Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
maybe u could make the legacy like ep 1 so that all the glitches r still their, that way people that like ep1 could still play it, even though to me the seual looks alot better than the 1st , i dunno y u people are complaining about lack of tricks, btw is their anyway people who missed the early beta signup can stil get in the beta?
John, I know I have suggested it before, but I ahave gotten no response from you about it, so I am going to post it again.
I would like for you to add a Spectator Mode, so that players could watch other players without actually having to race them so they could learn their tricks.
Of course, this could cause lag, but I still think it's a good idea. But of course, you're the game developer. It's your choice.
@ john so maybe like the city limits in exit path 1 where there is so much traps and then final part where u use all your flow. is that what u mean by evil versions? Oh can you please tell me when exit path 2 is comming? I can't wait.
PS are you keeping the extra jumps method from exit path 1?
John, have you taken out the pause glitch and the refresh thing on uniplayer? The pause glitch on EP1 is where you can pause the game and the deathtraps don't hit you, then you can press it again to continue playing. The refresh thing is when you refresh the game when you die or mess up on a certain level in uniplayer and it brings you to the start of the level.
Evil version- a sort of Prtal2 treatment? Careful there :P
You could always do a 'blindfold' version; i.e. mirror the left side of the page to the right so you can only see behind you. That way you have to try to remember the level! For hardcore Exit Path lovers