It's funny how your almost never born atheist, you become atheist. I personally think the whole religion thing is far fetched. Why cant we just be dead after we die? Why does there HAVE to be an afterlife? Dont get me wrong i respect others decisions, I just don't believe in it, who's with me? I'm going to be some grass fertilizer one day And home to some maggots + worms.
*inserts Metalocalypse quote :3* -i'm assuming this is what mage was building up to
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Doesn't he know there's no such things as religion? Nathan Explosion: You mean *you* don't believe in god. There *is* such thing as religion. Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Den proves it! Shows me a... miracle that religion exists! Nathan Explosion: Well, [pointing] Nathan Explosion: there's a bible right there. Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Oh. Well... then I guess I re-evalutates my life then.
That's the problem, if it didn't start AT ALL, then the world would be a completely different place.
Yeah, it would probably be worse considering that the romans and chinese and every other culture based their livelihoods to Gods and Goddesses. Religion has built society as we know it.
Yeah, it would probably be worse considering that the Romans and Chinese and every other culture based their livelihoods to Gods and Goddesses. Religion has built society as we know it.
That like saying hydrogen bombs help build our existence, who knows what would of happening if they didn't exist. If you're going to say something like that then you have to back up why it positively helped our society. Because an easy counterargument would be would the world been better without it? Could have society been positively influenced by the non existence of religion?
For example it's negative impact on science.
But that's a different argument, if science/technology is actually beneficial for humans. But my main point was that it's debatable that religion has had a positive influence on society.
Yeah, it would probably be worse considering that the romans and chinese and every other culture based their livelihoods to Gods and Goddesses. Religion has built society as we know it.
Only because it was there. If it wasn't, we have no idea what our world would look like today. I think it would be fairly similar, just the reasons for fighting wouldn't be made on some unprovable god and instead on selfish motives. Oh well, at least it would be easier to argue with them...
That picture seems a little too, how you say, sarcastic. Please provide a better picture, considering that that one is completely rude and somewhat untrusting... We don't know how the world would have been without religion, but we do know that for the most part, it has helped society build itself by enforcing basic values.
We don't know how the world would have been without religion, but we do know that for the most part, it has helped society build itself by enforcing basic values.
I will agree that religion has tried to teach people values. I also must say though, that religion teaches in general contempt of anyone not apart of the club. Anyone not in it are either heathens, blashpemers, moral sink holes, or enemies of god. That causes many conflicts, prime example the dark ages.
That picture seems a little too, how you say, sarcastic. Please provide a better picture, considering that that one is completely rude and somewhat untrusting
I do not see how. History shows that each culture was becoming further advanced, then when the Dark Ages occured there were numerous book burning campaings, along with the torture/imprisonment of anyone not apart of the religion, prime example, the Inquisition. Undoubtably the Dark ages set the world back hundreds of years in the pursuit of knowledge, all in the name of the divine and saving souls.
I will agree that religion has tried to teach people values. I also must say though, that religion teaches in general contempt of anyone not apart of the club. Anyone not in it are either heathens, blashpemers, moral sink holes, or enemies of god. That causes many conflicts, prime example the dark ages.
Yes, but it's simply human nature to brag about things you have, and sadly, religion is part of those "items" that people like to brag about. It's not so much religion as it is human stupidity.
I do not see how. History shows that each culture was becoming further advanced, then when the Dark Ages occured there were numerous book burning campaings, along with the torture/imprisonment of anyone not apart of the religion, prime example, the Inquisition. Undoubtably the Dark ages set the world back hundreds of years in the pursuit of knowledge, all in the name of the divine and saving souls.
By calling it "the christian dark ages" it gets pretty offensive. Also, again that's just human stupidity. If people wanted to create new technology, they could have, but instead they decided to use the technology they had for ignorant reasons.
We can also see that religion can do great things for a society. The Second Great Awakening opened society up and many minority groups were finally given rights, all in the name of religion