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1,036 posts

Ok today a girl I was talking to randomly said that she was a lesbian. I asked her if anyone else knew and she said no. So what am I supposed to do since in her religion it is bad to be a lesbian.

  • 147 Replies
858 posts

Any religion that says that you are a bad person because of your sexuality is a dumb religion.

5,552 posts

If they want to wreck and destroy hundreds of people's lives, then let them. They can live with their grief if they want.

Lulwhat? Exactly how do they "wreck and destroy hundreds of people's lives?"

If everyone is homosexual, then all the sudden the birth of new generations die out

Except, uh, not everyone is?
3,437 posts

It's wrong for people to be homosexual in my opinion. I would not force them to comply, though. They make their own decisions. If they want to wreck and destroy hundreds of people's lives, then let them. They can live with their grief if they want.

I am going to try and respond to this is calmly as possible. Since this is perhaps the most bigotted thing I have seen in a long while it may be difficult.


Secondly, I would like to adress the fact that science has confirmed that homosexuality is not something only humans are capable of. In fact cave bats have a higher rate of homosexuality than human beings. Once more proving it is not a choice. Just in case you're confused allow me to explain: animals, unlike humans, are not capable of determining such a complex idea as sexuality. They follow natural instincts.

How in the world does homosexuality RUIN anyone's life except those self righteous enough to even claim such a thing? If they're happy with who they are then let them be who they are!
3,437 posts

The lack of having children means they weren't born, and then them having children, etc. If you want to be specific, and didn't marry anyone 'outside the family', and had four kids:
1st gen: 4 (the equation is r = (prevgen)/2 x 4; though simply r = prevgen x 2)
2nd gen: 8 (adds up to 12)
3rd gen: 16 (adds up to 28)
4th gen: 32 (adds up to 60)
5th gen: 64 (adds up to 124)
6th gen: 128 (adds up to 252)
7th gen: 256 (adds up to 508)
8th gen: 512 (adds up to 1020 people)
I call it the Adam and Eve concept. By the Eighth generation (about 400 years) the lives of a thousand people are in your hands.

And I call it nature's population control. We have roughly 6.7 billion people on this planet. That's more than enough people, frankly we don't need any more.

Sorry for the double post. But your saying that if I decided to go and kiss my brother right now than that wasn't my choice? But then, if I wanted to go and kiss my sister, are you saying I wouldn't if I had kissed my brother?

What the hell does this have to do with incest? I'm saying that you cannot force yourself to find a man or woman attractive. You are either heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Not by choice. For instance I cannot go out and have sexual relations with a man simply because I choose to. Why? Because to me it seems awkward. That is not to say that my friend, who is gay, finds it awkward. He in fact finds the idea of sleeping with a woman awkward. Why? Because he does not find women attractive.

It also seemed to be that you said that animals never make choices. Surprisingly enough, animals occasionally do make choices. That's what their brain is for. Just because they don't talk doesn't mean that they don't know how to make choices.

I said many lack the ability to make COMPLEX choices. In your arguement, that it is a choice, I would consider that a choice of great complexity. However, humans, like all animals, follow their NATURAL impulses.
9,504 posts

The lack of having children means they weren't born, and then them having children, etc. If you want to be specific, and didn't marry anyone 'outside the family', and had four kids:
1st gen: 4 (the equation is r = (prevgen)/2 x 4; though simply r = prevgen x 2)
2nd gen: 8 (adds up to 12)
3rd gen: 16 (adds up to 28)
4th gen: 32 (adds up to 60)
5th gen: 64 (adds up to 124)
6th gen: 128 (adds up to 252)
7th gen: 256 (adds up to 508)
8th gen: 512 (adds up to 1020 people)
I call it the Adam and Eve concept. By the Eighth generation (about 400 years) the lives of a thousand people are in your hands.

To add to Wolf's arguments, I also fail to see how this is a problem. You are targeting homosexuals for something that wouldn't happen in the future? Should you also be targeting heterosexuals that don't have children because they didn't make children? "thousands of people are in your hands!" Many heterosexuals also choose to not have children. Should they be targeted as well, simply because they aren't following in the "loop", so to speak?
2,150 posts

There are too **** many people on this planet already, so I think there should be more homosexuals... plenty of babies need to be adopted! ironically, I want two kids :X

3,085 posts

Alright then, I think it's time for my return, one can't lurk in the shadows forever.

