ForumsWEPRFDA Scare Tactics - Insulting Human Intellect

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5,043 posts

Please answer these questions before you type your opinion.

1. Are you under the age of 21?
2. Did you know cigarettes play a part in causing cancer? If you're over 21, did you know they caused cancer before your 21st birthday?
3. Optional Do you smoke? If so, did you know cigarettes caused cancer before you started smoking?

Please answer the above questions at the beginning of your post before you read on.

Did you answer the above questions? Good. Chances are, everyone already knows cigarettes cause cancer. I'm also certain that everyone who smokes also knew cigarettes caused cancer before they smoked their first cigarette.

The FDA, who's intelligence often falls below that of the military, decided that teenagers who smoke are merely misinformed of the dangers behind smoking. To help make teenagers more aware of the negative effects caused by smoking, the FDA has resorted to one of the most disgusting and horrible actions imaginable. They are going to put graphic images on cigarette cartons, reminding people that they will ****ing die if they smoke, become important, kill babies, and more.

1. Almost everybody who smokes already knows the dangers of smoking. They knew before touching their first cigarette.
2. Many of those pictures are very graphic, and if any other company posted such gruesome pictures on their own products for one reason or another, I'm sure they would have been taken to court, or at least have their products removed from the shelves!

I do not smoke. I don't care to be around smokers. However, I believe the FDA is going too far. Not only do they insult everyone's intelligence, but they fail to allow people to make their own decisions without having to put up with their sickening scare tactics.

  • 34 Replies
5,043 posts

They are going to put graphic images on cigarette cartons, reminding people that they will ****ing die if they smoke, become important, kill babies, and more.

become impotent : P

4,871 posts

However, I believe the FDA is going too far. Not only do they insult everyone's intelligence, but they fail to allow people to make their own decisions without having to put up with their sickening scare tactics.

1. Yes, I'm also bellow the age of 18
2. Yes.
3.No, but I have smoked before.

However, I believe the FDA is going too far. Not only do they insult everyone's intelligence, but they fail to allow people to make their own decisions without having to put up with their sickening scare tactics.

This is already a common practice in most developed countries in fact most of them are more graphic than the ones submitted by the FDA. Also scare tactics? Seeing as how all the warnings on the labels are things that can and do happen if you smoke I think this is much more akin to presenting you with all the facts.
4,871 posts

Sorry the three points were supposed to be in response to the original three questions. Double quoted :P

5,043 posts

I understand that most developed countries already post graphic images on their cigarettes. I think it's sickening. Do stores even show the packages out in the open or are you unable to look at the packages until you pay for them? If you have a child and you pass a stand full of cigarette packs, I'm pretty sure it's something neither one of you would want to see.

I don't care if other developed countries are doing this. They suck for allowing their government to have that kind of power. Like I said, most people who smoke already know smoking is bad for them. You shouldn't force them to look at some rotten lung just because you think they are too stupid to understand that smoking causes cancer. Smokers already know all this.

26,390 posts

1. Are you under the age of 21?

2. Did you know cigarettes play a part in causing cancer? If you're over 21, did you know they caused cancer before your 21st birthday?

Yep, I know that now and I've known it for quite some time.

The FDA, who's intelligence often falls below that of the military

Well, I'm not sure where you're getting this from, but grammar does help if you're trying to say an organization is unintelligent or that their intelligence is inferior to that of another organization.

decided that teenagers who smoke are merely misinformed of the dangers behind smoking.

I do not believe that their thought process was that teenagers were misinformed. I believe that their thought process was that although the teenagers know, they cannot grasp exactly what it is; lung cancer is just a word, as is impotence, as is mouth disease.

To help make teenagers more aware of the negative effects caused by smoking, the FDA has resorted to one of the most disgusting and horrible actions imaginable

It seems that Samy has already said this, but several other countries have already "resorted" to this method.
In addition, I do not see how this merits a label as one of the most "disgusting and horrible actions imaginable". I think that there are far worse actions. I also think that the ramifications of people smoking far outweigh those of the tactics employed to get them not to smoke, if you get my meaning.

They are going to put graphic images on cigarette cartons, reminding people that they will ****ing die if they smoke, become important, kill babies, and more.

Well, it's true. I think that seeing an image of it on a carton of smokes would be slightly(sarcasm) less traumatizing than undergoing it yourself.

2. Many of those pictures are very graphic, and if any other company posted such gruesome pictures on their own products for one reason or another, I'm sure they would have been taken to court, or at least have their products removed from the shelves!

Refer to what other countries have done.
Warning: Gruesome.
4,871 posts

I'm pretty sure it's something neither one of you would want to see.

Yea, that's the point.

They suck for allowing their government to have that kind of power.

Promoting health and taking away ignorance is a bad thing?

Like I said, most people who smoke already know smoking is bad for them.

Smoking is more prevalent among the poor as is a subpar education meaning many may not know how bad it is or that it's even bad at all because they were never taught.
9,504 posts

hmm...that's some very extreme propaganda. Become important? That explains all the celebrities that smoke. Very important indeed!

I'm also very alarmed of the typo, I just like to rub it in

Usually saying "this causes various cancers which can result in death and stroke" is enough. Do they really have to create such images in order to get the point across? I see what they are doing. They take the various circumstances of what can happen and take it into extreme forms, such as taking immediate effect. Yes, smoking can kill babies, if they smoke inside their breathing tubes for prolonged periods of time!!

