ForumsThe TavernYour experiences with the paranormal

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Some creepy things have happened in my house. I've seen shadows that look like people, but walk on there own. I once saw my grandma sitting on my little brother's bed on the anniversery of her death the morning I woke up (I didn't even know it until I told my mom and aunt and they told me). Some nights when I'm in my bed and everyone is sleeping, I will hear things moving downstairs. But it gets wierder! Sometimes I take my showers and I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door. I ask who's knocking and no one replies. I get out a few minutes later and nobody was upstairs. In 8th grade, I would be up doing homework until 12-1 A.M. Twice, I was doing my homework at my desk and the door slams on me! The first time open, the second time shut. And when I say slammed, I mean slammed. There were no windows open, no fans on, nobody was walking around or moving. Have you ever had any experiences of your own?

  • 287 Replies
4,710 posts

^If you didn't already, ask your family when you passed out and what the doctors said caused it. It would be interesting if they couldn't figure it out.

i telled my parents and the doctors what happened and what i remembered. the docs thought i had a nightmare and the stress passed me out or i have had a trauma. they argued about the reason with my parents, not finding why i passed out. it happened never again, but i still belive it was a ghost because my parents sayd that, before i passed out, our cat woke them up with loud meowing and growling in a guttural fashion at my door. the only thing i heared was the screaming, but maybe my cat felt the presence of the ghost. my parents heared me then falling to the ground.

8,253 posts

I just wonder what the paranormalophile community in here has to say to this. Often when I look at digital clocks, I see a special combination of numbers, I had things like 18:18 a few times, and surprizingly often I see 22:22 on our TV time monitor at home. Any guesses? (No I don't consider that paranormal, but maybe you do?)

13,055 posts

At the old house where I used to live I had some strange things happening to me.

My GF likes to drink flavored water (lime, grape, orange, strawberry, etc.). One morning I was alone in my kitchen and I picked up a purple lid she left on the counter and threw it in the trash can (it was opened because I was throwing orange peels as I was working on my orange), I turned around and maybe 3 seconds later something hit me on the shoulder so I turned around and there was a green lid on the floor behind me.

One night I wake up around 3 and the light on my GF's side (small table by the bed) was on. The next morning I asked her if she got up last night and she said no. :O

One day I was taking a shower and when I got off some rubber gloves fell on my head. Those gloves are usually stored under the sink and since it's a sliding door, I would have noticed them if they were hanging. :/

Another morning I was alone with my dogs in the basement and I heard someone walking upstairs, one of my dog barked so I grabbed a long screwdriver and ran upstairs but there was nobody so I ran to the second floor and there was nobody either. I could swear they were steps (at least 7). :/

I later asked my GF if she ever noticed strange things and she told me that the picture of her dead friend often change position. :O

I don't believe in ghosts but these events made me try to figure out what cause these annoying things.
Since I moved to my new house I haven't had any of these weird things occurring.

44 posts

a bunch of you guys crack me up. I read these comments and can't believe some of the completely ridiculous stuff you people are saying.
I am not saying that there are no such things as ghost, I just haven't seen one myself. But jeesh people some of you are getting ready to lose your minds... get a grip on reality.

93 posts

I think a year ago.I was at the last room at the end of the hall on my grandmother's bed,I felt someone touch me on my shoulder.I look back but no one was there.My grandfather died 3 years ago on June 4th.At the funeral, I stroke his hair and then(back at the part where someone touched me),it was probably him.

P.S. This is not a sob story.

93 posts

About a week ago, I was walking over to my GF's house. When I was about halfway there, this random guy with a super high voice walks up to me, hugs me and says "I love you". I was about to punch him in the genitalia, but he ran away when I was about to.

93 posts

Oh, sorry for the double post, but I just noticed that the name of the thread had &quotaranormal" in it. Just act like you never read this or my previous post.

1,531 posts

I don't know if this is paranormal or just seeing things, but sometimes I see black silhouettes or shadows move. I have a pretty wide range of peripheral vision, and I almost always see these things at the farthest ranges on that field of view. I've seen them inside, outside, when I'm cutting the grass, just a wide variety of areas. When I see them, naturally I turn to look, but there's never anything there. The most common forms seem to mimic dogs, large cats, and humans. At first I thought it was just me, but this has happened enough times that I'm planning to talk to my pastor about it.
Recently there was a new twist on these things too. About two weeks ago, I was taking my boots off in my room when I saw a little shadow pop up out of the floor, move, and then disappear, all within about a second. It looked like a little lopsided square, about an inch and a half across, and it popped up right beside my foot before vanishing. I know these aren't nearly as freaky as some of the stuff the rest of you have seen, but it's been enough to disturb me a bit.

5,552 posts

At first I thought it was just me, but this has happened enough times that I'm planning to talk to my pastor about it.

Or you could, you know, talk to a doctor...

As for the problem itself, there are blindspots to your peripheral vision that can cause you to think something is at the edge of your vision and when you turn to look at it nothing is there. Perhaps you're just being over-sensitive/aware of it, I know if I look I can see in my peripheral vision the blind spots and if it takes you by surprise you might think something is there.
485 posts

something weird happened with me once.
i was riding a bike going to a friend's place. near his house there was an old and abandoned house that was going to get demolished soon.
when i was passing by, i saw a bride with a veil on her face, going towards me and looking at me (i think).
i went crazy and rode extremely fast to get out of there. i will never forget that.
i was 7 when that happened.

1,531 posts


As for the problem itself, there are blindspots to your peripheral vision that can cause you to think something is at the edge of your vision and when you turn to look at it nothing is there. Perhaps you're just being over-sensitive/aware of it, I know if I look I can see in my peripheral vision the blind spots and if it takes you by surprise you might think something is there.

Could be, except blind spots don't take definite forms and move. And that last one wasn't peripheral, it was right in front of me, less than two feet from my face...
1,608 posts

I have 1 experience I can remember because it was .... Well today.
I was laying on the couch, not being able to walk whilst I though, paranormal stuff is way over rated. Most of it u see is fake.

93 posts

could yall forget about my last forum post.I know it doesn't make any sense

29 posts

randomly looking out your window at midnight and see something moving and find out its a cat.

93 posts

Probably several months ago,I was at the cemetery looking at my grandfather's grave.When me and my grandmother were leaving, I saw mist at one of the tombstones.I don't think it was windy that day.

Showing 256-270 of 287