What is nothing? Empty space is a vacuum, or a void. Nothing is also an idea. And in math, 0 represents nothing, but it's still a number. A number is something; so is an idea. So if nothing is nothing, then is it a word?
(If anyone says that nothing is "the presence of absence", include an explanation.)
Hmm...well, is there a number that is so large, that it is impossible for the human mind to register it because of the inherent limitation of the possible arrangements of neurons in our brain so that we can comprehend the number?
We cant picture nothing because we have never seen nothing. There has always been a color like white or black that we picture it as. But I guess a definition would be Void of matter and color.
Room A has 10 people and no other object. Now all the people are removed from the room. What is left in room A?
Four walls, a ceiling, and probably some leftover gases unless the people were corpses. And a door, unless we're taking the people out arcade skill-crane style. And there's most likely a floor. And, remember, it's a room.
"In quantum field theory, the vacuum state (also called the vacuum) is the quantum state with the lowest possible energy. Generally, it contains no physical particles."
""it is a mistake to think of any physical vacuum as some absolutely empty void." According to quantum mechanics, the vacuum state is not truly empty but instead contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence."
Nothing, defined by Wikipedia on Google is, nothing is a concept that describes the absence of anything at all. But if nothingness is there then isn't something there? Its more of one of those philosophy questions that a bunch of bearded Greek men tried to figure out, and we are now to, and so will our great-great grandchildren debate this.