Here's the new forum for D&D, I saved you the trouble.For anyone who wants to join here, see the other D&D forum for information.
Ok, so you set up camp, how long you resting for, or what you doing now?
"I have to pay back my debt somehow. Once I have paid it back, I will stop arbitrarily agreeing with you."
"I am not agreeing with you to pay my debt, I am agreeing until my debt is paid. I am ready if you are."
I gotta go to town, be back in about 2 hours.
"Sir, why do you not want me to agree with you?"
"It's not that I don't want you to agree with me. I want you to agree with me because you agree with what I'm saying, not because you owe me. If you disagree, then you disagree."
"If you give me a way to pay off my debt, I will stop agreeing with you."
"I don't know how you're supposed to pay me back. I'm saying that you don't have to agree if you disagree."
"I won't stop until I pay you back. You know that, right?"
Do either of you reclall a budget of any kind for the equipment?If not, what's a fairly safe amount for lvl 12?
Yes, I do believe the budget was 40,000.()
Yes, I do believe the budget was 40,000.
If not, what's a fairly safe amount for lvl 12?
According to the DMG, 88,000, but DH thought that was too much so he halved it.
OK then.I'll be emailing myself until finished,then emailing completed segs to both of y'all for review/editing.Besides 2 BA weapons and a few good poisons, I have no idea what to spend that 40k on......
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