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1,036 posts

Ok today a girl I was talking to randomly said that she was a lesbian. I asked her if anyone else knew and she said no. So what am I supposed to do since in her religion it is bad to be a lesbian.

  • 147 Replies
9,462 posts

I know in my religion, that God does not hate people who sin, he hates sin, so it's a very delicate thing to deal with, but in God's eyes, it's not like she's a bad person or anything

The supposed sin in this case is part of who she is.
3,817 posts

I know in my religion, that God does not hate people who sin, he hates sin, so it's a very delicate thing to deal with, but in God's eyes, it's not like she's a bad person or anything

No. Yahweh just thinks she should die. And made her like that for some reason.
1,448 posts

Also, try to avoid topics on religion... atheists outnumber us like 100000000 to 1 here

If you really believe you're right, then you should be able to take them on and beat them.
5,061 posts

And that is the most terrifying thing about belief. A person who rules their mind with reason can have their views shaken, twisted, changed. A person who believes in something however can die for that belief.

Sorry random side bar.

If 'God' really created man in it's image, why on earth would it have a problem with homosexuality?

1,890 posts

Great...And since when where you a WPRE forumer? I don't recognize you.

It's not a exclusive club. I post usually in the Tavern and S&S, and I have been posting less in the past week or two.
3,386 posts

If you really believe you're right, then you should be able to take them on and beat them.

I do believe you tried that. And you failed. So unless you believe in those odds don't go send someone to their WEPR death.

Now now children, We haven't heard the official religion of the girl yet, so who is to say it is Christianity or anything? We must wait.
3,817 posts

It's not a exclusive club. I post usually in the Tavern and S&S, and I have been posting less in the past week or two.

So why would one of the homosexuals you know (Unless of course the WEPRE you know are the homosexual) than it is unlikely that any will respond. Thus leading me to the conclusion that their are no homosexuals in the WEPRE, though of course I didn't know about ELEET, but my hypothesis seems to be somewhat correct...

Now now children, We haven't heard the official religion of the girl yet, so who is to say it is Christianity or anything? We must wait.

Does her religion matter? I can't see how the religion would effect the solution, assuming it is one of the Abraham which is a good chance.
1,448 posts

I do believe you tried that. And you failed. So unless you believe in those odds don't go send someone to their WEPR death.

I'm atheist...not religious at all. So I didn't. :P
I am not asking anything unreasonable. Nor am I a hypocrite. I am asking for him to justify his views.
9,434 posts

I don't think we even have any homosexuals on here.
I love how ignorant this statement is. And by "loving" this I mean "this is so odd I laugh at it". I like laughing.

For future reference, keep in mind that homosexuals are normal people and the default info you get about AG users (such as join date, post count, comment count and so on) does not include sexual preferences.

We also do have quite a few users who've mentioned it in various threads over the years. Just so you know.

Thus leading me to the conclusion that their are no homosexuals in the WEPRE
Users come and go in the various sections. Also, do you actually know the sexual preferences of all the people you acknowledge as "regulars" in this section? O_o

On topic, though:
So what do you do? Easy, treat her like you normally do and don't tell anyone.

This exact thing.
Also show support if things get hard for her for one reason or another. Good friends are a very valuable thing.
26,677 posts

I agree with MageGrayWolf here.

GAHHHH!!! Curse my noob status! Mage was saying he agreed with me!

No. Yahweh just thinks she should die. And made her like that for some reason.

I am sorry, but people such as you will find little mercy for your blasphemous zealousy. For future refference, if you are going to take God's true name in vanity, atleast have the decency to actually use the tetrogramaton instead of the way you spelled it.

I say E1337, Wolf and I have given about all the advice you need for now. Please, tell us how it goes.
1,322 posts

I think its a combination of the two... choice and genetics that is. I've known gay people who say that its genetic... and then again I've had a few female friends get tired of guys being jerks to them so they went the other direction... they said it was by decision and not some urge that just hit them.... but then again it might've been and them not realize it.

All I know is that I like women... both by choice and natural attraction. You now has my official statement on the issue.. if this is what the thread is turning into. If being lesbian was just the fact of liking women (and not just being a woman yourself who likes other women) then you might call me a lesbian too lol.

26,677 posts

YHWH, A-Okay with wife beating, child abuse, slavery and genocide, frowns on gays.

If you would, please don't use that name frivolously. God never condoned these acts, people just say he did so others wouldn't stop them from doing it. Everybody from popes to Hitler just used the excuse of God's "divine will" to justify wars and slaughters.

I've known gay people who say that its genetic... and then again I've had a few female friends get tired of guys being jerks to them so they went the other direction... they said it was by decision and not some urge that just hit them.... but then again it might've been and them not realize it.
Anybody can choose to be gay, but some just are.
9,434 posts

10% of the populace is gay, this figure holds even in the animal kingdom. Hence, why I laugh at those ultra religious folks who have 15 kids, because at least one of them is going to gay.
Statistics do not actually work like that. There is a good chance that one of their kids will be gay, but it is in no way certain with such a small group.

can kindly make the choice to suck my nuts,
I get the sentiment, but watch the language. :P

I think its a combination of the two... choice and genetics that is. I've known gay people who say that its genetic... and then again I've had a few female friends get tired of guys being jerks to them so they went the other direction... they said it was by decision and not some urge that just hit them.... but then again it might've been and them not realize it.
I would assume they were actually bisexual and just decided to go with the other sex; considering I don't know them, though, hard to tell.

Actually, I've yet to talk with a gay person who claims it was a conscious choice on his/her part. Would love to, though, sounds like an interesting angle.
26,677 posts

Leviticus disagrees with you and you might want to read 1 Timothy where Jesus tells christian slaves they should be happy they are owned by christian masters.

I see Leviticus as more saying that standing against God is like standing against a mighty river in that you will be destroyed, not saying if you are against God, the faithful will kill you.
As for Timothy, I see it as saying as opposed to nonChristian masters. Once you were a slave, you stayed a slave back then.

Alright,then do it. Choose to be gay, go out, go deep throat a shaft, get sodomized, tell your pastor you are gay, tell your parents you are gay. If you can do all that for a year and find having sex with a man sexually arousing, you have choosen to be gay and proved me wrong.

I would rather not be gay. I have grown accostomed to the company of women far too much to be gay. I never said it would be an easy transition, just that it was possible.

Otherwise, STFU.

I'm sorry if I insulted or offended you in any way, I did not mean to.
9,434 posts

I would rather not be gay. I have grown accostomed to the company of women far too much to be gay. I never said it would be an easy transition, just that it was possible.
I'd love seeing an example of someone who's actually done it.

Whenever "it could totally be a choice" gets brought into these discussions it's always someone going "I could choose! But I don't want to."

*contributing to off-topic tangent*
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