ForumsWEPRThe Tea Party is racist?

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583 posts

According to this the tea party is racist, they hold up anti african-american signs in protest of president Obama, what do you believe? Do you think the tea party is racist?

*Meh I'm tired and didn't feel like going in to much detail.

  • 17 Replies
121 posts

Some may be individually racist, but not all. The tea party doesn't have an inherently racist platform so it's a big stretch to say the tea party is racist.

909 posts

Thank you for selecting this video to represent the Tea Party as what I always thought it stood for or, represented. The Tea Party that I would associate with would be a group of individuals who are:
#1 know the constitution and the bill of rights
#2 intelligent
#3 hard working
#4 have integrity
#5 are color-blind
#6 are willing to work together to preserve freedom and justice for all, not just stand around and talk about it.

5,043 posts

Thanks for posting the video.

This is the site you go to when you click the reason TV link in the video OP posted. The other video is well worth watching as well.

I love how everyone called the Tea Party movement racist. Now that there is evidence that it isn't racist, everyone is calling the people involved in the movement "rednecks".

I know rednecks aren't necessarily a race, but isn't that somewhat hypercritical? Calling the tea party racist, then calling them stupid rednecks. Hmmmm.

Anyway, I agree that we need smaller government and that Obama is reckless with money.

9,504 posts

On that, the federal government need only propose and pass laws that are essential to the nation as a whole. Otherwise, leave it to the States.

151 posts

Which version of the Tea party are you talking about. Because there are about four different groups calling themselves Tea party members.

583 posts

Which version of the Tea party are you talking about. Because there are about four different groups calling themselves Tea party members.

This I didn't know.

1,078 posts

The Tea Party seems to be all the people who want something to believe in, and the last chance for a Republican like Ran Paul, who I hate (and is unbelievably related to Ron Paul). Also the place for Obama haters. I don't hate that there is a new movement, I hate the people leading it and most of the people following.

174 posts

I hate the people leading it and most of the people following.

Thank you. I must say the Tea Party is a sad bunch of hopeful idiots who think they can have a say in their government. And way to make themselves look bad, great leader they go there: Sarah Palin. "I can see Russia from my house". She seems intelligent. But what I downright laugh at is the fact that people think they can have a say in government. Sure maybe the small towns, cities, even states, can be somehow swayed by the people, but not the central government. We are foolish to think that it is the legislative or the judicial branch who governs us, it's the executive branch. Our government is actually in fact run by one entity, The Pentagon. Notice how there's no "checks and balances" on that?
5,043 posts

I must say the Tea Party is a sad bunch of hopeful idiots who think they can have a say in their government.

Pardon me? I'm sorry. Do you really expect people NOT to have a say in their government? What are they supposed to do? Are they supposed to be doormats? Are you a doormat? Do you let the government walk all over you because you're a doormat? Do you let other people walk all over you because you're a doormat? Do you ever form your own opinions or are you too much of a doormat? Doormat?

I honestly don't know how to react. You're calling people idiots for wanting to have a say in their government. I've read some pretty stupid stuff in these forums but that is by far the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.

But what I downright laugh at is the fact that people think they can have a say in government.

It's hard for me to comprehend this level of stupidity.
9,504 posts

We are foolish to think that it is the legislative or the judicial branch who governs us, it's the executive branch. Our government is actually in fact run by one entity, The Pentagon. Notice how there's no "checks and balances" on that?

Too bad the pentagon has nothing to do with the federal laws. Oh and that the other two branches can check the Executive. Even though the Pentagon is one agency, it is led by the President and anything that the President gives by the Pentagon is watched and can be challenged by others. News flash, the Pentagon cannot do what it wants.
3,437 posts

Pardon me? I'm sorry. Do you really expect people NOT to have a say in their government? What are they supposed to do? Are they supposed to be doormats? Are you a doormat? Do you let the government walk all over you because you're a doormat? Do you let other people walk all over you because you're a doormat? Do you ever form your own opinions or are you too much of a doormat? Doormat?


Thank you. I must say the Tea Party is a sad bunch of hopeful idiots who think they can have a say in their government. And way to make themselves look bad, great leader they go there: Sarah Palin. "I can see Russia from my house". She seems intelligent. But what I downright laugh at is the fact that people think they can have a say in government. Sure maybe the small towns, cities, even states, can be somehow swayed by the people, but not the central government. We are foolish to think that it is the legislative or the judicial branch who governs us, it's the executive branch. Our government is actually in fact run by one entity, The Pentagon. Notice how there's no "checks and balances" on that?

Okay...while I tend to lean toward a more socialist view point this is ridiculous. The people have no say? For christ sakes man you do not live in North Korea. The government does not do everything and you have a lot of say. At least YOU can vote for your presidential candidates. Here in Canada the Parties decide who their leader is and the leader of the party goes for Prime Minister. Personally this doesn't bother me because all politians are f*cktards, but I'm just saying. Furthermore you need to do the research on your bloody rights and freedoms.
174 posts

Indeed. I know you can vote and blah blah blah but the only people who control this country is the Pentagon and the CIA. The stuff the Senate and the House vote on is trivia little things. The big stuff doesn't even come across the threshold of those two moronfests. Sure, people have rights, but the government can do whatever they want if you are considered dangerous, are a threat, know too much, or they are suspicious of you. All I'm saying is the common man doesn't control his country, or else the country would fail, miserably.

3,437 posts

but the only people who control this country is the Pentagon and the CIA.

Oh yes it's a government conspiracy! Did the pnetagon give the green light on the healthcare bill? Is the pentagon and the evil CIA looking to rule America through an evil socialist regime?

The stuff the Senate and the House vote on is trivia little things

Care to elaborate with an example or two?

Sure, people have rights, but the government can do whatever they want if you are considered dangerous, are a threat, know too much, or they are suspicious of you.

Of course they can. It's called home security, but even the government has a code of ethics it abides by. And the government is not this all knowing entity you seem to think it is. You will not have a telescreen wired into your home anytime soon. And the Though Police are not out to get you if you defy The Party (I hope you get my references).

All I'm saying is the common man doesn't control his country, or else the country would fail, miserably.

While I somewhat agree the common man can't make good choices for the whole I disagree they have no power. No matter the style of government if the majority were to rise up they would overwhelm the rulers.
4,220 posts


Don't fly planes into buildings kthnxbai.

are a threat

Don't shoot at the president. Nuff said.

know too much

Just stfu and you live.

or they are suspicious of you

Well hold on! What gave you that idea? We'd have assassinations left and right if that was true. They need legitimate cause to kill you.

As for the original question:

The Tea Party is not a racist organization by any means. Are there racists? You bet. Is the organization racist? No. It's just like any other political movement or group. There are plenty of extremists but they make up less than 1%.
5,043 posts

but the only people who control this country is the Pentagon and the CIA.

Go back to basic American Government.

All I'm saying is the common man doesn't control his country, or else the country would fail, miserably.

I'd say this too if I were a huge tool.

Sure, people have rights, but the government can do whatever they want if you are considered dangerous, are a threat, know too much, or they are suspicious of you.

The government can only do these things if the people allow them. That's why people are protesting against Obama.

Tools like you allow the government to become corrupt.

All I'm saying is the common man doesn't control his country, or else the country would fail, miserably.

People are much smarter than you give them credit. The people should have a say in what their government does.

The reason the government doesn't know everything and the reason the government should listen to the people is because the government is made up of those same people.
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