Why does everyone blame Obama for the country being the way it is? He actually has only two obligations, to declare war and to veto or affirm bills passed by Congress. Even then, Congress can overrule both.
It seems that people want one man to solve their problems alone, as if it is a temporary dictatorship. Congress is made up of 535 people. Those people are people that citizens voted for. Even if they did not vote for Obama, they still probably voted for a member of Congress that won.
Obama really can't do much other than to plead to Congress to address the topics he wants Congress address in his State of the Union address. Besides, if Obama is doing any thing unconstitutional, Congress can't impeach him. The Supreme Court can only deem his actions unconstitutional, and then impeach him. He can be impeached from office, but not removed from office unless he did something horrendous.
So, why do people want to impeach Obama, force his image on the reason the country's status is like this, and blame him for not being able to be bipartisan with the increasingly leftist Republicans?
I don't blame him for everything just his willful inaction to do anything and his constant pandering to the parties, which really is about what I expected from him in worst case scenarios.
Many of the issues we deal with today stem back to Bush or even further. Obama is in a position to do something about it has not and as such has become the scapegoat for all these issues.
Many of the issues we deal with today stem back to Bush or even further. Obama is in a position to do something about it has not and as such has become the scapegoat for all these issues.
But that's just it. It is Congress that does most of the work. Obama can't do anything. Please explain to me what he can do?
Obama is in a position to do something about it has not and as such has become the scapegoat for all these issues.
There's a difference between doing nothing, and doing the same thing. It's not that Obama inherited the problems that Bush caused and that he has failed to address them (yet). The issue is the fact that Obama is making decisions very similar to the ones Bush made before all these problems occurred.
Obama was left with Bush's mess which compounded the other problems he faced.
None of you understand my point. I am not saying that Obama shouldn't be blamed because of Bush, but Congress should be blamed. Both Bush and Obama did nothing. They don't make laws. Congress does.
Congress is to blame, and who elects the congressmen? You people do. All you created your own mess.
Obama, alone, did nothing for people to blame. Congress voted on healthcare, Obama had no choice to approve it. It was veto it and wait another four months for Congress to revise it and drain the country's funds four more months or pass a bill that has 80% of what he wanted.
It is not Obama who is spending trillions of dollars, but Congress. Congress is to blame.
Noname, if you start off in two wars, and a couple trillion in debt, and the start of a recession, that kind of thing has long lasting impact on one's ability to govern.
Again, this argument is not valid. Understand that I am fully aware Obama will not be able to fix the country right away. I am not criticizing him for the lack of results. However, I am criticizing him for lack of change in policies.
To put it simple:
Bush does something. Obama inherits the problems caused by that something. Obama does the same something Bush did to cause those problems.
Well, Congress hinders decision making since the Reps have more say now. And it's not as if the Democrats are unified too, party defectors are not unheard off. Also, different states have different needs and conditions, so the laws and Bills passed aren't suitable for all.
Still, he's running for President next year, has time flown by that fast? Seems only yesterday he got into the White House.
Bush does something. Obama inherits the problems caused by that something. Obama does the same something Bush did to cause those problems.
Its more like congress does something stupid. Bush liked it, then approved. Now congress does something equally stupid. Obama doesn't like it, but is continually trying to get everyone in congress to work together and for the country, but only gets the same results and has no choice.
Its more like congress does something stupid. Bush liked it, then approved. Now congress does something equally stupid. Obama doesn't like it, but is continually trying to get everyone in congress to work together and for the country, but only gets the same results and has no choice.
The ignorance of what you just said has left me absolutely speechless. I don't even know how to make a proper reply.
Bush liked it, then approved.
Obama doesn't like it, but is continually trying to get everyone in congress to work together and for the country, but only gets the same results and has no choice.
So the bailouts, outrageous spending, health entitlement program; all of those are things Obama did not support?
When something you approve of happens, you say Obama supported it. When something you don't approve of happens, you say Obama did not support it and had no choice.
The biggest lie Obama made was that of being bipartisan. Obama is far from it. He's trying to get everyone to work together the same way Bush did, by getting them to work together under his own condition or his party's condition.
So the bailouts, outrageous spending, health entitlement program; all of those are things Obama did not support?
When something you approve of happens, you say Obama supported it. When something you don't approve of happens, you say Obama did not support it and had no choice.
The biggest lie Obama made was that of being bipartisan. Obama is far from it. He's trying to get everyone to work together the same way Bush did, by getting them to work together under his own condition or his party's condition.
I'm sorry but that is the ignorant statement. Obama supported pieces of what you mentioned, but as a whole those were butchered by congress. I'm going to ignore that stupid middle statement. As for Bush trying to get everyone to work together, well thats just laughable. Obama is trying to get everyone to work together. Of course he is giving them his ideas, but with the message that everything should be looked at for how it helps the country. Unfortunately congress and the general public fails that.
Skip 4:00 minutes into the video. Even if everything Obama said before that point was true, his ending statement should be evidence that he is manipulating and lying to get what he wants.
"It's not a tax increase if I think it offers equality."
"The dictionary says it is a tax increase."
"The fact you looked up the answer to prove me wrong shows you're stretching, meaning you're the one who's wrong and that I'm right."
Obama is always using fallacious rhetoric.
Obama talks about lowering taxes all the time. The only reason he can tell everyone taxes will be lowered is because he does not consider health care a tax.
Obama has added 2.7 Trillion Dollars to the US Debt. And who's gonna have to pay for this? You guessed it! Thanks, Mr. President, for screwing with my future like a kitten with a ball of yarn.
Its more like congress does something stupid. Bush liked it, then approved. Now congress does something equally stupid. Obama doesn't like it, but is continually trying to get everyone in congress to work together and for the country, but only gets the same results and has no choice.
Exactly. You're the only person to understand the point of this thread. Both Obama and Bush had really should not be blamed for the mess, but rather Congress.
actually it is congress to declare war, but whatever. this topic is obama's fault
I believe the President proposes it and Congress votes on it. You're also wrong. I am stating that Obama should not be blamed for anything.
Let me clarify the point of this thread. This thread is to ask why people blame Obama and Bush when he really had nothing to do with it.
In the Articles of Confederation, there was no executive branch. The founding fathers did not want one branch of government to take over. Even when the ratified the Constitution, the President had very little power.
The President does have a few more powers today, but compared to what Congress can do, he is unnecessary. He cannot single handedly fix the country because the power is not vested in him.
Everyone who says that Obama alone has spent trillions of dollars or screwed this country over is ignorant and knows nothing about the checks and balances system.
I believe the President proposes it and Congress votes on it.
according to section eight of the united states constitution, congress has the power to "To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water"