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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

I wish we could have an actual tournament to have some idea of a top 10 or whatever.

On the current state of the game that'd be rather difficult seeing that you have to hop around for a few minutes before actually finding the person to play with. But there will be an EP2 tournament.
Here's the thread for it.
25 posts

Just rereading "PrincessofDaisies" 's post on the previous page and while I don't condone sexual/racist/homophobic abuse, to get upset by it on a flash game is pretty stupid IMO.

There's a mute button. Use it. Kids will be kids.

(This might be a bit confusing, forgot I logged out of my smurf account)

25 posts

On the current state of the game that'd be rather difficult seeing that you have to hop around for a few minutes before actually finding the person to play with. But there will be an EP2 tournament.

No, I know, I was just thinking out loud. As far as my experience goes you've got Faithpath and Pain but after that I really don't know.
566 posts

I would probably feel the same way if I wasn't in this discussion.

Call me weird, but I don't see the point in someone going TL;DR on an internet forum, maybe for something like a chat, but not for something like this.

I generally prefer the longer posts, to the one word answers with no reasoning.

To play 180 matches with that time each race would take three hours.
Plus the time in the lobby, unless you are already counting that.

I admit, there's no way to make a super accurate math calculation on this since there's to many variables, but yes I'd guess 180 races in 3 hours (including lobby) is possible.

I'm reading them, this is just going in circles.

Right back at ya, I say.

Defending myself in a discussion =/= disliking another individual.

Same goes for starting a conversation, since I also defend myself.

There's 158 pages of Exit Path talk. I can't think of anything that hasn't already discussed.

For one, this discussion was rather lengthy. And the other discussion going on right now seems interesting as well.

Back to the beginning of this discussion, since I never read your reason on this. Why don't you think that those people were being uncivilized and immature? Why don't you think what they were saying is stupid?

You're overgeneralising things. It's not that I think the people (in this particular situation) didn't act a little silly. But you make it out like 90% of all players act like this (and ONLY like this), when there could very well be a few other reasons why they accuse people of hacking. Again, this falls under a case of "jumping to conclusions". Everything has a reason. It's just not always very apparent.

And calling someone "uncivilized" over something so minor just comes off as arrogant and elitist to me.

And now, just to shut up the TL;DR guys, I shall seperate my posts by person I respond to

What if I have Screen Shots of actual users (mostly < 30) or guests with the same appearances and save records as popular players?

You can certainly try showing those pictures to a Mod, but (correct me if I'm wrong) aren't the Mods in charge of game comments and the boards, not the general in-game chats?

Not to mention, there's no way they can do anything about what a guest player says on the game.

I'm guessing that AG has some rules against slander, inappropriate, sexual language, grossly inappropriate conduct. The inappropriate stuff I've heard said to me (I'm a big girl, doesn't matter too much) or other younger girls that play is ridiculous. If darwin37 can get IP banned for multiple accounts, it seems fairly reasonable that hardcore sexually explicit threats should at the very least warrant similar punishment.

And it does....on the forums. There's simply no reasonable way to control in-game chatting. That's why a mute button was made in the first place.

That would mean something. The chatroom isn't monitered period, and though a lot of dumb things are said, the stuff I've seen targeting female/gay players is quite sickening at time. Perhaps IPs can be matched up with some sort of red flag counter? Each person can give another runner a red flag. After 30-40 or so flags within a day, the poster will be temporarily banned? Or, the user will not be allowed to type things, period.

I can see what you're trying to do, but:

1) Dynamic IP-adresses

2) The game most likely isn't programmed to make chat logs

3) There's no reasonable way to check said logs (assuming they existed)

4) As far as I know, there's no way you could temp ban a guest from playing the game, because you don't need to sign up for anything.

5) There's no way that will work as intended. I can see what you tried to do, but all such a system would do, is make things even worse.

Who's to say someone wouldn't just flag you for winning? or "hacking"? or to troll you? or because *insert reason here*?

Look at something like Youtube, or any other website that let's you *thumbs-up* and *thumbs-down* things.

The amount of abuse would be off the charts. And as I said, there's no way to monitor the hundreds of races and hundreds of logs every day.

There are many other potential solutions to this, and I sure hope that I don't need to provide answers to the "woman up, just mute them and move on, missy" argument.

I see no solution that is actually realistic.
[quote]I wish we could have an actual tournament to have some idea of a top 10 or whatever.

On the current state of the game that'd be rather difficult seeing that you have to hop around for a few minutes before actually finding the person to play with. But there will be an EP2 tournament.
Here's the thread for it.[/quote]

Just to add to this, I think it's even harder to properly rank players on the original game. I say that, because we actually have good youtube videos you could study to improve. So in that sense, it's easier than ever to become "good". The general gap in skill between "the best" and "the very good" has shrunk I think.

No, I know, I was just thinking out loud. As far as my experience goes you've got Faithpath and Pain but after that I really don't know.