I've never understood this argument that gays/lesbians are 'destroying lives' because they aren't having children - by that same logic, surely, people who use contraception are destroying hundreds of lives (far be it for me to point out that, unless you ask a devout religious person for whom contraception is a no-no, hardly anybody speaks out against contraception - when was the last time you saw people being attacked for using a condom?). Also, the argument that people being gay/lesbian is going to bring the next generation to its knees, is just plain ignorant. Say that roughly 5% (I'm afraid I don't have actual statistics) of people are gay or lesbian and therefore don't reproduce (for the sake of argument - they don't look into surrogacy options either) ...That still means that a massive proportion of people are going to breed (I won't say 95% because there are obviously other factors that stop people from having children).

2,301 posts

Most people won't be on either extreme, but rather sit somewhere between an extreme and the middle.
Prove it.

If everyone is homosexual, then all the sudden the birth of new generations die out.
Fallacy of the false dichotomy. Not everyone is homosexual, nor will they be when homosexuality becomes accepted.

It's almost as if people were thinking that we live forever.
Mankind is doomed no matter what.

They make their own decisions.
No one decides this.

Others have addressed your final, and most offensive point. But to re-iterate, not having children harms no one.

More to the point, Orion's drastically, terribly wrong. If you're the only person she told, you should be there for her. Let her know that she has someone she can trust.

On the matter of religion, this is not the best place for advice. We have ignorant fanatics on either end and little in between. Most will prescribe aggressive nihilism.

Tell her religion is something she has to find for herself. She shouldn't seek to follow the religion she's been taught blindly. She should think about it, feel it, and above all make it her own.
3,085 posts

I still don't see how that can be the case. Why am I not understanding this?

Just because being gay is accepted, doesn't mean everybody will suddenly become gay, not everyone has the desire to have sexual relations with someone of the same sex - the majority of people don't.
5,552 posts

Then what is the point of this masquerade?

If you mean masquerade as in hiding who you really are, it's because of reactions like yours. If you mean masquerade as in making it socially acceptable, the point is the same as for any anti racism, women's rights, no slavery campaign. Basic human right to be treated as a person and not some lower class animal.
5,552 posts

That was a rhetorical question. I already knew that.

Sorry. Sarcasm/Rhetorical questions aren't advisable on forums unless it's extremely obvious, normally you can tell what's what by tone of voice or by how it's said, but reading it straight off you hear it in the voice you expect to hear it in.

I personally have never thought that homosexuality was anything wrong, I mean, exactly how would it be? Obviously it's natural, because it happens. Obviously they feel the same way that a heterosexual person does about their partner. Obviously it does no harm. As for the unborn thing, how can you harm someone that never existed? And even if they weren't homosexual, they still might have not had kids. Or they might have been utterly horrible parents and messed up the kid for the rest of it's life. Plus there's too many people anyway, soon we're going to run into a population crisis and there will be a massive die off anyways...the planet can only support so many people.
1,255 posts

The last entry on this comic is a very good example of what may happen if gays are allowed to spread Tamp down the homosexuals before they can gain any momentum!

Of course, I am kidding. I think that being gay is a choice, but that is just me, since there are many studies out there saying it is chemical reactions in the brain. Honestly, I can't say I am for or against gays, but either way, I won't care.

If her religion won't let her be gay, try to get her to let go of her religion, and become part a rational religion/belief like Deism, or Atheism.

Stupid, bigoted, biased, uninformed, people in large groups are dangerous.

9,462 posts

But I can only imagine how terribly awkward to be holding a conversation and the other person says, "Uh, yeah, actually my parents are homosexual." I mean, it's not like they had a kid together, but one of them had a kid and then married someone of the same sex.

From the reports I've heard the kids in such a family environment are not bothered by it at all.
1,036 posts

First of all I'm sorry I didn't get back right away.
She is actually Catholic.
Nobody except for I knows that she's a lesbian.
We are friends (If we were dating I doubt I would have even made this forum)
And I asked for advice and all I got was a whole there are no gay people on armorgames but there are. Or One Catholic versus 100,000 Athiests. So I would like to get back on subject before this thing blows up into a whole fight.
PS: Yes they think homosexuals burn in hell.

3,437 posts

That article makes the couple look like saints. It even says they wouldn't support someone with a homosexual life style. How can you love someone if you can't accept the way they live?

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