ForumsThe TavernHow will the world end?

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6 posts

People are giving incredible theories on how the world will end.I personally think that we will end ourselves with nuclear war and man made things that should never had been made.

  • 173 Replies
896 posts

The world will end when a small group of Korean scientists leave an unguarded secret nuclear banana underground and then Russians will break into the lab and steal it then they will take it to their top secret base below the Ural mountains and then a Russian scientist traitor will secretly collaborate with a secret British undercover organization and they will break into the Russian labs and take the nuclear banana and then as the banana is being flown from Russia to Europe they fly over and get shot down by a secret Iraq AA gun and then the plane crash lands into a contaminated lake which doubles the power of the banana and then once Iraq recovers the nuclear banana they send it to an underground lab in the Sahara desert in Africa where its power will be tested but when it's in the lab a USA oil digging operation drills over the lab and discovers the banana and they take it before Iraq has time to arm and defend itself so then the USA mining team takes the banana back to a USA outpost in the Sahara desert then a helicopter comes to pick up the banana from the outpost to bring it to a secret USA research ship on the Atlantic ocean but when the helicopter arrives to where the ship is supposed to be they find that a Mexican military ship has destroyed the USA ship and then the Mexican ship shoots down the helicopter which causes the helicopter to crash land in the ocean where Mexican salvage operations begin but by now the Japanese have heard of this incident and they send submarines to demolish the Mexican ships and so the Japanese take the nuclear banana but by the time the USA ship got destroyed it had been three days so the USA sent a massive reinforcement fleet to the Japanese recovery submarines and so USA had the banana again so they ship it to a secret underground base in Southern Iowa but the nuclear banana was being followed by a British stealth airplane and so the Iowa base was discovered but the Russians had placed a tracker beacon on the British plane so once the British airplane took the banana the Russians knew exactly where it was and so then the Russians sent a fighter squad to take out the British stealth plane and it gets shot down right above Kansas where I will be waiting with a shotgun and so once the Russians land their planes to take the banana I will be waiting for them and once I defeat them all I accidentally shoot the banana and the explosion is so massive that it reaches the earth's core and ruptures the entire planet and we all die.

(I think I should win a merit for the most awesome end of the world theory and the worlds longest run-on sentence.)

8 posts

Hi AfterBurner0 i'm Dood83 another friend of Farrow king
The world will end when a giant meteor hits the new and creates a huge tsunami and covers the whole earth

155 posts

Maybe the sun will explode? or a black hole? or a zombie apocalypse.

48 posts

maybe an earthquake or a meteor

48 posts

and honestly i don't think a zombie apocalyapse is realistic but ehh its possible

29 posts

actualy with new famines and diseases coming out everyday or week one of them has to be the one that will get us..... i think noobs will manage to win office and make some retarted mistake that will kill us all.

11 posts

I think that the world won't end in 2012. It will end when the sun dies. What the sun will do is explode and destroy all plante within it's depth.

The sun's core of helium is slowly building, and the sun will increase in output about 10-15% every billion years or so. Based on that, in about 600,000 million years, Earth will be a very hot planet.
Our sun simply isn't big enough to explode. It'll expand, but it can't explode. Very large stars--10, 15, 20 times the size of the sun--will supernova, but not the sun.
Our sun's destiny is to first expand, becoming a Red Giant in about 4.5 billion years. The Earth is likely to be consumed by the sun at that time. Then, the sun will blow off it's outer atmosphere, leaving only a hot helium core--a White Dwarf--in it's place. Over billions of years, this core will cool to red, to brown, and eventually to black.
207 posts

Us humans are MESSING UP this planet.We're killing animals,destroying wildlife,releasing toxins into are skies,and we are about to poison ourselves because of all the water waste,if we waste to much,we might just have to drink water we've already used...contaminated water.

48 posts

maybe we will be buried with trash

1,285 posts

Us humans are MESSING UP this planet.We're killing animals,destroying wildlife,releasing toxins into are skies,and we are about to poison ourselves because of all the water waste,if we waste to much,we might just have to drink water we've already used...contaminated water.

Hello Mr. anti oil company, you do realise that your wrong, carbon dioxide is less then 1% of our atmosphere, and we already drink water we already used, its called the water cycle.

2,739 posts

the human race will die from these reason below that killersup states.with other reasons as well.

the world will end in the 16 billion years from now when the sun explodes and then implodes making a gaint black hole.this black hole will suck the first four planets inside never to be seen again.

killersup has read a couple of post on this forum and it seems to him that alot of people think that when the human population dies the world dies.

this is completely false.humans have been using oil and gas and such for what 100-200 years ? and the human population is already having problems with the air and global ten thousand years the human population will had died off from either burning themselfs out of air, or buring themselfs in trash, or globel warming, or the planet running out of oil and people going crazy because they can no longer have cars and what not.

the human race will end way before the world ends.

athough the human race mightfind a way to transport people to the moon and have them live there .there is no water on the moon,the moon is 1\\3 the size of earth ummmmmmm people are crowded now what happens then ???

these are killersup's reasons.killersup will be long gone before he has to worry to much about that though .

904 posts

Silly Goose!

The world will end when PIPA comes through!
(Troll Face)

8,253 posts

the world will end in the 16 billion years from now when the sun explodes and then implodes making a gaint black hole.this black hole will suck the first four planets inside never to be seen again.

Just a few corrections.. In 5 billion years, the dieing sun will expand and while doing so, engulf the first few planets, earth among them. But all life will be roasted long before the sun actually reaches the earth.
No need of explosions and black holes and all that stuff^^
1,066 posts

The world will end when i tell it to and how i tell it to.

74 posts

the world ends with a fart from fat peoples then the world blow hisself up from the smell of the farters

Showing 151-165 of 173