ForumsWEPRAtheism FtW

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It's funny how your almost never born atheist, you become atheist. I personally think the whole religion thing is far fetched. Why cant we just be dead after we die? Why does there HAVE to be an afterlife? Dont get me wrong i respect others decisions, I just don't believe in it, who's with me? I'm going to be some grass fertilizer one day And home to some maggots + worms.

  • 662 Replies
6,800 posts

If the statement that God and evolution can't co-exist is true and evolution is a fact then by those standards God can't exist.

But when have you offered any sound evidence of evolution?

Don't need a creator for life to form, just the correct chemicals in the right environment.

I think I saw something on this. Didn't some scientist create a machine to proove that life didn't have to be created?

they won't have their parents punishing them for it.

When I was younger, and my mother would take me to the store, I was told for no uncertain reason to ever let go of the basket. When I asked why, it was because If I let go, I may end up hurting myself. Well, one day I let go, and I was severly punished for it.

The point is that because the possible consequences of my actions could result in my death, I have to be made aware of what those consequences are.

Just because advice makes sense doesn't mean it had to come from your parents.

Ok. So you're saying it could come from other people... Like God.

Still wonder why I find this religion to be sick?! Infant deserve death for just being human, a condition that GOD set up in the first place! Not to mention they are being condemned for an action they didn't even do themselves. These standards being put forth are completely sick and twisted. I honestly have a hard time believing you actually look at an infant and thing "OHH, what a wicked evil creature! Look at those cute little cheeks!"

You putting it out that God made sin. No. Adam disobeyed God, and ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam was decieved by Lucifer, and because of his disobedience, sin entered into the world.

And this sin affects every single person born on the face of the Earth. So all men are born sinful, and the Bible tells us that we are 'Desperately wicked'. So the obvious thing for God to do is to show us his Justice, and punish us for this disobedience and sinfulness.

And then this is where Jesus Christ enters into the scene.

I find it humorous that you can proclaim a religion 'sick', when you don't even understand a core part of the belief.

He's saving us form his actions and the situation he set up in the first place? That hardly sounds like love to me? And an eternal punishment doesn't sound like mercy or justice.

Again, look at my above post. God didn't make sin. Adam disobeyed God, and so sin entered into the world. We are evil and wicked, and so deserve Gods Justice: Eternal suffering in Hell. BUT, (John 3:16) 'For God so loved the world that he sent his one begotten son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins.'

And cue Jesus.

Daughter inlaws actually but what's your point?

Simple Genetics, really. Mitochondrial DNA is spread through the female line. So Mommy gives it too you, not Daddy. There are three main lines of mtDNA. Noah had three daughters. Hmmm...

This only shows the every basic concepts of such a process, there is much more to it.

Yes, I learned them as Gene Squares. Thanks for the clarification.

I posted that in response to a post saying that we would see diversity in a population if evolution is true. However, If two individuals (Adam and Eve), with a balance of characteristics, could account for the diversity that we see today.

So it's saying evolution happens through natural selection and we observe it happening.

If Evolution occurred through Natural Selection, than such changes would take millions of years. Such changes would be extremely minute, and highly un-observable.

You can read and watch videos.

Creation Ministries International

There is a search bar at the top, right hand corner of the screen to help you navigate the sites 7,000+ articles and videos.
1,612 posts

Um. I thought that ham, shem and japheth were males, actually. Noah gave his DNA to them.
Also, my posts got skipped again >_> not that I was hoping in a valid answer, but however.

8,257 posts

There are three main variants of Mitochondrial DNA in humans. Coencidentally, Noah had three daughters...

You said it, strange coincidence, but coincidence it is. Have a look at that (taken from this article)

One of the misconceptions of mitochondrial Eve is that since all women alive today descended in a direct unbroken female line from her that she was the only woman alive at the time. However nuclear DNA studies indicate that the size of the ancient human population never dropped below some tens of thousands; there were many other women around at Eve's time with descendants alive today, but somewhere in all their lines of descent there is at least one generation with no female offspring (and men do not pass on their mothers' mitochondrial DNA to their children). By contrast, Eve's lines of descent to each person alive today includes at least one line of descent to each person which is purely matrilineal.
1,322 posts

as for a magical machine that disproves God. there are scientists you'll read about when you get to upper level biologies (cell biology, upper level high school biologies, genetics, etc) that compiled an aparatus that had all the ingredients (elements/types of dirt/atmosphere) that are projected to be present in the early earth stages... these ingredients then spontaneously acted w/ each other and formed lipids and lipid bilayers and types of RNA's.... RNA and DNA (not sure if DNA was present) that gets caught in a lipid bubble is effectively a cell... that was shown to happen. Mage argues that then makes God "unnecessary...and therefore a far-fetched assumption to make"... the argument is then that some of us believe that science is a way in which he could've worked and that the experiment only truly proves that the mechanism works and doesn't in actuality prove or disprove the existence of such a deity. If you are to prove/disprove then you must do so w/ absolute certainty... until then we can't say either way. we can only say what we think it is

295 posts

But when have you offered any sound evidence of evolution

Are you blind? He posted about 100 videos of evidence.

