What is nothing? Empty space is a vacuum, or a void. Nothing is also an idea. And in math, 0 represents nothing, but it's still a number. A number is something; so is an idea. So if nothing is nothing, then is it a word?
(If anyone says that nothing is "the presence of absence", include an explanation.)
if the universe was created by the big bang, (the universe compressed into the size of a pinhead, then suddenly an unknown force caused an explosian. and made the universe) what would have been here before that. to me that is what nothingness is.
Well... another thought came up since my last post on here. Absolute zero is a state in which there is no heat, and after a long explanation (which I won't explain, look it up), but anyways, no heat = no movement. This proves that because there isn't an absolute zero temperature, there could be, nothing. *whew!* Most of the explanation you'll have to look up on your own.
I have come to the conclusion that nothing cannot exist as long as anything exists because everything generates gravity and gravity has infinite reach, therefore gravity is everywhere. The only way nothing can exist is if nothing was everything.
Well those deities are still something. There an expressed idea. but i think we use nothing to symbolise things we don't understand or can't comprehend. for example, after we die some people may belive we experience nothing. or blind people may see nothing. these are all ways to express something we couldn't possibly have any idea for because we've never had both sides of the experience. Nothing is uncomprihensable because we can never experience nothing, so we just use it to describe things that seem hard to comprehend.