ForumsThe TavernYour experiences with the paranormal

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Some creepy things have happened in my house. I've seen shadows that look like people, but walk on there own. I once saw my grandma sitting on my little brother's bed on the anniversery of her death the morning I woke up (I didn't even know it until I told my mom and aunt and they told me). Some nights when I'm in my bed and everyone is sleeping, I will hear things moving downstairs. But it gets wierder! Sometimes I take my showers and I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door. I ask who's knocking and no one replies. I get out a few minutes later and nobody was upstairs. In 8th grade, I would be up doing homework until 12-1 A.M. Twice, I was doing my homework at my desk and the door slams on me! The first time open, the second time shut. And when I say slammed, I mean slammed. There were no windows open, no fans on, nobody was walking around or moving. Have you ever had any experiences of your own?

  • 287 Replies
1,824 posts

Eeeesh, some of these are haunting, and I'm not a man to curl at the weakest hint of scary.

1,606 posts

I also once had an experience where I was playing with my teddy bear (I think he was haunted cause he seriously gave me nightmares whenever I slept with him) and I was throwing him in the air when I heard a scream like someone was being tourtchoured (sorry can't spell for my life)

111 posts

There's a friendly little gost in my bedroom. It likes to turn my lamp on (which happens to have blue and green light), turn off the light, play with my fish, open and close the window, and so on. It hasn't tryed to hurt any one (yet) so I think it's safe.

1,946 posts

I had a weird experience last winter during one of the blizzards. I woke up to the power going out sometime between 1 and 3 (guessing here). A minute or two later, a green light suddenly started shining, and was apparently bright enough to light all of the town I could see. I'm still not sure what that was.

2,906 posts

one time I saw a ghost but it turned out it wasnt a ghost but something else instead

1,447 posts

Dude Joe why do you have so many recent paranormal activities ?

68 posts

Well..When i was 8-9 years old(Don't Really Remember) i remember someone is laughing at me, was 1:00am in the morning..everyone is still asleep...and i suddenly woke up...and then i look at the end of my bed...i can see someone laughing at me...His face was really blurred...I was staring it like 20 second...but it keep laughing on me..but i can hear no sound of his muted or something...and then i blinked..and he it ended waking up my mom and sleep beside already 16 now but i still remeber that creepy blurred face...give me chills to my spine...

370 posts


So what, does no explanation make something automatically paranormal? Remember, the brain is powerful, it can convince you of something only you "saw". So you wouldn't even lie if you say you saw that, but it wasn't actually there.

Okay, I see what you are getting at but, me and my dad saw the same thing at the exact same time. So, it sounded like someone was breaking in through the window in my room. My dad went to look and I went with him. We opened my door and sitting on the bed was a silhouette (shadow person). It looked like a guy. He just sat and paid us no mind then he stood up and walked away. Walked through the closet like it was a door.
1,255 posts

i think i remember something i was 5 or 4 in AUS in our house we had a king sized bed all family slipped there when were kids me and sis and mom and dad i was like slipped on the end of the bed when you can see outside of the door i just waked up for a sec and looked outside i saw a freaky thing the vaciyoum cleaner was just moving and some red dots i saw i quickly asked my dad to look there he woked up and looked i looked there to it was nothing nothing at all i sed to my self silly but i am sure i saw something

the second and last thin i saw was 6 months ago in iran our house i am 15 i saw a scary movie dont rem what it was scary ... than it was bed time and i was tierd i went to sleep and my mom was gonna go to her room to take something we just went together but after a sec when i could saw in my room i saw a red spiked thingy got hell scared it was stupid . my mom sed to me thats why i told ya to dont watch movies at night but i sed to her and my dad i swear i saw something they sed nah your imagination and now that i think to it i think they were wright O.O

1,606 posts

Hehe I just think you got a little too excited from the movie, I get that alot.

4,710 posts

i was ten as i waked up at midnight ( i looked on the clock) from a strange noise (it sounded like a scream from an animal) and i wanted to see what maked these noise. as i sat on my bed i saw a dark creature with glowing red eyes. it gazed in my eyes, screaming again. it floated to my bed, showing me its fangs. then i passed out. the next thing i remember is that i awakened in a hospital. i was swooning for three days! i dont know why i was the only one who heared it screaming...

2,226 posts

Huh, post got deleted...
Well, anyway it's nice to see a new wave of people's own ghost stories (and technically anything considered paranormal, but I haven't seen anything other than ghost stories, so...) in the good ole' YEWP thread.
^If you didn't already, ask your family when you passed out and what the doctors said caused it. It would be interesting if they couldn't figure it out.

8,231 posts

once when i was 7 i woke up and something was under the bed. i don't know what it was but it was under there because when i moved it snarled. and then it came out from under the bed and i only saw a bunch of dots everywhere. then i screamed and scared the crap out of my parents.

another time is when i would look at the air and see these sort of giant balls that were sort of like disco balls except with smaller tiles and on each tile was a movie of something going on and they chased me, but only during the day. so people thought i was being weird when i ran across the yard like a crazy person.

58 posts

Okay I have had a couple paranormal experiences. My grandparents live next to a graveyard like right next to it as in they share a property line. when i was little I would stay at my grandparents overnight and one night I walk up and I see this guy I think I said something to him but i cant quite remember. Once I went to look at my great grandparents grave in that same graveyard and I felt that something was watching me.

Okay this is the really creepy one one night I went to sleep and had a dream where it was raining blood and out of the rain came a figure on a pale horse I couldnt see what the figure looked like but I got a feeling that it was evil. I woke up and found an upside down pentagram scratched into my shoulder it scared me a lot. That night i was watching national geographic or something like that and there was a show comparing the book of revelations to whats happening today to see if there are signs of the apocalypse or something. On that documentary I found out that I saw the fourth horseman of the book of revelations his name was death.
I am no kidding about this I was so scared when it happened a couple months ago.

517 posts

I hate when I am alone and I hear voices, *curls up in ball* so many voices.

Showing 241-255 of 287