Ok. So you're saying it could come from other people... Like God.

Ok, now this is just nonsense. By some one else I'm pretty sure he ment a friend or teacher or maybe some other type of relative.

You putting it out that God made sin. No. Adam disobeyed God, and ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam was decieved by Lucifer, and because of his disobedience, sin entered into the world.

Question? Why did he have the tree there in the first place, just wondering? Was it a test or something? He could of easily hid the tree, but instead left it for the chance that they might take it so he can give us sin?
3,025 posts

But when have you offered any sound evidence of evolution?

You know you should do the same about w/e your attempting to back up first.

The point is that because the possible consequences of my actions could result in my death, I have to be made aware of what those consequences are.

A game called Fable taught me this.
Parenthood does not make it valid.

Ok. So you're saying it could come from other people... Like God.

Again. Say that, but back it up.

You putting it out that God made sin. No. Adam disobeyed God, and ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam was decieved by Lucifer, and because of his disobedience, sin entered into the world.

Are you stating that as a fact?

Also, God made sin as a result of making humans - if God is real, anyways. The fact that you are saying "it's not his fault" is a blind way to go about things as he, as I recall, can see the future or something?
No divine intervention by him has been made since WWI, minimum.

I find it humorous that you can proclaim a religion 'sick', when you don't even understand a core part of the belief.

And yet MageGrayWolf has previously stated the same about you?
Witch burnings etc, I can't be bothered going into detail but IF you actually knew about what I'm talking about then don't hide it because that is not honest.
And "God will punish you".

Many people were killed for going down the scientific path, no one sheds light on that, and yet if a Christian / Muslim / w/e was killed for his or her beliefs, it suddenly makes a difference.

Noah had three daughters. Hmmm...

Read up on Stargate and see how easy it is to incorporate real life things with absolute bull.

Not saying he got it from DNA, but hey Greek Mythology had the war of Troy long before it happened.

Maybe the Ancients are interfering.

If Evolution occurred through Natural Selection, than such changes would take millions of years. Such changes would be extremely minute, and highly un-observable.

Chances are that every birth is another step in evolution. Not necessarily the same path however closer to the next step of their own goal, probably derived from what many of their ancestors has done.

the argument is then that some of us believe that science is a way in which he could've worked and that the experiment only truly proves that the mechanism works and doesn't in actuality prove or disprove the existence of such a deity. If you are to prove/disprove then you must do so w/ absolute certainty... until then we can't say either way. we can only say what we think it is

No you can prove / disprove without absolute certainty. Why do you think people work to do that exact thing?

And the main argument is simply, what seems more logical?

Now, honestly, Religion cannot be proven, and the basis is that whilst evolution can't either, it's certainly got enough evidence (especially compared to other theories) to make it the most reliable. Religion being unable to be proved without enough reliability (AKA Primary Sources) makes it unreliable and false.

Also I <3 MageGrayWolf
Where can I find that T-shirt?

- H
1,322 posts

I'm sure he could make one of those shirts and you could buy it from him...

No you can prove / disprove without absolute certainty. Why do you think people work to do that exact thing?

My discussion was w/ respect to religion. At the current time we have no way of testing for the presence of some being outside of our realm of existence looking in at us. All we can prove is that we're here, and that aspects of religious doctrine are misled and/or just blown out of proportion. Proving those things does not in fact make the assumption that there is no God. It just makes the assertion that things do not exist exactly as commonly believed, and that if there is a God in all likelihood he/she/they do not and have not acted in the way previously thought. It does not say "NOGOD4U " ...unless of course you think of it in a way that "God" is the common Jewish/Christian God and that by showing something is blown out of proportion bumps out that rigid interpretation and thus "NOGOD4U" becomes slightly applicable...even tho there may or may not have been some deity who's actions favored a certain group of people which were those groups of people, but whose actions were misunderstood and blown out of proportion and is thus falsely represented. And if the people are praying and believing in just the God that they think helps them as opposed to the YHWHY (prob not spelled right) specific God for just being YHWHY then does the "NOGOD4U" still apply? ...b/c if they just believe in that entity (granted he exists) even tho he is falsely represented as doing more than what he's done in actuality he would still exist and be their god/God.

in this manner if things are the same as the Deistic approach then you can still have a creator and say "NOGOD4U" b/c the deity could exist and never have done anything that it has supposedly done according to commonly held religious beliefs.