Not to mention that more and more people seem to leave the game. But doesn't Zero still play?
349 posts

kenty u only play 180 matches in 3 hours?i played for 6 hours straight b4 and got 600+matches in...

15,595 posts

Call me weird, but I don't see the point in someone going TL;DR on an internet forum, maybe for something like a chat, but not for something like this.

Probably because the people that normally post in this thread don't usually see these long posts.
I generally prefer the longer posts, to the one word answers with no reasoning.

As do I, since there aren't many threads where a discussion can be held for this long(excluding the WEPR, but I don't like that place.)
You're overgeneralising things. It's not that I think the people (in this particular situation) didn't act a little silly. But you make it out like 90% of all players act like this (and ONLY like this), when there could very well be a few other reasons why they accuse people of hacking. Again, this falls under a case of "jumping to conclusions". Everything has a reason. It's just not always very apparent.

I believe in the post with the screen-shots I said: most of the people on there are quite ignorant.
I suppose I should've put a comma after 'ignorant' then said: in my experience while playing Exit Path.
I'm not trying to say that everyone does it, but from my experience while playing, it happens quite a lot.
And now, just to shut up the TL;DR guys, I shall seperate my posts by person I respond to

There should really be a way to seperate post, with a line break, but not the kinds that we have to create. You would type --- and that would seperate your post. Example.
What if I have Screen Shots of actual users (mostly < 30) or guests with the same appearances and save records as popular players?

There's no real way to prove that the guest with a same appearance as a person with an account is them. I used to play as a person with yellow/black colors. One day I went to Ghosts chat and I got yelled at for some reason of them thinking that I was a yellow/black person on Exit Path. This player was telling them that it was me, but it wasn't. So if you could do that, then I'd most likely get banned. The only way to do it is to have solid proof that it's them, which means they have to admit it, or they are logged in while breaking the rules.
As far as my experience goes you've got Faithpath and Pain but after that I really don't know.

Well, I have a top ten list. But it's solely from my experience, it can't possibly be fact based since I haven't played everyone that plays Exit Path.
Top Ten Exit Path Players:
That list is in no order and is based on multiplayer performance.
Here's the best players of exit path thread.
If you read through some pages, TroppO created a big list, I was included in the top ten. However, I didn't include myself in the top ten list that I just created on this General Exit Path Discussion thread because I want to avoid getting raged at.
u only play 180 matches in 3 hours?i played for 6 hours straight b4 and got 600+matches in...

We were talking about how long it would take generally for people to get that many matches in. Of course you could do more since you know how to play well - you know how to preserve flow, double jump, etc. I could get about two hundred+ matches in an hour of solid racing if I wanted to. That would mean me racing every single match, and me completing each level under 25 seconds or so.
25 posts

KentyBK is coming across awfully here. How someone can write so many words about EP is beyond me.

And thanks for the links GoM.

2 posts

Love this game, fave is blue eared bunny and i looove the fast levels.

15,595 posts

How someone can write so many words about EP is beyond me.

It isn't that difficult to write a lot about something that you enjoy. I created a long Exit Path Guide, I made a review of Exit Path, and if you check out the Video Games sub-forum, my posts in the console wars thread are usually long. Well, if you do enjoy something, then it isn't difficult to come up with a long post about it.
Love this game, fave is blue eared bunny and i looove the fast levels.

By fast levels, do you mean that ones that don't take very long to complete?
452 posts

By fast levels, do you mean that ones that don't take very long to complete?
I think he does, lol, like fuzz balls or zipper.. wombat, etc
15,595 posts


I think he does, lol, like fuzz balls or zipper.. wombat, etc

Oh, well wombat can be fun because you have several routes that you can take that all give you a similar finish time. I'm not a big fan of fuzzballs or zipper because of how quick they are. I generally like the bigger, longer levels such as marathon, slip and slide, etc.
452 posts

I generally like the bigger, longer levels such as marathon, slip and slide, etc.
Well, with the correct best shortcuts, you can actually get a similar time to one of those "short levels"
15,595 posts

Well, with the correct best shortcuts, you can actually get a similar time to one of those "short levels"

The shortest amount of time on zipper, which is the longest level out of those three you named is about eight seconds.
The shortest amount of time on marathon and the others is about twelve-fourteen seconds if done correctly. However, the levels that I named offer more room for you to do things.
Such as routes and tricks. They're all fun to play on, but I enjoy the ones that I named more than the ones the other person named.
The levels that take the longest to complete are maze and over and under. Also, you can do a lot of different routes and tricks on those two.
25 posts

It isn't that difficult to write a lot about something that you enjoy. I created a long Exit Path Guide, I made a review of Exit Path, and if you check out the Video Games sub-forum, my posts in the console wars thread are usually long. Well, if you do enjoy something, then it isn't difficult to come up with a long post about it.

I guess you enjoy writing long posts, too :3
452 posts

I guess you enjoy writing long posts, too :3
Didn't he say that? Or am I wrong?
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