ForumsWEPR[req] I dislike threads on religion

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4,104 posts

I really dislike all threads on religion. Almost every single thread is someone who doesn't know what he's talking about, raging about how religion is stupid, and someone else overreacting and getting angry and proving the other wrong. The first person then proves the second wrong and then the second proves the first wrong again and it goes on and on but neither will be convinced by each other because of their particular beliefs.

Does anyone else agree with me?

(I'm not an atheist but I'm not saying which religion i belong to)

  • 38 Replies
3,817 posts

Then get of the World Poetics ReligionEtc, or better yet, just stay of the threads about religion. Just stay away from it if you don't like it.

9,504 posts

I daresay all of this would be ancient history if everyone just succumbed to learning from each other, but I'll just leave it at that. This is the WEPR. Like what ElA|)l has just said, Religious discussion is part of this forum. If you dislike religious discussion, then don't view or participate in said religious discussion. Then there's the part about this particular thread not having a general direction.

Master, what you have just described to us is called an "argument". If you do not like what you described, then it's natural that you do not like any other thread with argument, aka anything in the WEPR.

295 posts

I think it's great to see people struggling to prove their religion because of how dumb their arguments are. Honestly I am hoping one of them will say something that will without a doubt change my perspective. Unfortunately that is not going to happen lol, they don't seem to know what a fact is.

4,104 posts

What you said is really true freakenstein all that go's on in WERP is arguments, and i do like a GOOD argument but thats not what's going on here. Like what practicalmaniac said

Honestly I am hoping one of them will say something that will without a doubt change my perspective. Unfortunately that is not going to happen lol, they don't seem to know what a fact is.

Now I'm in the mood to find a thread were i can have an intelligent discussion with someone...
295 posts

I know... the truth hurts.

9,504 posts

Now I'm in the mood to find a thread were i can have an intelligent discussion with someone...

Well, he did get you there, Master. It's honestly not too much to ask for someone to back up their claims and to give conflicting evidence for a counter-argument, now is it?
4,104 posts

We'll I'm not an atheist but you can probably call me a &quoterson of science" too, and it just offends me on a religious level and on a intellectual level. I hate to see what religion has come to because it annoys me how people of my religion are doing so many things wrong (morally and religiously), and everything they're doing wrong is because of illogical decisions by our "religious leader" and people are just too stupid to question it.

But i kind of want to end this thread now before it turns into exactly what i was complaining about to begin with.

3,817 posts

We'll I'm not an atheist but you can probably call me a &quoterson of science" too,

Nope, I can't call you an honest man of science if you don't apply that scientific scrutiny to all parts off your life, meaning that you wouldn't be a theist.

I hate to see what religion has come to because it annoys me how people of my religion are doing so many things wrong (morally and religiously), and everything they're doing wrong is because of illogical decisions by our "religious leader" and people are just too stupid to question it.

"Come to"? It has been like this since it was started. Or are you going to state that it has not?

But i kind of want to end this thread now before it turns into exactly what i was complaining about to begin with.

That actually happens most the time...
3,386 posts

Well, he did get you there, Master


In all honesty though, if you dislike it, why are you here?
I mean, people can go back and forth arguing without ever achieving anything, but then again. Take a look at politics, it's all they do.
295 posts

But i kind of want to end this thread now before it turns into exactly what i was complaining about to begin with.

That actually happens most the time...

Take a look at politics, it's all they do.

Ya I guess it's inevitable. I guess some things humans will never fully agree on haha.
3,386 posts

Cheese and rice you guys! You are LOOKING to bash someone because of what they think!

Nope, I can't call you an honest man of science if you don't apply that scientific scrutiny to all parts off your life, meaning that you wouldn't be a theist.

You may not be able to but look, Newton was a scientist obviously as well as a man of religion.

"Come to"? It has been like this since it was started. Or are you going to state that it has not?

You weren't alive when religion was started so how on earth would you be able to judge that without bias?
3,386 posts

You choose to be that ignorant...
You are just as bad as you think any theist is! They so blindly follow what they believe, and so do you! You think putting a jelly label on peanut butter is okay to someone who has a peanut allergy?!

Newton, as I said before, OBVIOUSLY a man of science and someone who believed in a god.
Nicholas Copernicus
Sir Francis Bacon
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei
Rene Descartes
Gregor Mendel
William Thomson Kelvin
Albert Einstein

You wouldn't know the science that you think about today if it wasn't for these people.
By far most of these are known to everyone rather than Mencken.

3,817 posts

You choose to be that ignorant...
You are just as bad as you think any theist is! They so blindly follow what they believe, and so do you! You think putting a jelly label on peanut butter is okay to someone who has a peanut allergy?!

Who was that directed at?

Newton, as I said before, OBVIOUSLY a man of science and someone who believed in a god.

In a time when you could easily be punished for not believing in god. And even then, he probably only applied science to his work, not to his life and religion. It was likely his culture and upbringing.

Galileo Galilei

The man punished for going against the church?

Albert Einstein

He was an atheist during his scientific life.

Most of the fellas you are naming are scientists by profession. They do not let science in their personal life, letting the culture, printing, and emotions get in the way when it comes to religion. Now may I ask why the scientific community has a far different rate of theists to atheists as does the rest of the country?
1,322 posts

Dumb question..... who was/is H. L. Mencken? b/c other than your citations I've never seen that name before (or don't remember it if I did...)

4,104 posts

Nope, I can't call you an honest man of science if you don't apply that scientific scrutiny to all parts off your life, meaning that you wouldn't be a theist.

E1337, wether or not you believe can find God in science is not the point

"Come to"? It has been like this since it was started. Or are you going to state that it has not?

I'm not going to explain how its not for the exact reason this thread has started

In all honesty though, if you dislike it, why are you here?

I am here because i am interested on other people's opinions on the matter and i really wish this would stop becoming more religious

You weren't alive when religion was started so how on earth would you be able to judge that without bias?

If i believe in the old testament (which i do) i do have a pretty good idea of how that completely differs to my religion today (basically dumb illogical rules created by our current religious leaders who no one questions). And also not my religion, just religion in general, with so much hatred towards each other, and using terrorism against another religion just because you don't get what you want (Israel). I may be wrong because i don't remember history too much, when Christianity just started they were able to co exist with the jews just fine, than they decided they knew best for the jews and started forcing them to become Christians because they believed thats the only way to save their soul.

From this point on im not going to answer any more religious questions.
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