>_> I'm pretty sure he's got them in a word document somewhere already set up w/ the hyperlinks and phrases in place so that he can just transport (copypasta) them in mass to here whenever the ignorant show up
8,257 posts

I kinda agree with Sonata, we can show how things happened, and that they happened differently from how religions tell us they did.. but what exactly it is that does it, we can't know for 100% certainty. Of course, though evolution could be led by a divine hand (I know someone who is a christian and believes in the basic procedures of evolution), these are mechanisms that don't need to be led, so in a way it is making an unnecessary assumption that there is someone orchestrating it all. But it can't be excluded.

3,025 posts

and/or just blown out of proportion.

Speaking of which...
The true Jesus

I found out how to do it!

If it worked.

By the way, any of these, I guess you could say, "insensitive" links / quotes / w/e I give aren't usually supposed to be taken seriously. Whilst we are on a pretty serious subject I do not believe getting a heated argument will get us anywhere.

Anyway. No, we don't have a method of finding something in a different realm. But what if we never find it?
Surely different dimensions etc could be found but even then we would still have people looking for God.
What if he's not there?

- H
1,322 posts

If finding him is as easy as searching other dimensions, then we won't be able to say it until we've fully searched every plane of existence. ...and then we will have truly found Jesus... erm... God.

videos aren't happening as I have a FAP limit (inserts Stewie laugh from Bryan's conversation w/ the dumb blond off of family guy) on my internets... Fair Access Policy... means I can look at all the web pages and pictures I want to.... (b/c they take very little data transfer to do)... but the moment you put up a vid it drains my allotted amount like pulling the stopper out of a full sink. A summary/synopsis of what the vid says would be appreciated. I'd ask mage to give a synopsis on his... but by the time he did next week will have gotten here and I will be back up on campus and have watched them all by

315 posts

yay, Christians ignored my question again... I love WEPR.
What's the question?
3,025 posts

Basically Sonata, in the vid Jesus is making retarded animations that back then in the joke was considered "magical"

- H

315 posts

Basically Sonata, in the vid Jesus is making retarded animations that back then in the joke was considered "magical"
That in no way depicts Jesus Christ. He healed leprosy. He fed hundreds of people when there was only food for a few. He rose from the dead. He did try to be "magical".
9,462 posts

when you say basic scientific method, would you explain theories,laws, etc? because i think that'd help a lot.. you could always stick evolution in there somewhere too

Definitely, might give room to add other ideas as well.

But when have you offered any sound evidence of evolution?

Check the links I provided they have loads of evidence.

The point is that because the possible consequences of my actions could result in my death, I have to be made aware of what those consequences are.

And if a good parent has done their job right the child has the tools to make good decisions for them self, they don't try and perpetually keep the child living at home the rest of their life not allowing them to grow up.

Ok. So you're saying it could come from other people... Like God.

It can also come from plain common sense. Something your God appear to rob people of.

You putting it out that God made sin. No. Adam disobeyed God, and ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam was decieved by Lucifer, and because of his disobedience, sin entered into the world.

And who was it who placed this fruit tree in easy access fully knowing (being omniscient and all) what was going to happen doing so? Who allowed the serpent to be down there (again knowing what it would do) to temp Eve (not Adam that was Eve who talked him into it) to eat the fruit?
Finally you might want to consider this God wanted us not to gain knowledge in this story treating it as a bad thing, not because "they will surely die" since they could simply have eaten the fruit of life and lived forever, but by doing so it would have elevated them to Gods level with having both knowledge and eternal life. But God kicked them out preventing this.

If we go back to your playing in the street example it's like getting hit by a car then your parents withholding the medical attention that could fix you up and on top of this throwing in there own punishment just so you can learn your lesson. But what happens in this Eden story is even worse as it's all about withholding the gaining of knowledge.

And this sin affects every single person born on the face of the Earth. So all men are born sinful, and the Bible tells us that we are 'Desperately wicked'. So the obvious thing for God to do is to show us his Justice, and punish us for this disobedience and sinfulness.

This is like saying we should jail a baby born addicted to crack because of what the mother did. This is a complete load.

And then this is where Jesus Christ enters into the scene.

Adding him still doesn't make any sense, even if it is for something I or anyone else did directly. How is it God required a human sacrifice just to say "your forgiven"?

I find it humorous that you can proclaim a religion 'sick', when you don't even understand a core part of the belief.

Yes I can easily call a religion that worships a monster like Yahweh sick. Especially one that requires placing blame on those who didn't commit the action in the first place, while excusing and shifting the blame of the actions of a genocidal megalomaniac.

Also I get what your saying with Jesus dying on the cross, I grew up with Catholicism, I've also been to the services of several other denominations. I just find it a barbaric and ultimately pointless gesture that only reinforces the appearance of God's blood lust.

