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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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5,001 posts

Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
2 posts

I don't really get this game. Can someone explain the easiest way to beat it? goods like an interesting game...

517 posts

Here is a link to a Exit Path 1 guide be GhostOfMatrix

Click here to view a Exit Path 2 video walkthrough. ;D

15,595 posts

Matrix, what about the advanced controls? Faster flow recharge? New graphics? New particle system?
Does it really deserve 2/10?

Advanced controls? The controls are the same as they are in EP1, he just gave the double jump to everyone. Faster flow charge? I don't see a difference in how fast it goes up, if you mean overflow - it takes too long to fill up and is often not worth using it. New graphics? That's the last thing I look in a game, and the graphics could be causing the lag. I prefer the simple design of EP1. New particle system? I don't really know what you mean by this. But yes, in my eyes it does deserve a 2/10. Simply a huge disappointment for me and many other EP players. He promised so many things and repeated them through this thread, yet he didn't implement any of it. EP2 is just EP1, but with a few new things to make it pretty. Such as the graphics. ONLY thing I really like in EP2 is the private rooms. Other than that, EP2 is truly a failure from John. He could've just put the good features of EP2 into EP1 and we would be happy, rather than making this fiasco of a flash game. What is there to really do in EP2? You have one or two routes on each level, and most of them give you the same time. There's no variety with the routes, and therefore makes the game get repetitive quickly.
15,595 posts

Here's a list I compiled of things John didn't implement, Tart updated it in his post on that page. Also I'd like to mention that the diving thing is good as well, it has its pros and if used correctly it can make your run times somewhat faster. But otherwise, there isn't anything that notable about EP2.

517 posts

Well I finally made a review for Exit Path 2. I will start off with Uniplayer it was fun while it lasted soon it became a waste of my time. As I kept trying to stay in the top I just got pushed off by people who decided it was a good idea to use the timer bug. It is also extremely hard to find all flitters and flairs the last 2 of each cannot be found. Multiplayer became a ghost town once I got in advanced. So I started to go to private rooms but, they started to glitch sometime I would click to enter a locked room when I clicked it the game sent me to a public room this occurred many times. The game got hacked by a guy the first week on Multi where he had unlimited kudos and a person with a perfect win streak no matter what. I believe that if John would have just added new levels to Exit Path 1 Multi it would be the same as Exit Path 2 but less buggy. In the end Exit Path 2 is just a bad upgrade two Exit Path 1. My Rating: 5/10.

15,595 posts

To add in: EP2 would've got a 10/10 from me if he added all the things he promised and all the problems were fixed. If the problems were just fixed, it would get a 6-7/10.

15 posts

I think 2/10 is a bit too far. The only issues i have had are lag (this was an issue early on with ep1 as well tbh), 1 or 2 things in uniplayer are impossible to get and the ranked rooms. Its also a bit glitchy, but again, so was ep1.

Otherwise, more uniplayer and multiplayer levels and the inclusion of double jump are good improvements. 7/10 from me.

I have faith that John will fix the game up. It doesn't happen instantaneously, people need patience. He's probably busy atm and will get to it soon hopefully. With a bit of polish ep2 could be very good.

15,595 posts

It doesn't happen instantaneously, people need patience.

I'm sure most people here have been waiting for a response from John in this thread. Just something like "I know of the problems and will fix them in the future". But it doesn't seem like he cares for them. If he did, I think he would've posted by now. I mean, put yourself in his shoes. Wouldn't you post in here if you wanted to fix the bugs? Just something to give us some hope like "they'll be fixed in the near future" or "I can't fix them" or even "I'm busy and I don't have time for the game". I sure would, just so people would stop complaining and to give a straight answer about the game.
With a bit of polish ep2 could be very good.

It would definitely be my favorite flash game if it had all the things John said and barely any problems.
517 posts

I have faith that John will fix the game up. It doesn't happen instantaneously, people need patience

As Matrix said I've waited since the last update for that to happened. Maybe if John would post on his site or on here I would have held off on my low rating but, he hasn't so I went ahead and rated it. By the looks of it I don't really think of looking forward to no more than 1 more update.
156 posts

EP2 seriously let me down.
First off, when I am in the pre game lobby my eyes HURT. There is so much crap in those rooms it is ridiculous! Secondly with all the graphics and backrounds and such it really slows down my game.
Secondly I hate the controls, My character cannot be freaking controlled and however hard I try I always run into axes because I cannot manuever fast. Another thing, sometimes still when I play uniplayer, I glitch through the floor !
Thirdly private rooms are very screwy. They get all funky for me and whenever I'm a host the game is basically unplayable.
Overall I was very excited for EP2 but when I started playing it I was crushed. It took everything I loved about EP and threw it away and now I have no reason to return to ArmorGames.

9,438 posts

My character cannot be freaking controlled and however hard I try I always run into axes because I cannot manuever fast.

That was the real let-down for me. The first one seems a lot more responsive.
1 posts

[b]add MORE Item And LVLS

517 posts

[b]add MORE Item And LVLS

John may be making items for people with exitpass as far as the new levels go I don't think he'll ever add anymore of those.
3 posts

I love every exit path 1 and 2 map it is a great game and they really made it so its all up to u no advantages in the game really great game keep it up!

517 posts

really made it so its all up to u no advantages

EP1 wasn't like that double jump could take you most places if you really tried with EP2 there is basically no path choice so it is up to how well you control your character.
Showing 2431-2445 of 2838