ForumsWEPRAtheism FtW

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295 posts

It's funny how your almost never born atheist, you become atheist. I personally think the whole religion thing is far fetched. Why cant we just be dead after we die? Why does there HAVE to be an afterlife? Dont get me wrong i respect others decisions, I just don't believe in it, who's with me? I'm going to be some grass fertilizer one day And home to some maggots + worms.

  • 662 Replies
1,936 posts

I agree with you, darkrai, and I think I was the one who said that.

789 posts

I'm perfectly fine with anyone's religion, but it's the people who constantly disrespect others and don't even try to listen to others reasoning or beliefs that annoy me. I personally enjoy listening to other people's beliefs, I have heard some interesting stories this way.

1,936 posts

Yeah...the really extreme atheists give the rest of us a bad name.

4,005 posts

If there's no God, then what happens when you die? If nothing happens, then what's the point of life if it just ends and there's nothing more?

What's the point of eating cake if it is over when you're done? Honestly, what is the point of ANYTHING if it has an end. The point is whatever you want it to be. Personally I find that the purpose for my life is to learn and do as much as I can, and leave as good of an impression as possible on those whom I come in contact with. It is precisely BECAUSE life ends that it is valuable. What would be the point for this life if all it is is some sort of staging ground prior to eternal bliss? What could we do on Earth that could compare to eternal happiness? Nothing, nothing at all. It is not the atheist's viewpoint which diminishes the meaning of life, but the religious man's view.
1,936 posts

I agree with you, MRWalker. If you spend your whole life preparing for going to heaven, then you won't be able to enjoy your life down on Earth. Also, religious people often thank God for granting them whatever, but as an atheist, I know that whatever I accomplished I did it myself.

9,462 posts

While I agree some atheists (ahem) are a bit extreme on the hating religion part, there are quite a few positive attributes.

There is actually use to acting in such a manner. Many theists don't respond to logic and reason but to emotion. Sometimes the only way to pull someone out of their box and get them to research the material "to prove those heathens wrong" is to piss them off enough to go and do it.
Of course this isn't required for everyone and it is better to first try logic and reason.
1,936 posts

I, so far, have not seen much logic and reason lol.

295 posts

The topic name isn't exactly one of mature mind.

Ya to be honest I was new to the forums and did not know what to expect. I kinda posted this thread for ****s and giggles to make some theists angry and I was not aware of how intelligent AG forums would actually be. I just like to jump in here and there and spark a bit of anger
9,462 posts

Ya to be honest I was new to the forums and did not know what to expect. I kinda posted this thread for ****s and giggles to make some theists angry and I was not aware of how intelligent AG forums would actually be. I just like to jump in here and there and spark a bit of anger

I think we have gotten some interesting and funny discussion out of this.
3,025 posts

And also, I don't think religion should completely disappear

That's the problem, if it didn't start AT ALL, then the world would be a completely different place.

And please, I am not hating, the first half was joking, the second was more of an open (or otherwise rhetorical) question.

Many theists don't respond to logic and reason but to emotion. Sometimes the only way to pull someone out of their box and get them to research the material "to prove those heathens wrong" is to piss them off enough to go and do it.
Of course this isn't required for everyone and it is better to first try logic and reason.

Just tell me when you need me.

Ya to be honest I was new to the forums and did not know what to expect. I kinda posted this thread for ****s and giggles to make some theists angry and I was not aware of how intelligent AG forums would actually be. I just like to jump in here and there and spark a bit of anger

Same when I made my rant.
Many people are pretty dang smart on here. You just don't see it that often, why, I don't know :<

Yeah...the really extreme atheists give the rest of us a bad name.

I don't consider myself extreme, I just consider myself a little harsh (since I have argued over and over and over again, in my defense). Sorry :O

I think we have gotten some interesting and funny discussion out of this.

Hell yep
Let the trolling begin!

- H
4,005 posts

My frustration with many religious debates, especially recently, has been that the people starting the discussions often admit at the beginning that nothing could ever change their minds. This is not the mindset one has when approaching a situation with a desire for understanding, and it makes those you are addressing in a very difficult place. If you are not open to new information and you are unwilling to examine your beliefs then you really have no business discussing them in my opinion, especially not in a debate style discussion.

3,025 posts

My frustration with many religious debates, especially recently, has been that the people starting the discussions often admit at the beginning that nothing could ever change their minds. This is not the mindset one has when approaching a situation with a desire for understanding, and it makes those you are addressing in a very difficult place. If you are not open to new information and you are unwilling to examine your beliefs then you really have no business discussing them in my opinion, especially not in a debate style discussion.

The worst thing is people seem to take pride in their stubborn "nature". It's not a good thing, in most cases. Surely it'll help but if you open a debate with the guarantee that you can only say "stfu" to their reasoning (which often you cannot deny anyway) then what's the point? Are you just trolling or?

On that note, somethings to keep in mind when trying to debate about something (I have probably linked this more than once before):
Athene's Theory of Everything

The psychological and philosophical mentions in this 50:00 documentary can help you understand yourself better, and also give you awareness on how it could be effecting you.

Simply put, when you defend your side of an argument, the feelings that occur when you are fighting for survival also pop up here (after all, you are defending yourself). If you want to survive, then simply put it's "**** the world, save only me", until the day that you no longer feel in danger. It makes you irrational, it makes you aggressive. It's better explained in this video, which is why I suggest watching it. It should help things go over more smoothly.

Oh, and my "inappropriate" jokes if you're thinking about them right now are:
1) Not inappropriate.
2) Not meant to be taken seriously.
3) Simply made to keep the discussion a little on the "laid back and drink some soda" side rather than anything else.

With that, I bid you all farewell

Thanks for the post here MRWalker82

- H
5,552 posts

Same when I made my rant.
Many people are pretty dang smart on here. You just don't see it that often, why, I don't know :<

Probably because there just aren't "that" many smart people in the world. There is a little thing we like to call an average, which includes all the outliers. :P

My frustration with many religious debates, especially recently, has been that the people starting the discussions often admit at the beginning that nothing could ever change their minds.

My frustration extends a bit further, it's when they say that nothing can change their minds, and THEN call everyone else close minded for not listening to them. Hypocrites...oh the irony.

Yeah...the really extreme atheists give the rest of us a bad name.

I also find this funny, whenver a fanatic or extremist of anything is mentioned, the receiving side is usually extremely offended, as if there isn't a fanatic for every conceivable subject out there. I bet if you looked long enough you could find someone who would kill someone else over a disagreement about whether an apple or an orange is better for you.
3,025 posts

whether an apple or an orange is better for you.

Well duh. Obviously oranges are better.

- H
1,936 posts

Really? I prefer apples. :P

Showing 301-315 of 662