Carbon 14 is not that complex really. When cosmic rays bombard earth's atmosphere, they produce neutrons. These neutrons then collide with nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, changing them into radioactive carbon-14 atoms. The carbon-14 is then absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. When the animals eat the plants the carbon-14 is then absorbed into there bodies, and when other animals eat that animal it is absorbed into them also. All of us have the same amount of carbon-14 in us currently and the carbon-14 slowly leaks out by turning into nitogen-14 and escaping but we, by eating, continually re-absorb it at the same rate. When an animal or plant dies the carbon still leaks out in this way but it is no longer being brought back into the body and me can measure the rate at which it leaves (the basis for carbon-14 dating) the problem with this is that all the carbon will leave any dead organism in about 11,460 years. So if we are finding this carbon in dinosaur ones and fossils these fossils can be no older than about 11,460 or else they would no longer contain carbon-14! This is why I believe that it is impossible for the millions of years necessary for the evolutionary process.
and to be honest i don't think there is a second side to isotopic dating, as most ( including the ones i provided) have been proven, although in my search i did find a few sources saying that certain types of dating ( not all of em though) are fallible.
MRWalker82, I'm pretty sure you are not in violation of a guideline. Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature.
I do not mean to be mean but I am getting defensive because I am getting very aggressively attacked from all sides, and all the information that I give to defend myself is overlook or dismissed without serious note.
The arguments you have presented have been debunked many times over. So what else is there to do with what you present?
lol please don't lock this, I'm having such a great time watching this unfold. And for validity sake. Alex you've presented nothing of worth to consider. Religious mumbojumbo is not something of worth to consider when it is proven to be wrong.
The arguments you have presented have been debunked many times over. So what else is there to do with what you present?
So, my C14 argument has been debunked? Here it is again, [b]the fossils that were dated to be millions of years old by successful dating methods (thank you sirnoobalot for the links on those) were also found to contain C14, how is that possible if C14 can only last for 50,00 years!
May be a little off topic but.. I'm no expert on debate, but instead of arguing against evolution, which is an uphill battle, 90 degrees uphill to be precise, why don't you present evidence FOR intelligent design/creationism instead, oh wait, there isn't any. You fall back on the 'One of us is wrong and we both think its the other' statement alot, but in reality, evidence is evidence, there is no 'side'. If an atheist tells me the earth is a sphere shape and gives me proof, I'll believe him, if a theist tells me the earth is a sphere and gives me proof, I'll believe him too. I wont say 'no it's not' just because he's a theist, you just haven't provided any real evidence that's why nobody is agreeing with you and seeing it from your 'side'.