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wich ted dibase
jr, I guess...
you are correct sir
hello anyone here
So, are you guys SURE you want to just barrel up to the very top floor from the first floor? You might want to clear things out one at a time...
I vote for going to the Tavern and resting up first (most of us are near dead already...)
What uh...what tavern?
Any tavern...
i say charge. and while the warmage does that i'ma go to the tavern and get wasted and rest
For once... I agree with DBS
Then, do we have a room we know is safe and can be fortified? The bedroom, perhaps?
You don't have any room that you know is safe per se, but the master bedroom is the room you just cleared, so it doesn't have any enemies in it for the time being. However, it would be pretty easy for them to get in the room if they wanted to.
Could we barricade the door?
Well, what with?
Thread is locked!