Again, look at my above post. God didn't make sin. Adam disobeyed God, and so sin entered into the world. We are evil and wicked, and so deserve Gods Justice: Eternal suffering in Hell. BUT, (John 3:16) 'For God so loved the world that he sent his one begotten son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins.'

Again a situation he set up in the first placing knowing full well what would happening. And again eternal suffering is far from justice. You can reread what I've already said about God human sacrifice.

Simple Genetics, really. Mitochondrial DNA is spread through the female line. So Mommy gives it too you, not Daddy. There are three main lines of mtDNA. Noah had three daughters. Hmmm...

Okay now what does all this have to do with the original statement made?
"1) There will be genetic variation within a population."

BTW there's more then three. And we can actually trace them back, and it doesn't lead back to three ladies. If it did lead back to such a small population we wouldn't have the genetic variation that we do.

I posted that in response to a post saying that we would see diversity in a population if evolution is true. However, If two individuals (Adam and Eve), with a balance of characteristics, could account for the diversity that we see today.

No two individuals can't account for the diversity we see today. In fact there are things we see today that if we started with such a small population we wouldn't have, such as tissue rejections from transplants.

If Evolution occurred through Natural Selection, than such changes would take millions of years. Such changes would be extremely minute, and highly un-observable.

In most cases that's correct. We usually can observe these changes by looking through the fossil record. Though the process doesn't always have to be slow. We can observe evolution happening in bacteria largely due to their rate of reproduction. We've seen large changes in higher animals as well, such as a species of lizard that was transplanted into a new environment which developed a new means of digestion to accommodate a more abundant food source and even showed behavior changes that better benefited the species in the new environment.
There is something called punctuated equilibrium (which could explain the lizard mentioned above), where rare rapid evolutionary changes can occur in a species. This doesn't mean a new species over night, it still takes generations.
Even the minute changes can have an effect. This is why we need to make a new flu shot every year, or change the formula of pesticides.

Creation Ministries International

There arguments have been debunked by numerous people (some of which can be found in the links i provided earlier), and they are a bunch of lying deceptive jackwads.

Mage argues that then makes God "unnecessary...and therefore a far-fetched assumption to make"... the argument is then that some of us believe that science is a way in which he could've worked and that the experiment only truly proves that the mechanism works and doesn't in actuality prove or disprove the existence of such a deity.

yes I do argue that it makes God unnecessary for life to occur. Your right it doesn't disprove God though, but I again have to ask if we can come up with a perfectly reasonable mechanism in which all of this can happen on it's own why add in the extra step?

Let's take gravity for example when you drop something is it gravity or is it invisible magic pixies pulling the object down? If we can reasonably explain that gravity does occur, then what point would there be to add that magic pixies plays a part in it all?

If you are to prove/disprove then you must do so w/ absolute certainty... until then we can't say either way. we can only say what we think it is

No you prove within a degree of certainty. like in my pixie or gravity example. I'm 99.9999...% sure it's gravity but that doesn't me I can rule out that 0.0000...0001% chance of magic pixies, but it does make it so unlikely that I have no reason to believe it to be the case.

At the current time we have no way of testing for the presence of some being outside of our realm of existence looking in at us.

Wouldn't that automatically put into question any claim of existence?
To take a point in Pirate of the Caribbean, Jack was in prison listening to the stories of the Pearl, and how no one who has seen her has survived to tell the tale. Jack responds "Then I wonder where these stories come from?"

It just makes the assertion that things do not exist exactly as commonly believed, and that if there is a God in all likelihood he/she/they do not and have not acted in the way previously thought.

Would this then have to mean the information from these sources is not divine knowledge? Since these highly flawed sources are our only sources claiming his existence why then should they be believed about even this aspect?

>_> I'm pretty sure he's got them in a word document somewhere already set up w/ the hyperlinks and phrases in place so that he can just transport (copypasta) them in mass to here whenever the ignorant show up

You mean one with common held religious beliefs? Nope don't have that. I can usually play it by ear pretty well.

If finding him is as easy as searching other dimensions, then we won't be able to say it until we've fully searched every plane of existence.

This is like saying "It's under the next rock".
We were told God was just above us in the sky. (there is a million dollars under that rock) When we got there God wasn't there, so it changed to God being somewhere out in the universe. (no, not that rock the one next to it) We have been able to see very far into space and still no God, so it was changed again to God being some extra-dimensional being. (no, not that rock either the one over there) Each time we look we find nothing.
How many rocks do we have to search before we decide the hidden million dollars likely doesn't exists and we focus our energy on more effective means of gaining a million dollars?
8,257 posts

BTW there's more then three. And we can actually trace them back, and it doesn't lead back to three ladies. If it did lead back to such a small population we wouldn't have the genetic variation that we do.

So I was not that wrong after all.. I remember it being seven mitochondrial eve's, not three, is that right?
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