Okay,so I was reading Time Magazine this morning and found this article about some religious group protesting with signs like,"Go to Hell!"and,"Thank God For Dead Soldiers",as well as others.Then they say they are anti-Semitic,anti Christian,and anti-American.At that point,I was seriously offended.What do you think about it?
they have the freedom of speech well i have the freedom to bear arms hopefully the constitution doesn't say anything about unloading those arms >.>
Firstly, it does. That's murder. Secondly, you are worse than them, killing someone because you disagree. At least they are only staging peaceful protests.
Firstly, it does. That's murder. Secondly, you are worse than them, killing someone because you disagree. At least they are only staging peaceful protests.
well it's the nature of man IMO >.> look at WW2 germany they didn't like any other race
the crusades they disagreed with muslims
WW1 they disagreed over who shot arch duke Ferdinand
i think that's a contradiction. or some mysterious deep thinking your supposed to be impressed with.
The point is that if you take away other people's freedoms then you yourself will soon be losing your freedoms. Better to tolerate/ignore people you disagree with rather than try to censor them lest you soon become the one being censored.
I don't think a mourner of a soldier would fall for that trap. That's the whole point of this group, the Westboro Baptist Church, as far as I have read is to entrap a soldiers family into an open flame war on camera.
What gauls me is that the media feeds off of this ignorant ranting. If the cameras would go away then this group would lose steam, quickly. Conversely, without the camera this group wouldn't have the guts to look a soldier in the eye and say the trash they spew!
They consider themselves a Baptist Church but they are not following the teachings, nor the example of John the Baptist.
As for the Constitutional right for a group to peacefully protest, that does not include inciting to riot. A point I haven't read in this thread, yet. We, the people have every right to protest until we incite a riot. This would be the next step for this group before gun shots are fired. I think this because it would come from the public not the families of the fallen soldier.
What gauls me is that the media feeds off of this ignorant ranting. If the cameras would go away then this group would lose steam, quickly. Conversely, without the camera this group wouldn't have the guts to look a soldier in the eye and say the trash they spew!
Exactly Wajor, and nice to see you again
It has always baffled me how the media stirs up dissent against a group yet fail to take into account that the group wouldn't have any exposure or power if the media would ignore them. And you are very right about the military families, they are (typically) too honorable to stoop to the level of WBC and their ilk, however your average citizen watching WBC reports on Fox news probably doesn't have the restraint or discipline to ignore such things as are said by these hate groups.
And I like that you pointed out the part about inciting riot. I even overlooked this one as I didn't consider their actions inflammatory enough to cause such a stir among the military community, although I wasn't thinking about your average citizen watching them on t.v.
Being in the service I saw many anti-military protests, especially back in '03 before we shipped out to Iraq. There were protesters lined up all along outside Ft. Lewis for several weeks. At first it was offensive, but after I thought about it and saw them a few times it really came to a point where I felt kind of bad for them. They were protesting something they didn't know much about and even then protesting the wrong people. Everyone wants to blame the soldiers for war, but they are quick to forget that we don't ask for war, we don't even get a say in what goes on. That's the politician's job. If you really want to protest a war, protest the politicians and get out there and vote.
Yes! Protest the politicians. Voting is the way honorable people protest.
Being in the service I saw many anti-military protests, especially back in '03 before we shipped out to Iraq.
Watching those protests on TV reminded me of the '60-'70's protests of the Vietnam war. Little do the very people who are protesting the perceived senseless shedding of blood, realizes, is the mortal danger they place on the very people they owe their freedom(s) to.
** just a note to MrWalker** I grew up within 50 miles of Fayetteville/Fort Bragg. Later, living close to Wilmington, we were within 5-10 miles of Sunny Point. My father was a WWII veteran and my father-in-law was a veteran of Korea and Vietnam.
They should pay a lot of people a lot of money, they do not possess said money. They do however possess psychotic tendencies and the ability to feel no guilt.
just so everyone here that sees this will know... this was resurrected... or in other words it is a necro'd thread. just in case you weren't paying attention. unless we actually have anything worth saying it needs to be locked. I started a more recent thread on this a month or so ago w/ them picketing soldiers' funerals. if anything you need to move the convo to there.