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ForumsThe Tavernself defence, right or wrong?

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580 posts

if someone breaks into your house and tries to murder your children.

should you be allowed to kill them to save the children?

(btw the law sais no but what do u think)

  • 66 Replies
1,606 posts

Yes I think that you could kill them if they do that. And the law dosen't sail if you continue attacking if they're on the floor and they are not dead.

825 posts

No, this is what you CAN do!
They break in
You warn them
He ignores, and attacks
You defend
He goes unconscious
You call cops

5,552 posts

I think you have a right to defend yourself and your family. In this situation...

someone breaks into your house and tries to murder your children.

I highly doubt that this would do anything except get your kids killed.

You warn them
He ignores, and attacks
You defend

Non violence invites more violence, because those willing to use violence know that they can get away with it.
1,868 posts

if someone breaks into your house and tries to murder your children.

should you be allowed to kill them to save the children?

I would say if you have abilities of self defense you should just defend yourself and your kid with these abilities, use it against them in a way that they can' be able to do anything. Then you call the cops. Killing the other isn't a great idea.
858 posts

You should try to just knock them out, but if you do ill them, if they were trying to kill your children, then it shouldn't be "fine" but you shouldn't be punished.

580 posts

i agree to be honest i think killing them is them is the wrong choice, but disabling them is.

however jackie chan got arrested for killing a man in self defence. he was being intermediated/provoked/endangered(w/e) and had to defend himself so he did one of his karate moves to the neck intending to stun him, unfortunately he killed him.

so in that coincidence was he in the rong or the right because personally i think hhe was right because if you do karate you have to promise never to use what you learn outside of the dojo unless it is 100% necessary.

644 posts

should you be allowed to kill them to save the children?

Maybe not kill him, but I do believe in using self defense and harming them in one way, shape or form.
You warn them
He ignores, and attacks
You defend

I agree with Kasic, this would just get your kids and/or you killed...
Non violence invites more violence

That is why...
In my opinion, a lot of self dense laws are ridiculous! You should have every right to harm them (some cases YOU are the one busted) to some extreme, or kill them, especially if they are armed and aggressive.
4,375 posts

You CAN kill someone if they come into your home. It's not illegal. You just can't kill them once they are off your property/out of your house.

13,657 posts

You CAN kill someone if they come into your home. It's not illegal. You just can't kill them once they are off your property/out of your house.

As far as I know, at least from my own country's laws, you are allowed to defend yourself, should you need it. The moment you are no longer in danger, or that you start attacking the opponent, you are no longer defending yourself, and can be found guilty of violence against the intruder.
This also means you could end up killing someone by accident because you were trying to defend yourself, which would lead to a trial in unintended/accidental murder (I really lack the proper wording for that).

As for the question: Self defence is al right. Self defence that causes the death of another being is really unfortunate, and will cause not only problems, but most likely also horror in the - defender. However, that seems to be very unlikely, unless you are "defending" yourself with a gun, or a knife, in which case it is not as much self defence any more, if you use it.
Somethingsomething, something else, something.
189 posts

if someone trespasses INSIDE your home you can shoot them, and ultimately kill them. If they are trespassing/loitering in your yard you just call he cops, shooting would be illegal.

13,657 posts

if someone trespasses INSIDE your home you can shoot them, and ultimately kill them.

If you live in the US, apparently.
However, shooting the head off of somebody does not exactly seem very "self defending" to most non-USAians.

A jeweller here got prison time for shooting a robber in the leg when the robbers were fleeing. Said robbers had beaten both him and the two other people who had been in the store at the time, yet I believe they got shorter punishments for their actions than he got, simply because it was no longer self defence, since they were fleeing already.
124 posts

Honestly, the places that uphold this law are complete idiots,depending as to what severity they call self-defense, as with half the situations that this would pertain to deadly violence may very well be necessary.

Say you work at a gas station, somebody comes in with a 9 millimeter, points it at your face, and demands all the money in the register. Now say that you happen to have a shotgun under the counter, you pull it out, you should be allowed to shoot considering their waving a gun in your face, but according to the OP this would be illegal.

From what I've read though, it either differs from area to area, OP got something wrong, or I'm just an idiot.

But yeah, I think self-defense should be allowed depending on the imminent danger caused by the situation, and whatever means you have to defend yourself within an immediate area. Because obviously if someone is threatening you with a butcher knife and you have a AK-47 with you, actually shooting won't be necessary as most people know the saying "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" and would gladly step down if you pointed an AK-47 in their face.

Really though, I think it depends on the situation, if some guy is threatening to beat you up with nothing but his fists and you pull out a gun and shoot him, you've overstepped the line a little bit.

452 posts

if you were being ***** and couldnt do anything that would suck. self defence is good

1,255 posts

There was a case a while back where some guy had a gun in a subway and got jumped by something like seven black men with screwdrivers. Not the drink, like philips head screwdrivers. Anyway, he shot three of them instantly, and then as the other four ran away he shot another one of them in the back and another in the knee. Or something like that. Anyways, he got taken to court and I think that he got off with ten years in jail with chance for parole.

5,552 posts

There was a case a while back where some guy had a gun in a subway and got jumped by something like seven black men with screwdrivers. Not the drink, like philips head screwdrivers. Anyway, he shot three of them instantly, and then as the other four ran away he shot another one of them in the back and another in the knee. Or something like that. Anyways, he got taken to court and I think that he got off with ten years in jail with chance for parole.

See, there's a difference between Self Defence and Overkill. (Litterally) If someone has a gun pointed to your kids head or a knife to their throat, you don't wave your gun at them. If someone is charging at you with a knife you don't shoot them in the head, you'd shoot them in the leg or something. You don't TRY to kill, but you have EVERY RIGHT to defend yourself however necessary from someone attacking you.
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