data, just a highly questionable book indicating that existence. Would that be about what your getting at? Just wondering did you happen to read what you do in heaven once you get there? You know your big pay off for blindly kissing Gods supernatural back side?
I know that heaven, hell, purgatory and limbo are separated. I know that purgatory is temporary, it is a preparation for heaven. But I didn't know that hell is supposed to be temporary; isn't it the place where sinners burn eternally? That's the whole point of there being a purgatory, right?
Purgatory can be a stopping place before heaven to 'olish' the souls, but it is also the place of cleansed souls and rightous non-believers. Limbo is a misinterpretation of Purgatory.
Not really, but reading Dante's Divine Comedy (made up of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, and made into one book), would help a bit. I do warn you, it uses very archaic language and is hard for most to read.
You don't even have your holy texts to back up the claim of purgatories existence.
Not really, but reading Dante's Divine Comedy (made up of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, and made into one book), would help a bit. I do warn you, it uses very archaic language and is hard for most to read.
Your backing up your claim with a work of fiction, and not even a work of fiction that's trying to pass itself off as real.
A never-ending dream that you can control. (You could dream up a whole new life!)
Anyways, there's probably a Heaven and Hell. But there's probably also a neutral afterlife too. Also, I doubt it's for eternity. Maybe after a lifetime you get another shot?