here we disprove evelotion(i think i misspelld it) an evelotioninist can come and defen himself so here we go.and you know wat i can disprove it with one fact. the odds of pepole evolving is somthig like 1 in 10 to the 1000 power oh and scientist only consiter an event with the posibilaty of 1 in 10 to the 50 power wich means it cant happen
man i cant wait to see the look on your face when judgement comes kinda like this =( oh crap im going to hell
Once again, that is coming dangerously close to argumentum ad hominem. Also: that made me think of Weird Al Yankovic's Amish Paradise.
A local boy kicked me in the butt last week I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek I really don't care, in fact I wish him well 'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell
Yeah yeah leviticus is in the old testament. The things said in the new testament do more with what we're supposed to do. The old testaments teach us lessons so we dont do the same stupid mistakes later
So you're dismissing your own theological scripture?
man i cant wait to see the look on your face when judgement comes kinda like this =( oh crap im going to hell
Telling an atheist he's going to hell is sort of stupid. I mean, if we don't believe in a hell, what could you possibly gain from telling us we'd be going there?
I'd honestly be more scared if you told me Sasquatch was waiting in my closet with a shotgun, because I'd find that easier to believe.
You have provided no backup to your arguments, inductive or deductive, or otherwise. You do not wish to improve your debate, and refuse to listen to us. You have presented only fallacies. You're in 5th grade.
Conclusion: Come back to AG WEPR when you're more versed in the English language and the science of evolution so that you can provide an interesting and serious debate.
I'm 12 right now and i know about as much as a frickin 6th or 7th grader and in 4th grade the principal asked if i wanted to skip 4th grade and i said no because i wanted to be with my friends. So this is pretty pointless
I've seen plenty of 12 year olds around here who can respond much better then you.
Now, one of you is obviously wrong. Since you both are certain you are right, you cannot simply claim you are right because you know so, because the other person would do the same.
That's where objective evidence comes into play.
I read the crap but the same people say the same crap and I'm only ignoring the einstein pretenders because they blab about random stuff.
It's called stating facts, and it is pretty clear you are ignoring facts.
And... Care to explain why you think god aint real???
There is no evidence for his existence and the evidence of what has been claimed he has done do not match up with reality.
Now care to answer the question presented to you?
have you even looked at my evidence
Yes the calculations you presented do not disprove a thing.
God... and science... how can the universe be created if there's nothing there? Well, God was there which pretty much puts evolution down the crapper.
If you actually bothered to read the replies to you, we have already pointed out that the formation of the universe has nothing to do with evolution. Also the Big Bang doesn't state it came from nothing. It states it came from a singularity, which was essentially everything.
you pepole are narowminded a a waste of my time
No we are just waiting for you or your friend to provide some actual facts instead of just throwing out fallacies.
man i cant wait to see the look on your face when judgement comes kinda like this =( oh crap im going to hell
Sorry but flimsy scare tactics isn't going to help your case here either.
i only watched the beginning
Yeah it shows. Did you bother to look at any of the links I provided? Do you want me to repost them so you don't have to go back in the posts?
oh and sasqatch is waiting for you with a shotgun
Great now they are both trolling....
I really hate when these topics get locked because I really do like discussing this topic.