So, is everybody going to be sleeping/resting/preparing spells, or will there be guards? If the latter, then who? Also; Jozan can't prepare his spells right now, he can only prepare his spells at dawn(clerics usually have a special time when they prepare spells, and since Lathander is the rising sun god dude, it makes sense that his clerics prepare spells at dawn).
How long are the shifts going to be? Is the guard going to be stationary or patrolling? Where will he/she be stationed or where will he/she be patrolling to and from? Is there going to be a light source you use? If so, what? Also; who is going to be sleeping on the bed(there's probably room for 4 people, but if you think about thinking about trying anything, I will smack you upside the head till your ancestors get dizzy just watching) and who's got the floor? Keep in mind that the bed is what is blocking the doorway now.