Our Savior did a lot for us and what did we do to him (watch the video)[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd-GXzReZuc]. We put him on a cross to die. We gave him a crown of thorns that pierced through his skull and stuck in his head. He was lashed 39 times and caried his own cross half dead. We mocked him, spit at Him, and gambled for his garments. You know what said in Luke chapter 23 verse 34 But Jesus was saying " Father FORGIVE them;for they do not know what they are doing". And they cast lots (gambling) dividing up His garments among themselves. The soldiers mocked Him and when He asked for water they gave him a clothe socked in vinegar. In verse 38 of chapter 23. Now there was also an inscription above saying THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS to mock him. So the next time you think no one loves you think again.
To boldly assume that your religion is the only religion that is right, and is the only way to find peace in life is woefully arrogant. Furthermore, this type of preaching merely irritates the rational side of society and this is what causes this big rift between the atheists and religious. Most atheists will accept something even if they do not agree with it. Most religious people will not. This is, sadly, common knowledge.
I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. Saying that Christianity is the BEST religion is more like propaganda that preaching. I'm christian but I go to a non-denominational church because I think that Vatican City is a corrupt and unruly government, considering that they actually HELPED the nazis in WWII.
Haha. That was really funny :P ... You were being sarcastic, right??
No I was not. I am dead serious. Let me make one comment. Protestantism (I am one) is very different from Catholosism. The Protestants were very, VERY active during World War 2. Some churches may be corrupted, but those are the ones who only claim, dont act.
Do people here realize that no one can directly say anything about Muslims in the shine of light, whilst often they could slip their way of the hate on Christians etc by "hating the West"?
I don't care for either faction, because neither are logical, honestly and neither can consider how they were even put into this religion in the first place. The intelligent ones would look at how it happpened, see their parents or another source as the cause, and then would have to question the truth of it (because as we should all know, very young people are vulnerable to influence).
Why should they be allowed in such a holy place?
You're not a posh, sophisticated and properly educated person. Get out of Britain.
Ahh, nice fairy tail. I think the bible is a great work of fiction, in a scientific world. If you think otherwise show some proof but under these restrictions. You can't pull it out of the bible and can't start using lack of understanding of probabilities (miracles).
Actual proof of the bible and what happened is actually found in Israel. All of it is true. Even historical accounts of the miracles are found in scrolls found all over Israel.
Lines written on old scrolls isn't really satisfying proof for a non-christian, actually it's no proof at all; it just states that christianity already existed at that time.