Baptism is to clear your sins, and to claim you are a christian. Now most people have this done when they are young although there are exceptions. Now years later when you get confirmed it is the same thing, but you have choice in it and it is like you saying as an adult that you want to be a member of the church and that you are christan.
I hope this helps!!!
I believe I have all the facts right someone correct me if I'm wrong
Baptism is to clear your sins, and to claim you are a christian. Now most people have this done when they are young although there are exceptions. Now years later when you get confirmed it is the same thing, but you have choice in it and it is like you saying as an adult that you want to be a member of the church and that you are christan. I hope this helps!!! I believe I have all the facts right someone correct me if I'm wrong
I know that but I mean give us some more info on what you ment by that, so we as in what was the whole conversation about; you and your freind were talking about baptism and then he said this and that..Like that, spread some light on that dude lol....
You kinda have to say the denomination your in cause I'm baptist and you have to be baptized, but baptizing isn't to be saved cause your saved when you accept Jesus. But some denominations (like the church I go to right now) believe that you can be sprinkled. They are methodist, Congregational, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Reformed, Episcopal, and the Catholic Church. So if you were in one of those you don't have to be baptized at all.
Eph. 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Eph. 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
That's what I believe. Personally I think that baptism is a work to show your faith. And if that is true then baptism as a work will not save you. (See verses above)
Well, not to rain on your parade, but first you have to accept that it's possible to be saved, that there's a deity to save you, and that pouring water over a screaming infant is the way to do it. Seems a little silly to me.
homegrove, my point was that nobody gets saved. It doesn't matter if you pour water on somebody, do random tasks, or whatever. We're all just meat.
Of course, I find it amusing when members of one religion claim another religion is full of false beliefs. I mean, what makes you right and them wrong that couldn't also go the other way?
I think its horrible that some people honestly believe that if you are not baptized, you cannot go to heaven. Really? Miscarriaged babies, aborted babies, and babies who die very young all go to hell, simply because they didnt live long enough? Thats a shame.