ForumsWEPRWhat our SAVIOR did for us

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159 posts

Our Savior did a lot for us and what did we do to him (watch the video)[url=]. We put him on a cross to die. We gave him a crown of thorns that pierced through his skull and stuck in his head. He was lashed 39 times and caried his own cross half dead. We mocked him, spit at Him, and gambled for his garments.
You know what said in Luke chapter 23 verse 34 But Jesus was saying " Father FORGIVE them;for they do not know what they are doing". And they cast lots (gambling) dividing up His garments among themselves. The soldiers mocked Him and when He asked for water they gave him a clothe socked in vinegar. In verse 38 of chapter 23. Now there was also an inscription above saying THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS to mock him. So the next time you think no one loves you think again.

  • 96 Replies
785 posts

Islam FTW.

4,005 posts

Islam FTW.

Yeah, except Islam worships the same deity as the Jews and the Christians.
785 posts

Oh, you mean like the sunni and shiite killing each other for over 2000 years because they couldn't pick a leader following Muhammad's death? Or need I bring up the misogynist practices like female genital mutilation or the whole jihad thing?
Sunni and Shiite conflict is somewhat comparable to Catholic and Orthodox or Protestant. Forced female genital mutilation are done by a few ignorant people in faith. People who think they go to heaven by blowing themselves up are backward. If you actually toke time to study Islam, REAL ISLAM, not want the media portrays or ignorant people do, you actually see a religion of peace. If you didn't know, Muhammad fought for womens rights in Medina. They were **** at that time. Women were simply property and Muhammad fought to change that.
785 posts

Yeah, except Islam worships the same deity as the Jews and the Christians.

Islam believes that Christanty and Judaism were pure religions at one point until people corrupted the book which is why Muhammad was send down- to complete the message.

4,005 posts

Islam believes that Christanty and Judaism were pure religions at one point until people corrupted the book which is why Muhammad was send down- to complete the message.

I'm well aware of that. And yes, Allah is the same deity as God, YHWH, etc. Furthermore, they recognize Moses as a prophet of Allah.
4,005 posts

The Danish Cartoon incident is a prime example of this. Threatening to kill a guy who drew a picture of muhammad with a bomb on his head (Remarking on the violent nature of Islam) is not only ironically hilarious but proves the guy's point.

No, they actually killed him. Shot him several times, then threatened to bomb the paper that published his work.
785 posts

The police of Vice and Virtue in Saudi arabia or the theocratic state of Iran beg to differ. Stonings, gang raeps, beheadings are carried out. I have studied Islam and found it to be just as bad as Christianity, if not worse for most of the followers strive to live by fifth century morales and laws in the 21st century.

The Danish Cartoon incident is a prime example of this. Threatening to kill a guy who drew a picture of muhammad with a bomb on his head (Remarking on the violent nature of Islam) is not only ironically hilarious but proves the guy's point.

There are always going to be bad people/ignorant people that you cant use to justify an entire religion. I have seen from some of your post that you support homosexuality. I dont know if your gay or not, but has every gay/lesbian person you met a good person?
785 posts

The Qur'an commands Muslims to stick up for themselves in a defensive battle --
i.e. if an enemy army attacks, then Muslims are to fight against that army until they stop their aggression. All of the verses that speak about fighting/war in the Qur'an are in this context.
There are some specific verses that are very often "snipped" out of context, either by those trying argue against islam(you), or by misguided Muslims themselves who wish to justify their aggressive tactics. (Al-Qaeda/Tailban/Ignorant People) Anyways this is a thread on Christianity, so we probably have to take this somewhere else.

1,612 posts

My point is, Islam is just as violent (possibly more so), silly (an illiterate man reading the words of god), and as oppressive as Christanity.

Exactly. The only difference is that most christians are too fat and lazy to actually do what they believe they must do, but if christians would obey their holy books as much as the muslims, they would be as violent and fanatics as the muslims.
785 posts

Saudi arabia is were the Kabah is, the holiest site in islam. Islamic sharia should be implemented. I mean to be frank here what business does a nonmuslim have wanting to visit a holy site like that. I mean you dont see muslims visiting vatican city. Other then Us citizens been accosted (which is wrong) i dont see anything here thats violent. Porn,pork,alchohal are all things forbidden in islam. Why should they be allowed in such a holy place?

4,005 posts

what business does a nonmuslim have wanting to visit a holy site like that.

So a non-muslim cannot appreciate the historic, architectural, or aesthetic value of a place? I am not a christian, but I would love to visit Jerusalem and view the historic areas, just as I would be fascinated by a trip to Mecca or Medina. I don't need to be a Celtic Pagan to appreciate Stonehenge, why must one be Muslim to appreciate Mecca?

Why should they be allowed in such a holy place?

What makes it holy? Because a book says it is? And what gives one the right to demand that others abide by their superstition? We don't force Muslims to partake of pork when they are in America, why should we have to refrain from it when we are in Saudi Arabia? The scales seem a bit unbalanced imho.
1,448 posts

Look I'm sorry for killing some guy 2000 years ago!!!

3,437 posts

I apologize if I didn't bother to read the past 11 pages out of the very plausible suspicion that those pages contain nothing more than ignorance and fantatical ranting.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with religion itself. In fact, according to the Church, I'm a comfirmed catholic, however, that means little to me seeing as I am not a believer in gods. No, I don't have a problem with religion, I have a problem with the people who preach religion because often times they are, in fact, ignorant of what they are preaching.

The original post is a perfect example of fanatical ignorance. Firstly the poster assumes that Christianity is the only religion that is right. Proven by the emphasis on what Jesus "sacrificed". Secondly it boldly assumes that everyone on here is either Christian, or accepts the idea that Jesus is some type of saviour. The problem here is that Jesus was a real historical figure. However, historians suspect he was schizophrenic and a man who actually had a death wish for martyrdom.

To boldly assume that your religion is the only religion that is right, and is the only way to find peace in life is woefully arrogant. Furthermore, this type of preaching merely irritates the rational side of society and this is what causes this big rift between the atheists and religious. Most atheists will accept something even if they do not agree with it. Most religious people will not. This is, sadly, common knowledge.

I apologize for any offence this may have caused, and apologize for not reading the entirety of this thread, I simply wished to address the OP.

129 posts

Hwat does everybody have against agains Him. Eternal life is a whole lot better than eternal suffering.

1,612 posts

Hwat does everybody have against agains Him. Eternal life is a whole lot better than eternal suffering.

Haha. That was really funny :P
You were being sarcastic, right??
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