You claimed I gave you a statistic, which I did not. You asked me where I got those alleged statistics. I gave you a link to video describing what I said.
I want it put in the form of a statistic, which it would be if properly presented. I can't play videos very well at the moment, I am currently downloading something. Can someone competent tell me what the video said, how credible it is, and any additional information?
You did not ask for a data, you asked where I got statistics that weren't even statistics. If you wanted me to say where I got my facts, I would said where, and I did.
They should be statistics, which would be a far superior and more reliable than a simple statement. I assumed that you had statistics, like "One out of every ten students interviewed had sexted at least once in the last three years" would be more logical than a stated "They sext more!1!"
You want the amount of people sexting, go look it up yourself. I am not saying that many people sext, but I am telling you what the punishment is.
Perhaps I will, but as it is your assertion that more young people sext it is your job to provide backup for that statement.
And by the way, if you are going to pretend that I am using the words incorrectly you should also provide backup. Even if I was using the text you are implying I am using it in, they are synonyms according to my source:
Main Entry: statistics
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: enumeration
Synonyms: census,
data, demography, figures, stats
Main Entry: fact
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: event; detail of action
Synonyms: accomplishment, act, action, actuality, adventure, affair, being, case, circumstance, conception, consideration, construction, creation, data, datum, deed, entity, episode, evidence, experience, factor, fait accompli, feature, happening, incident, information, item, manifestation, occurrence, organism, particular, performance, phenomenon, point, proceeding, specific,
statistic, transaction, truism
Antonyms: lie
So are you going to pull your head out of your *** now?
You are a typical American teenager, blinded by you're own arrogance and never admitting you were wrong.
Fist off, I am not wrong. Second off, nice job stereotyping.
Trying to be the anti-hero of you're own little made up world, arguing against what authority believes is ba
What? Are you saying I am taking the side that you are against, making me some form of antagonist to you? What authority believes that adult sexting is bad?
I realize they will have sex, but I would not want them to advertise themselves over a device. Sex is essential to humans, sexting is not.
So how is watching a home made porno bad?