Are they real or not? I am very curious to hear everyones opinion. Le's Discuss. No matter which side you are on, please explain why you feel this way so others can better understand your opinion. Thanks!
Aliens? Well, probably a lot of bacterias and unicellulars, that I am convinced of. Maybe some pluricellulars. Aliens with high culture and technology flying through space? Lmao^^
Interesting... Personally, I feel it would be very ignorant (for lack of better words) for humans to believe we are the only intelligent creature living in this universe. I mean supposedly we can't even get outside of our solar system. There are too many stars and galaxies out there to be blind and say other intelligent life forms do not exist. I would not be surprised if there are many earth like planets out there. We apparently know of 1 (gleise 581)
Personally, I can't wait til we figure out how to get to Gleise 581! Only 20 light years away...
Here's my 2 pence.
We now know how to freeze people to the fine line between death and stasis. I direct you HERE to see a website about it. Im sure this will help us get those 20 light years away.
And I believe in aliens. The truth is out there!... no I mean it. It really is, when do we leave this darn planet?
Stars that are G, F, or K types could potentially harbor Earth like planets. Also binary star systems could potentially even have two neighboring habitable planets, if the stars are far enough apart.
Now I happened to have been working on a little project. There are 53 stars of the G, F, and K types that are old enough to have allowed intelligent life to have evolved on them. (If they even have habitable planets at all.) This is just within 50 light years. Our galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years across. Using those numbers we can figure a very rough estimate of 106,000 star systems that could potentially harbor intelligent life just in our galaxy alone.
Now if we could apply this figure to the rest of the universe (granted that not all galaxies are the same size or will have the same number of habitable planets) we would get a very rough estimate of around 26,500,000,000,000,000 star systems that could potentially harbor intelligent life in the universe.
we would get a very rough estimate of around 26,500,000,000,000,000 star systems that could potentially harbor intelligent life in the universe.
Thats a lotta planets. My bro will be interested in your calculation which I would say is being extremely fair and perhaps even rounding down. Most people cannot even begin to conceive of conceiving the idea of how big the universe is.
The existence of intelligent on other world within the universe totally depends on your view of the universe.
If you believe that the universe is infinite in size, then there are infinite possibilities for every choice, outcome, or anything else that could happen. Infinite versions of you could exist.
If you believe that the universe is a set size, there's still every chance and more for intelligent life to exist. Either way we look at it, the universe is really, really, really, really, really BIG.
I believe that the universe is not infinite, but has an edge. I also believe that it is spherical in shape.
If the entire universe were the size of the Sun, let's say, every molecule would be a galaxy, with space between some and less space between others. Assume those 'molecule-galaxies' have millions and billions of electrons and neutrons and protons that make them up.
Now, imagine if you will, even smaller particles than those electrons, protons, and neutrons varying in numbers around many of those parts of the molecules. Those represent planets.
We are ridiculously small in the universe. We are NOT a special snowflake. Within our galaxy alone we have millions and millions of stars. Each one of those stars has a chance to have at least 1 planet around it. Each one of those planets has every chance of being a harbor for life. It could be like Hoth (Starwars reference), or it could be like Char (Starcraft reference).
One last analogy would be something like taking a shotglass down to the Pacific Ocean, filling up 1% of it, seeing no fish in the glass and then declaring that there are no fish in the ocean. Sort of silly, isn't it?
The existence of intelligent on other world within the universe totally depends on your view of the universe.
I disagree. Its quite likely that with the current idea of the size of the universe that there is life in the universe other than us. Your statement is very loose and we could use it to cover anything at all.
"the existence of intelligent life in other countries in the world totally depends on your view of the world"
This, however...
One last analogy would be something like taking a shotglass down to the Pacific Ocean, filling up 1% of it, seeing no fish in the glass and then declaring that there are no fish in the ocean. Sort of silly, isn't it?
Thats a lotta planets. My bro will be interested in your calculation which I would say is being extremely fair and perhaps even rounding down. Most people cannot even begin to conceive of conceiving the idea of how big the universe is.
Keep in mind this is based just on a sampling of 50 light years and that even though the star system is the correct class type and age it doesn't take into account weather there would actually be a planet in the habitable zone or not.
The existence of intelligent on other world within the universe totally depends on your view of the universe.
One's view has nothing to do with what's really out there.
If you believe that the universe is infinite in size, then there are infinite possibilities for every choice, outcome, or anything else that could happen. Infinite versions of you could exist.
Even if the universe is infinite, the total matter in the universe is finite and doesn't even make up a huge percentage of the entire universe.
I believe that the universe is not infinite, but has an edge. I also believe that it is spherical in shape.
Actually models when compared to the real thing indicate that it is likely flat. As you can see here the above is an image of the microwave background radiation. below we have models of what that radiation would likely look like depending on the space of the universe.
As for if the universe has an edge or not is debatable, though it may actually fold in on itself at the "edges" making it infinite.
If the universe started at one point and exploded, expanding in all directions, logic dictates that it would not be flat, but a sphere.
It wasn't an explosion, it was an expansion. What's direction in this context? This is spacetime itself expanding so it's not like it's expanding up down left or right. Also as you can see a for yourself a spherical universe doesn't fit the model. For a clearer view here's another image of this background radiation.
As you can clearly see especially in this image the universe does not fit the spherical model, but does fit the flat model best.
So instead of traveling length wise you could go height wise and get to the edge faster? So is it like a three dimensional ellipse shape? Sorry if i am not understanding.