It's the same propaganda teens are being fed in schools with sex and alcohol.

22,207 posts

1. Yes
2. YES.
3. No, and won't do it. ever.

1. Almost everybody who smokes already knows the dangers of smoking. They knew before touching their first cigarette.

Well there are those people who are just completely oblicious to the outer world and dont know anything about smoking >.>

They are going to put graphic images on cigarette cartons, reminding people that they will ****ing die if they smoke, become important, kill babies, and more.

... well its the truth??? regardless if they know better or not, it could be just enough to get someone to consider quitting >.> . If i put a message on say a childrens' toy saying ' playing with this toy causes fun', would it be wrong??? i suppose not, because it is the truth and has no negative effects to it. If its the truth, it shouldn't be any different whether it's sad, depressing or joyful.

speaking of smoking, quite a few people in my family smoke, and its the worst feeling... no matter how many times i ask and ( plead), nothing happens. I would do a LOT of stuff to go back in time and make sure they didn't pick up that 1st cigarette, and this very well might prevent the same scenario repeating itself, preventing that 1st cigarette ever being lit up.
9,504 posts

... well its the truth???, they will die if they smoke. If they smoke for prolonged periods of time. Cigarettes are capable of killing babies, but not how the propaganda makes it out to be. Cigarettes do not make you impotent. They will just yellow your teeth, make you smell, and other miscellaneous deals.

There's the truth, and then there's stretching the truth to inhumane levels.
3,437 posts

They are going to put graphic images on cigarette cartons, reminding people that they will ****ing die if they smoke, become important, kill babies, and more.

They already do this in Canada for certain brands. I'm really not sure why you're so offended by this.
9,504 posts

They are over-exaggerating the circumstances of smoking a cigarette in order to get people to avoid smoking.

5,043 posts

Well, I'm not sure where you're getting this from, but grammar does help if you're trying to say an organization is unintelligent or that their intelligence is inferior to that of another organization.

Got me there.

Smoking is more prevalent among the poor as is a subpar education meaning many may not know how bad it is or that it's even bad at all because they were never taught.

I would also like to add that rich kids don't smoke marijuana, ever.

But in all seriousness, the cigarette boxes already explain that cigarettes may cause cancer. Lack of education really shouldn't be an excuse. Not only that, but I'm sure most of these kids with sub par education already understand that smoking may cause cancer. I believe many of these kids who smoke come from bad neighborhoods which have bigger problems that need to be fixed.

It seems that Samy has already said this, but several other countries have already "resorted" to this method.

This really doesn't mean anything. Just because other countries are using this method does not mean the method is right.

In addition, I do not see how this merits a label as one of the most "disgusting and horrible actions imaginable".

There's no need to force a company to place disgusting pictures on their products! I understand that not all the pictures are that graphic, in which case, they are still BS. People who smoke know the risks of smoking. They know smoking is bad. I know that the FDA wants less people to smoke. Scare tactics are alright in commercials and other ads, but forcing those tactics onto products is too far.

If i put a message on say a childrens' toy saying ' playing with this toy causes fun', would it be wrong???


If I put a picture of a Lego piece stuck in a child's throat on a box of Legos, would that be wrong? What if I decided all kitchen knives you buy should have pictures of people holding up 4 fingers? Maybe every car manual should come with pictures of dead dogs and cats on the sides of roads so people know that they should be attention while driving.

If I smoked and I accepted all risks that came with smoking, I shouldn't have to look at some rotten lung when buying my cigs!

I'm really not sure why you're so offended by this.

You shouldn't force a business to put such things on their own product. Not only that, but people shouldn't be required to look at disgusting pictures when they buy a pack of cigs, even if it is the "truth". I know that food is digested, that doesn't mean I want to see a picture of crap on the front of my favorite cereal box.

What happened to the freedom to enjoy a nice smoke every once in a while?! I don't smoke, but I support smoker's rights.
5,043 posts

speaking of smoking, quite a few people in my family smoke, and its the worst feeling... no matter how many times i ask and ( plead), nothing happens. I would do a LOT of stuff to go back in time and make sure they didn't pick up that 1st cigarette, and this very well might prevent the same scenario repeating itself, preventing that 1st cigarette ever being lit up.

I would also like to add that a swift kick to the groin would also have done the trick. Each time you smoke a cigarette, it should be legal for someone to kick you in the bloody balls.

My point here is that certain methods may work, but that doesn't mean we should use them.

should be attention while driving.

should pay attention. Good grief. : /
22,207 posts

If I put a picture of a Lego piece stuck in a child's throat on a box of Legos, would that be wrong? What if I decided all kitchen knives you buy should have pictures of people holding up 4 fingers? Maybe every car manual should come with pictures of dead dogs and cats on the sides of roads so people know that they should be attention while driving.

...yes but... Cigarettes provide no benefits. at all. its a one-way road. The few benefits that do exist ( besides those countering withdrawal/addiction symptoms, like relieving stress) are FAR outweighed by the negatives.
3,437 posts

I don't smoke, but I support smoker's rights.

Should they be allowed to smoke in resturants as well?
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