ForumsWEPRpredict what will happen to our country if we keep spending money

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159 posts

I think every other country would just come in and step all over us because we either are hated or we owe money.

  • 81 Replies
5,043 posts

ahum, it is doing it too if there is no crisis. or did you think that roads are build by fairies?

We need a government to build roads?
9,504 posts

We don't need a government to build roads, since there are local companies that take care of that, but doesn't the government pay them, aka we pay them through taxes?

1,612 posts

You still haven't said who should pay the local companies.

1,621 posts

if we keep spending money the government will just print more out

1,612 posts

if we keep spending money the government will just print more out

Epic facepalm.
2,420 posts

Well. Libertarianism only works if everyone is a farmer. There are more urban and suburban (combined at least), than there are rural. There are more rural than there are urban, but there is an overwhelming amount of suburban places.

Now, roads wouldn't be necessary since everyone could just grow the things they need on their farm. Parks? Who needs a nice place to walk through in the mornings and evenings. Post office? Pfft. I don't need mail. Hell, I only have two friends since I an so isolated my share croppers are my only friends. Why would I need to send mail to people? Education? My children don't need no education. They just need to know how to milk a cow and feed the chickens. Healthcare? Well, if I break a limb, I guess I'll just have to die. Welfare is for poor people who are too poor to own a farm. Police? I have my rifle at hand. I don't need no police to do my work when I got a rifle near my bed. Who needs to know about the demography of the US of A? I sure as hell don't!


5,043 posts

Well. Libertarianism only works if everyone is a farmer. There are more urban and suburban (combined at least), than there are rural. There are more rural than there are urban, but there is an overwhelming amount of suburban places.

This makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.

Now, roads wouldn't be necessary since everyone could just grow the things they need on their farm.

Roads would be privatized.

Parks? Who needs a nice place to walk through in the mornings and evenings.

Parks will be privatized.

Post office? Pfft. I don't need mail.

Post Office may be privatized.

Education? My children don't need no education.

Education would be privatized.

Healthcare? Well, if I break a limb, I guess I'll just have to die.

"You're arm is broken."

"How much will it cost for you to fix it?"

"You have 2 weeks left to live."

Oh, wait, health care will be privatized and don't you DARE say our current system doesn't work. It doesn't work because the government got involved in the first place.

So yeah, health care will be privatized and not screwed up from the government.

Welfare is for poor people who are too poor to own a farm.

I'm under the impression that you HONESTLY believe people are unable to form businesses without the government's intervention.

Police? I have my rifle at hand.

In a Libertarian world, Police will still exist. Under anarcho-capitalism, privatized.


You're under the assumption that:

A. The government provides X.
B. Therefore, without the government, X would not exist.

This simply is not true.

Libertarians still believe in having a federal government. It just wouldn't have much power over the individual. The federal government's job will be to enforce contracts signed between companies and individuals. These will be contracts that both parties signed without government coercion. The federal government will keep a military at hand just in case there is an attack.
24 posts

It doesn't matter what we want anyways... The goverment almost has full power, even though it doesn't look like it.

Gr, Yorgi

1,448 posts

In a Libertarian world, Police will still exist. Under anarcho-capitalism, privatized.

Various Libertarian philosophies have different opinions about government and police. There is more moderate libertarianism, and there is rather extreme anarcho-capitalism (ancap).
2,420 posts

Well. Libertarianism only works if everyone is a farmer. There are more urban and suburban (combined at least), than there are rural. There are more rural than there are urban, but there is an overwhelming amount of suburban places.

[quote]This makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever.

Yes it does. Libertarianism does not work in urban and suburban areas.

Now, roads wouldn't be necessary since everyone could just grow the things they need on their farm.

[quote]Roads would be privatized.

Who pays for them?
Parks? Who needs a nice place to walk through in the mornings and evenings.

[quote]Parks will be privatized.

Why would pay for this? Would there be an admission fee?

Post office? Pfft. I don't need mail.

[quote]Post Office may be privatized.

Like FedEx or UPS? Compared to the US postal system, they cost too much.
Education? My children don't need no education.

[quote]Education would be privatized.

Yet you previously claimed that it was the stupidest idea ever thought of.

