ForumsWEPRWhat our SAVIOR did for us

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Our Savior did a lot for us and what did we do to him (watch the video)[url=]. We put him on a cross to die. We gave him a crown of thorns that pierced through his skull and stuck in his head. He was lashed 39 times and caried his own cross half dead. We mocked him, spit at Him, and gambled for his garments.
You know what said in Luke chapter 23 verse 34 But Jesus was saying " Father FORGIVE them;for they do not know what they are doing". And they cast lots (gambling) dividing up His garments among themselves. The soldiers mocked Him and when He asked for water they gave him a clothe socked in vinegar. In verse 38 of chapter 23. Now there was also an inscription above saying THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS to mock him. So the next time you think no one loves you think again.

  • 96 Replies
1,612 posts

Ok, I have some time, so I'll make a quick post.
God make the hell
God make the humans
We don't go to hell
So god save us! So if I have a gun and I don't shoot you, I'm your savior? It makes no sense. You can't pretend to save people from the dangers you have created. Looks like I'm missing something :/

6 posts

Ok, I have some time, so I'll make a quick post.
God make the hell
God make the humans
We don't go to hell
So god save us! So if I have a gun and I don't shoot you, I'm your savior? It makes no sense. You can't pretend to save people from the dangers you have created. Looks like I'm missing something :/

I would like to point out one thing you are looking at it a bit sideways. Your post should go more like this:

God made Heaven and Hell
God made humans
Humans go towards Heaven but go against God's Command
thus deserve hell
Jesus comes to make amends with God and the Humans
We don't go to Hell.
Basically you are on a cliff and go against all right judgement and jump off and God saves you and pulls you to safety.

That is how Jesus is our Savior.
5,552 posts

Our Savior did a lot for us and what did we do to him (watch the video)[url=]. We put him on a cross to die. We gave him a crown of thorns that pierced through his skull and stuck in his head.

Scuze me, I didn't do any of that. Don't blame everyone for what a few did. (If in fact it even happened...)

He was lashed 39 times and caried his own cross half dead. We mocked him, spit at Him, and gambled for his garments.

Again, not everyone did that, so stop saying "we."

So the next time you think no one loves you think again.

What makes you think that he loves us? Second or third hand writings from people who were obsessed with him, and many of which stories were weeded out? The Bible is a collection of (supposedly) personal accounts, sifted and sorted according to what the sorters were looking for. There are many "books" that were left out of the bible because they do not adhere to the belief...and yet were written by men, who claimed the same as the others, that God spoke to them and that they knew these people and what not...
3,817 posts

God made Heaven and Hell
God made humans
Humans go towards Heaven but go against God's Command
thus deserve hell
Jesus comes to make amends with God and the Humans
We don't go to Hell.
Basically you are on a cliff and go against all right judgement and jump off and God saves you and pulls you to safety

A cliff that your god put you on to begin with? Actually, this is more like a friend tripping you making you almost fall of a cliff and then catching you saying "Hey look, I saved your life!". Would you expect me to say "Wow man, thank you for saving my life! I will now fallow you as you are my savior!" or "**** YOU MAN! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME!". Personally, I would do the second one.
227 posts

Tiger is very right! nice post dude. i am a christian too.

227 posts

Do not listen to 314d1. i have had some troubles trying to talk with him... i tried to share Gods word with him but he's very stubborn. 314d1, we all do not deserve to be alive! all of us. But God our mighty savior, saved us out of pure love and care! one day you will see Him come back to earth, he could come anytime. For he is very quick to judge the wicked.

858 posts

one day you will see Him come back to earth

I was under the impression that if God came bac to earth and we saw him, we would incinerate.
2,763 posts

Do not listen to 314d1. i have had some troubles trying to talk with him... i tried to share Gods word with him but he's very stubborn. 314d1, we all do not deserve to be alive! all of us. But God MY mighty savior, saved ME out of pure love and care! one day I (debatable) will see Him come back to earth, he could come anytime.

Yeah and look at your own posts, you take the same offense to challenges to your ideals. Also stop will all the us and we. Not everyone believes in god so don't start lumping us all up.

God made Heaven and Hell
God made humans
Humans go towards Heaven but go against God's Command
thus deserve hell
Jesus comes to make amends with God and the Humans
We don't go to Hell.
Basically you are on a cliff and go against all right judgment and jump off and God saves you and pulls you to safety.

That is how Jesus is our Savior.

Ahh, nice fairy tail. I think the bible is a great work of fiction, in a scientific world. If you think otherwise show some proof but under these restrictions. You can't pull it out of the bible and can't start using lack of understanding of probabilities (miracles).
3,817 posts

I was under the impression that if God came bac to earth and we saw him, we would incinerate.

Well, actually that is kind of his plan. Have you ever read Revelations? Basically he comes back with .... and kill a lot of people. Or that is what I got from memory, go ahead and read yourself...

Do not listen to 314d1

Oh look. I am special.

314d1, we all do not deserve to be alive!

Why not? I would say that most humans deserve to be alive.

But God our mighty savior, saved us out of pure love and care!

Which involves killing humans and burning them. Forever. I would rather not have that "love".

one day you will see Him come back to earth, he could come anytime. For he is very quick to judge the wicked

He doesn't really look like a guy I would want to see...

But hey maybe it is just me who doesn't want to go threw the almost literal hell of Revelations and thinks that all the murder and bloodshed is coming from a complete psychopath in that book...
858 posts

As a response to the OP:
Bob the Builder did all that for me!?!

227 posts

"A atheist man walks down by a river. God tells him not to swim in the murky water. but the man dives in but does not know how to swim. he tries and tries to keep his head above the water, but nothing is working. with all his might he tries to keep his head above the water, again nothing works. He calls out 'buddha please help me, i can't swim!' the air is silent with no replies. He calls out again 'mohammed, please help i am drowning!' the air is silent with no sound. He calls out again 'zoose and the greek gods hear my cries and save me!' no sound is heard. He calls out again 'satan, please help me!' the air is silent. he calls once more ' dear God, please save me. I am sorry for all of my sins. I am sorry for disobeying you! please father help!' God answers him 'I Forgive You My child, I am coming!' Jesus takes off his sandals and dives into the river. He saves the man and takes him back to the shore. He then teaches him to swim."

3,817 posts

Kool storah bro. But of course, it is completely fictional like all the other stories that you enjoy.

And since my first image failed do to a mistake on my part, here I will fix it with the other one...

858 posts

So you`re implying that atheists don`t know how to swim and you`re dissing every other religion at the same time?

227 posts

everyone deserves to not be even existed. all of us are sinful, even me and you! that picture... Cute. very. When God comes back to earth i wonder what He will think about that, for it says in the bible "If anyone acknowledges me &quotublicly"here own earth... I will openly acknowledges that person before my Father in Heaven ... "But, if anyone denies me here own earth, I will deny that person before my Father in heaven". Matthew 10:32-33

2,763 posts

@stormwolf722 That is the most insultive and arrogant thing I have seen for a while. Rarely do I see Christians say that other religions are lies and their gods don't exist. A also rarely seen such subtle insults against atheists. I would accept that statement if there was any way you could back it up but we all know that in the last part God wouldn't respond and that the man would die.

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