Nah, don't mean to burst your bubble but let's look at one historical fact here: Stick RPG 2 has taken almost 7 years to develop and although it has already been released right now it is still ONLY at version 0.947 which means it will be 53 more updates before it even reaches version 1.0 which is considered complete for any release.
Based on the speed of developers' work at XGen, I'd say it would have taken almost 9 or 10 years if they were to actually release Stick RPG right at version 1.0 if they choose to do so but they did not for some apparent reasons.
Now that the above facts are known, I just HOPE that there WILL be a Stick RPG 3 and you can just be GLAD if it even comes out before 2025 as a decent game.
ya, i figured somebody would say that so i posted this so i could see for a fact that it will either be never(most likely) or in a LONG TIME(not likely)
will be no stckrpg3 because you go home when you beat the professer at the lab!
Erm, how does that work?
stick rpg 3 will come out in 2 years
As WinteryTrance said, it took 7 years to make SRPG2. At the time of posting, I'm not even sure if SRPG2 is out of beta. They're still advertising it at the top of the page! I don't think SRPG3 will come out that soon.
Firebird I agree. You have to admit, Stick RPG 1 was really good even though the little blue ball on your screen was your character. (Yes, yes, it changed color if you smoked or drank or was angry or sad...ect.) Then Stick RPG complete came out and it was even better. Then this ****ing awesome game came out, and this time you could actually see your character.
Guys..... just imagine what the Stick RPG 2 complete or 3rd one would be........