Healthcare? Well, if I break a limb, I guess I'll just have to die.

[quote]"You're arm is broken."

"How much will it cost for you to fix it?"

"You have 2 weeks left to live."

Oh, wait, health care will be privatized and don't you DARE say our current system doesn't work. It doesn't work because the government got involved in the first place.

So yeah, health care will be privatized and not screwed up from the government.

What has the government done? Tried to stop corporate America from killing its citizens?

Welfare is for poor people who are too poor to own a farm.

[quote]I'm under the impression that you HONESTLY believe people are unable to form businesses without the government's intervention.

Do you know what welfare is? People who make minimum wage are on welfare.

Police? I have my rifle at hand.

[quote]In a Libertarian world, Police will still exist. Under anarcho-capitalism, privatized.

Yet you previously said that Libertarianism included that, or whatever "Pretty much" means.


[quote]You're under the assumption that:

A. The government provides X.
B. Therefore, without the government, X would not exist.

This simply is not true.

Libertarians still believe in having a federal government. It just wouldn't have much power over the individual. The federal government's job will be to enforce contracts signed between companies and individuals. These will be contracts that both parties signed without government coercion. The federal government will keep a military at hand just in case there is an attack.

I am not saying it wouldn't exist, but pure capitalism is never a good idea, just like pure anything is never a good idea. Just look at Cuba and Venezuela. One tries to be pure communist, one tries to be pure capitalist. Both turn into fascist. Both control the army.
1,448 posts

Why would pay for this? Would there be an admission fee?

Now - look at your arguments.

If parks truly benefit people, then they would pay for them, no?
If people wouldn't pay for parks, then they wouldn't want them, no?
If people would pay for parks, then it is a profitable venture, no?
If it is a profitable venture, then an entrepreneur will establish parks, no?
If an entrepreneur will establish parks, then there is no reason for the government to fund them.

Anticipating the argument, "but parks are good, but if companies took them over, they would charge admission"

Parks cost capital, no?
Capital must come from somewhere, no?
Therefore, the difference between government establishing parks and entrepreneurs establishing parks is that with the latter, no one is forced to pay if they don't want it.
1,448 posts

but pure capitalism is never a good idea, just like pure anything is never a good idea.

Please name an example of a pure capitalism in history. I hate both these arguments (mine and yours) - it's such an open-ended statement.

My version: Pure joy is never a good idea, just like pure anything is never a good idea.

You don't have any logical backup whatsoever.
5,043 posts

Yes it does. Libertarianism does not work in urban and suburban areas.

And masturbation doesn't work in public bathrooms.

Who pays for them?

The people who want the roads. You want to go from point A to point B but there's no direct route to that location. You notice other people also want to go from point A to point B, so you pool your money together with everyone who SUPPORTS the road and hire a company to build it.

Why would pay for this? Would there be an admission fee?

I don't know. It's up to whoever owns the park. If you say "I think it would be great to own a park here." You would raise money to build that park. You would rely on donations. If your donations will benefit you in some way, the decision to pay really isn't that hard to make.

Do you know what welfare is? People who make minimum wage are on welfare.

So? I don't see how giving them my money fixes the problem at all.

Yet you previously said that Libertarianism included that, or whatever "Pretty much" means.

Libertarian is, as everything else, a loose term. Some Libertarians support this, some support that, some don't support much of anything while others support much more.

I am not saying it wouldn't exist, but pure capitalism is never a good idea, just like pure anything is never a good idea. Just look at Cuba and Venezuela. One tries to be pure communist, one tries to be pure capitalist. Both turn into fascist. Both control the army.

Both became Statist societies. We aim to cut the size of the state so that it holds very little power. Some even wish to remove the state completely.

The argument that &quoture anything is a bad idea" is an invalid argument. Pure living or pure death. That's a no brainer. No religion or a lot of religion? Do we honestly need to be in the middle? The argument that anything pure is bad, just does not work.
250 posts

there are some really paranoide guys around here. government is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. okay? that's what you say?


glad that you have to take a boat or plane to get here.

we need a government, that's the reason why we have one.

1,448 posts

we need a government, that's the reason why we have one.

You have made absolutely no arguments - given no evidence whatsoever. You make a not-necessarily true assumption that speaks of your ignorance.
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