So manipulation and lying in people is normal but lying when done by a supermassive corporation is a dangerous thing for us all.
Cigarette companies in certain part of the world must post disturbing pictures of what may happen to people if they smoke, as required by law. This seems to be the government's solution for counter manipulation, which is still manipulation but from the government.
Corporations lie, and people fall for those lies. Sometimes they get in trouble and other times they don't. Sometimes you just have to let people be swindled.
I remember when Cash4Gold hit TV commercials. You send them gold, they send you cash. I instantly knew Cash4Gold was a rip off. You send in your products, and they mail you back cash. They don't give you an offer, so you're stuck with what they give you. Obviously their goal is to make a profit, and when they say "cut out the middle man", they ARE the middleman.
What can I say? They somehow got the money to play a commercial during the super bowl. It's a shame people fell for Cash4Gold, but you can't hold everyone's hands all the time.
Apple computers are a rip off. But people are happy with them. I think you have to be crazy to spend so much money on so little just because it's layout is deceptively simple.
Do you want to be the life of the party? Bring good alcohol. Want to get with a hot chick? Bring alcohol. People in the alcohol business also use manipulation to sell their product.
I believe you should be able to sell anything you want as long as other people aren't being forced to buy it. If you allow the government to have a tight grip on how you market your product, then you give them control over your products as well. The government wants to limit the amount of salts used in our foods, but shouldn't I be the one who chooses? If I want to smoke without some nasty picture on my cigarettes, shouldn't that be my choice? If I want to buy raw foods, shouldn't I be allowed to do so?
We can't allow corporations to lie about their product, but we have to give them some room to maneuver or the government will have the power to limit corporations in other ways. Remember, the rules applied to big corporations are also applied to small businesses that may have no more than 20 employees. Not only that, but there's so many different ways a company can be manipulative. It's impossible to stop manipulation without the government becoming totalitarian and it's hard to find a line. It's easier to simply live with corporations "manipulating" people. So what if people buy their product, most of the time people aren't getting hurt.
Part of being an adult is learning how to make your own decisions. We can't depend on the government to hold our hands throughout our whole life. If freedom means allowing corporations to be manipulative, so be it. People should be allowed to think for themselves. To cease manipulation means you must allow the government to think for you.