Our Savior did a lot for us and what did we do to him (watch the video)[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd-GXzReZuc]. We put him on a cross to die. We gave him a crown of thorns that pierced through his skull and stuck in his head. He was lashed 39 times and caried his own cross half dead. We mocked him, spit at Him, and gambled for his garments. You know what said in Luke chapter 23 verse 34 But Jesus was saying " Father FORGIVE them;for they do not know what they are doing". And they cast lots (gambling) dividing up His garments among themselves. The soldiers mocked Him and when He asked for water they gave him a clothe socked in vinegar. In verse 38 of chapter 23. Now there was also an inscription above saying THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS to mock him. So the next time you think no one loves you think again.
He saved us from death and from hell were the worm never dies were the fire is never extinguished. But if we believe in him we can have eternal life with him forever.
He saved us from death and from hell were the worm never dies were the fire is never extinguished. But if we believe in him we can have eternal life with him forever.
Today, i threaten my bro. I told him if he doesn't clean up my room, then I would brutally beat him. He cleaned my room, and then i told him:
"You better be thankful to me. As I saved you from the beating!"
And told him to kiss my shoes.
*Ok that didn't really happen, but that is basically what Jesus did.
You know what else he said? In John 8:32 he said "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Let's look at this one a little closer:
Now, the key point of this is that truth = freedom, and I'm pretty sure we all want to be free, right?
Well let's look at 'truth': Truth is defined as that which is in accord with reality; that which is fact. We discern fact through observation and experimentation, and only those things which can be shown as real can be considered 'truth'.
Now for 'free': Being 'free' is being "not imprisoned or enslaved; not controlled by the obligation or will of another".
So 'truth' is the way to be 'free'? Sounds like a reasonable statement when all things are considered. However there's only one little problem... none of the stories about Jesus, and indeed most (if not all) of the fables in religious texts could be considered 'truth', ergo religion is NOT the way to freedom, but to enslavement.
I think I'm going to take the sound advice attributed to the Nazarene and stick with the truth, but I applaud your conviction if not your critical thinking skills.
I love the fact that you are a pretentious ******bag. I reall do.
In order to be pretentious I'd have to making a statement of authority (which I'm not) without merit (even though the claim that scripture is not fact is meritorious, not without merit). So arrogant? Perhaps. Pretentious? Not really.
What about the flying spaghetti monster and all he has sacrificed for us? Did we forget about him? Forced to carry thine meatballs and be eaten. So cruel are humans.
My Savior did a lot for me and what did I do to him (watch the video)[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd-GXzReZuc]. I put him on a cross to die. I gave him a crown of thorns that pierced through his skull and stuck in his head. He was lashed 39 times and caried his own cross half dead. I mocked him, spit at Him, and gambled for his garments.
Fixed for accuracy.
So the next time you think no one loves you think again.
If I think no one loves me I certainly don't care about how my imaginary friends love me.
What about the flying spaghetti monster and all he has sacrificed for us? Did we forget about him? Forced to carry thine meatballs and be eaten. So cruel are humans.
Yep, look at all the people worshiping the great evil of lasagna. There should only be one pasta dish in your life, if you want to go to spagheaven.
Your use of 'us' and 'we' is very irritating. I never did anything near what you described, and I don't want to have anything to do with it. If you believe someone saved you, good for you. I say even if there was someone who saved one of my ancestors, he didn't save me; because if he didn't do it, I wouldn't exist and wouldn't need to be saved now.
Now, the key point of this is that truth = freedom
No it isn't. The key point is that truth will lead to freedom.
Source(s): Reading comprehension.
ergo religion is NOT the way to freedom, but to enslavement.
Fallacy of the false dichotomy. Also note that the quoted scripture does not say truth is the only way to freedom. Ergo, your ergo is non sequitur. How's that for some Latin? Quid pro quo, yo.
No it isn't. The key point is that truth will lead to freedom.
This is what I meant. Apparently I sacrificed clarity for brevity. My mistake.
Fallacy of the false dichotomy.
Hmm.. I didn't think of it like that. Thanks for the correction. Thank you for picking apart my poorly thought out and sarcastic argument xD Good to know that there are other pedants out there to keep me on my toes.