I think that the way the whole thing could be solved is by allowing their priests to get married. Getting married would help the priests do whatever their version of a good job is without suppressing natural urges, thus stopping whatever sick need they have molest young people.
Yes, i agree, but the catholic church is corrupt and won't change, nothing we can do about it; they could end world hunger or poverty by selling all their precious paintings in the vatican, but that won't happen either. The only thing the cathlic church believes in is monitary gain for themselves, i mo thuarim...
Locoace, if you are not going to participate in the discussion the proper manner, just don't post. Molestation is not a cycle of life.
Now, on topic. I can't argue that allowing these men marriage might eliminate some of the problems. However, I don't know the mind of a pedophile. What I do know, is that these men have sexual urges towards children. This will not be satisfied by marrying a woman.
So, let's back up a bit. These men that have a desire to become priests are well-aware that they will not have much contact with women. To me, they must possess at least 2 characteristics.
1. They want to devote their life to the Christian God. 2. They have come to terms that they are okay WITHOUT the company of a woman.
When you have those two elements, you're sometimes going to end up with men who are already attracted to men but suppress it because it is against Catholic doctrine (at least to act on it). Now, we have men who are attracted to other men. I suppose I could ask why wouldn't they just have sex with each other and spare these children? Why must they be pedophiles? I don't understand.
The Greeks used to do this and I believe they chalked it up to "student-teacher" relationship.
The Greeks used to do this and I believe they chalked it up to "student-teacher" relationship.
You know that reminded me of hercules leaving the argonauts to go get his kid lover back from sea spirits. Anyways back to topic I really think the church botched the handling of all these molestations. I would have defrocked them.
You know that reminded me of hercules leaving the argonauts to go get his kid lover back from sea spirits.
These are the kind of statements where you think it's relevant to the quote, but you're not really sure...It's rare to see these, and CommanderDude just made one, so that was something to see XD
Anyways back to topic I really think the church botched the handling of all these molestations.
Also going with this. Scandals like these really do defame the "good" standing of the Catholic church, and so they (try to) cover it up. With statements going against their beliefs, they try to cover those up too. Remember Copernicus? Anywhoo, yeah, with every scandal like this, the Catholic church gets in even deeper doodoo.
I've always thought I'd make a good priest - except for the whole "I don't believe in God" thing. Anyway, more needs to be done to monitor catholic priests - well, religious establishments and their leaders in general.
Once upon a time Catholic Priests were allowed to marry, but this was stopped as the Priests were leaving their possessions to their family rather than the church. It may sounds nuts, may even sound untrue, but you can all look it up for yourselfs.
Once upon a time Catholic Priests were allowed to marry, but this was stopped as the Priests were leaving their possessions to their family rather than the church. It may sounds nuts, may even sound untrue, but you can all look it up for yourselfs.
Well upon looking all I found was walls of text explaining repeatedly how they strive to be like jesus and that in virginity etc its better to serve the lord.
They really believe they are above man-made laws.
Sound like the priests didn't listen to their own ideas on being pure either and took it a step further, they took the innocence of young children instead. Sadly not much has come of it because these guys hold alot of power.
Here is one link showing the history of celibacy within the Catholic Church. I have many books that contain the subject (I'm doing a theological diploma)
Once upon a time Catholic Priests were allowed to marry, but this was stopped as the Priests were leaving their possessions to their family rather than the church. It may sounds nuts, may even sound untrue, but you can all look it up for yourselfs.
Sounds just like good ol' church to me, I don't think I have to look it up to believe that.