That's exactly what Libertarians want.
Your evidence?
spending money is needed to keep the economy running.
Spending money in what way? Do you mean government spending? Or do you mean spending that individuals do? There's a huge difference between the two.
Government spending money - it "stimulates" the economy more if they
don't spend the money at all. It's fallacious to look at the amount of money spent, but instead, you have to look at capital.
The value of money is dependent on how people value money, which itself is dependent on the supply of money and the amount of goods buyable with money. Ultimately, the economy itself depends not on the money itself, but on the goods that are produced.
We'll look at 3 scenarios - Government spends the money, Government burns the money, Government taxes less.
Scenario 1 - Government spends the moneyIf the government spends the money, they must choose where to spend the money. Now, understand how the free market works - by companies competing with one another, there is competition, and the most able company - the one that is the most able to engage in mutually beneficial trades with consumers is the one that will be victorious.
Government spending, however, upsets the mutually beneficial trades between consumer and company by helping one particular company - giving it an unfair advantage over the other companies. Thus, certain companies may be favored that are more inefficient at satisfying the consumer (through mutually beneficial trades) than other companies because of government sponsorship.
Now let's look at scenario 2.
Scenario 2 - Government Burns the MoneyIt looks awful - the government is burning the money! However, notice that the government is - 1. Decreasing the supply of money, and 2. Not affecting the amount of goods in the country. They are doing nothing but affecting inflation. In fact, they are making everyone else's money worth more!
Obviously, severe deflation, like in the Great Depression can have a negative impact, especially if a person is at a constant income or making constant payments over several years. However, notice that you're not hurting the economy directly - you're only making everyone else's money be worth more.
Scenario 3 - Government taxes lessIf the government taxes less, then the government will have a smaller share of capital, meaning that people will have a relatively larger share of capital. Because of this, people will be able to have certain trades that they would not have had otherwise. Through free trade, they will be able to "stimulate" the economy in a more efficient way.