
191 24922
2,420 posts

I've stated my opinions on Socialism before in other threads, but it wasn't the appropriate place to put the. I have debated with several of you on my ideas, but I crave a more in depth debate.

I think the government should provide services that humans are entitled to. The rest are luxuries, and those luxuries should be provided to companies. These are thing an individual person should have.

The government should provide healthcare, education (this includes money for universities), water, electricity, waste management, parks, and roads.

There should be a 40% tax on anyone who make $25 000 or more annually. That means, if you make $25 000, you don't pay taxes. If you make $26 000 annually, you have to pay 40% tax.

Here is a scenario. The average man makes around $50 000, no? If you make $50 000, then you get to keep $30 000.

With those $30 000, you only have to pay for your mortgage, car, food, and family.

The rule of thumb for paying a house, is five times your annual salary, or five years worth of income. A person who makes $50 000, should buy a house that is around $200 000. If you take out a mortgage for twenty years, you have to pay $10 000 a year. Right there, you only have $20 000 to spend.

Now, an average car that costs $12 000 lasts about six years. If gas costs $50 a month, then in one year, you spend $600 in one year. Right there, you have spent $22 600 and have $ 7 400 to spend.

Food for one month costs around $300 a month. In one year, that is $3 600. So now you have spent $26 200.

Television, phone, internet costs around $100 a month, so in one year, you spend $1 200 on that. Now, you have spent $27 400. The rest, $2 300, can go to your savings.

In your second year, since you already have a car, you have $12 000 extra. Furniture in total costs around $10 000. So, you have spent $25 400 on basic things. The rest of that, $4 600, can go to your savings.

So now you have a car, furniture and beds, a home, television, phone, internet, food, and gas in two years, without going over your budget.

In your third year, since you have another $12 000 to spare, since you already bought your car and furniture. Now, you if you always put $5 000 for every year, on savings, you have $7 000 to spend on whatever else you want. I think that's a pretty good deal. You can collect shoes, buy toys and games for your children, and actually live your life.

Now, for Libertarians, they would do other things. Everything would be privatized.

If the average person makes $50 000, they get to almost all of it. Let's see how that works out.

So, education costs around $9 000 a year. Healthcare costs $10 000 a year. Utilities, such as water, lighting, electricity, etc. costs around $9 000. Water costs $250 a month, so annually, $3 000. Electricity costs monthly, $350 a month, so annually $4 200. Gas costs $600 you have. Internet, phone, and television costs $1 200.

So all that costs, $28 000. That's more than what you would spend in taxes. Taxes only cost $20 000.

Even if you have no children, or conserve your money wisely, you only have, at most, $5 000 extra. Now, wouldn't you miss parks, roads, public transportation, and other things?

Let the trolls begin!

  • 191 Replies
303 posts

Sorry Country's*

178 posts

"I laughed when you implied that sex isn't a necessity"

Sex is not a necessity. We can use cultures to grow, new, better super humans of doom...

Or just normal humans, but the idea is the same. We can get women pregnant without sex.

178 posts

No, for capitalist ****ires it does, where the citezen uses the majority of the money.

303 posts

Sex is not a necessity.

Son, you have never heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs have you?
178 posts

Sam mistake... Country's*

"Son, you have never heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs have you?"

You just came from health class eh? I remember that from years ago... if we can alter the human weakness of being irrational. we don't need sex. And besides, the Pope (Most popes) don't ever have sex. Its just the sex offenders with issues.

303 posts

You just came from health class eh?

No. Don't assume things.

if we can alter the human weakness of being irrational

Because brainwashing is always the solution.

And besides, the Pope (Most popes) don't ever have sex. Its just the sex offenders with issues.

And no priest has ever been charged with child molestation right?
178 posts

"And no priest has ever been charged with child molestation right?"

Thats why I said "most"
And you assume we are all kids, so your a hypocrite.
Plus it IS brainwahing, washing out the stupidity.

303 posts

Thats why I said "most"
And you assume we are all kids, so your a hypocrite.
Plus it IS brainwahing, washing out the stupidity

I haven't assumed anyone here is a kid. And you're implying that human nature is stupid, well aren't you the almighty one.
178 posts

Explain to me how it is not? We are very irrational. We try to kill eachother all the bloody time. Then we try to help the poeple we just killed.

626 posts

If we were stupid we wouldnt be here. how many animals do you know that made tools 4000 years ago

178 posts

We are irrational, not complete morons.

303 posts

Explain to me how it is not? We are very irrational. We try to kill eachother all the bloody time. Then we try to help the poeple we just killed.

So what you think we should become together as one in a utopia? Get a grip, son.
9,462 posts

Son you have no clue how taxes work do you? Come have a seat on daddy's leg and he'll tell you all about it.

There's no need to be patronizing.

But in all seriousness, this is not necessarily the case. For example, taxes that go towards Medicare don't effect me.

Even without Kevins suggestion of universal health care you still can get on this lesser program if you qualify. So it is there if you need it. Also having others in your society who do benefit from it means a healthier society, which in turns means a more productive one, which does benefit your living conditions.
178 posts

You don't understand a bloody thing do you? No, if we are rational people, we can succeed as a hole, but still think like a individual. And stop subconsciously trying to put yourself into authority position by saying "son"

303 posts

Even without Kevins suggestion of universal health care you still can get on this lesser program if you qualify. So it is there if you need it. Also having others in your society who do benefit from it means a healthier society, which in turns means a more productive one, which does benefit your living conditions.

If I need it. Which I won't. And you're implying that all the people those programs help in turn help society as a whole. I don't know about you but drug addicts who bring crime to the streets and use Medicare definitely don't help our society.

You don't understand a bloody thing do you? No, if we are rational people, we can succeed as a hole, but still think like a individual

Son, I'd rather not live in a hole.
Showing 31-45 of 191