Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
I just saw my record got erased.. i was lvl 53 or something. Anyone else got this problem?
Actually the second day after releasae when my account was level 10, I got caught in an infinite loop (uniplayer), and after refreshing everything were gone. Didn't plan to play much Uni on ep2 anyways, and have kept my stats until now I think...
I just saw my record got erased.. i was lvl 53 or something. Anyone else got this problem?
When you sign in on EP2 are you waiting for it to load your stuff to the upper right? I don't know if this caused it, but if you are a guest, don't wait for it to load, it might reset your stuff.
What the heck? No you can't. It's either it glitched/bug or you hacked.
It's a known glitch/bug among many. Sometimes in glitched/bugged rooms you can give kudos to yourself.
Sometimes, the lag causes someone to finish before me even though on my screen, it looked like I finished first.
this was an issue in the first one as well. It happens whenever there is a large discrepancy in lag, mostly attributable to your internet connection rather than the game i think.
Yeah i can give kudos to myself, that's why i have a 10 kudos to every match ratio!
Anyone had the problem when waiting for stragglers comes up until someone leaves then the game starts? The person that left never had the waiting for stragglers thing come up on their screen, so that's why they leave in the first place. This happened to me once.