ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
9,462 posts

Science has done good and bad just like religon.

Science in it's most basic form is knowledge, more specifically covers the methods in which we arrive at that knowledge. It is neither good nor bad, it doesn't deal with morality.
It is simply a tool for us to use. Saying science has done good or bad is like saying a hammer has done good because it allowed someone to build a house, but has done bad when a person used it as a murder weapon.
3,371 posts

Science in it's most basic form is knowledge, more specifically covers the methods in which we arrive at that knowledge. It is neither good nor bad, it doesn't deal with morality.
It is simply a tool for us to use. Saying science has done good or bad is like saying a hammer has done good because it allowed someone to build a house, but has done bad when a person used it as a murder weapon.

Like religon. Some people use it for good others use it for bad but it is neither. It's teachings. Of faith.
3,025 posts

Like religon. Some people use it for good others use it for bad but it is neither. It's teachings. Of faith.

True, although the amount of faith it asks of you is rediculous. Religion is, mostly, a bad thing - in its own way. It has had people listen only to the good book and those who follow it with them, ignoring the idealogy of anything else around them. Religion itself may be to blame as it does indirectly ask you to do so.

Science is a tool as Mage has said. Learning of our flaws is a better thing to do than making us believe that's how we're "human".

- H
554 posts

Like religon. Some people use it for good others use it for bad but it is neither. It's teachings. Of faith.

How is religion used for good? And teachings are supposed to be true or at least sound true. What is the point of faith without fact to build your faith on.
3,025 posts

Actually yeah, let me put what I said into more correct terms:
Religion isn't good, but it's less bad than alternatives.

- H

5,552 posts

Why pray tell is it bad to be gay? That is just homophobia.

Pretty much from what i've collected during this thread for why Christianity thinks being gay is a sin.

1. The bible says it is, nuff said (In their opinion)

2. They claim it's "Unnatural" despite obviously being natural, and showing that it takes place in more than our species.

That's about it. It's the same thing as teaching racism, people genuinely believed that white people were better than black people, because it was taught to them. That's about all there is to it. Homophobia is dying out, the church will eventually come to tolerate it because if they don't they'll have no followers, be seen as cultists, etc.
3,025 posts

be seen as cultists, etc.

If they had little followers at the start they would be considered cultists.

2. They claim it's "Unnatural" despite obviously being natural, and showing that it takes place in more than our species.

A good reason, but I still consider it unnatural and I disapprove - although I will not go to great lengths in stopping someone being gay. I will try and reason with anyone thinking about it, since I think a male and female is a better option.

- H
1,558 posts

Science has done good and bad just like religon.

Where has science gone wrong? Just kidding. Well, I see them as opposites. I'll explain after I find some sources, but my point is that religion gives hope that science extinguishes for the good of understanding.
9,462 posts

Like religon. Some people use it for good others use it for bad but it is neither. It's teachings. Of faith.

Religion does put itself in the position of dealing with morality, thus dealing with good and bad. It even goes as far so to be claimed to be that source. As such we can attribute ones moral actions to it.
3,085 posts

A good reason, but I still consider it unnatural and I disapprove - although I will not go to great lengths in stopping someone being gay. I will try and reason with anyone thinking about it, since I think a male and female is a better option.

here's instances of homosexual behaviour in animals - I know it's Wikipedia, so it's not 100% reliable, it's a good place to start and get references though.

Anyway - what makes a male and a female a better option? I'd like to disagree with your choice of words too - homosexuality isn't an 'option' in that you can't just choose your sexuality.
8,257 posts

Well, the point is male and female is a better option in your mind, but for the homosexuals it obviously isn't; and it has always been like that for them. I can say I am definitely attracted to women, and I can't imagine it otherwise - for myself. If others feel otherwise, it's ok, even if it's a bit strange. But there are stranger things than that...
Also keep in mind that noone is 100% heterosexual. We are all homosexual to some extent

9,462 posts

here's instances of homosexual behaviour in animals - I know it's Wikipedia, so it's not 100% reliable, it's a good place to start and get references though.

If you don't want to believe wiki then believe your own eyes.

THIS IS THE TRUTH: Homosexuality in Animals
3,025 posts

Anyway - what makes a male and a female a better option?

I think about it like this:
Everyone needs to be remotely similiar, sexuality I think should be included.

I am not saying everyone be doctors or scientists or politicians - it's almost impossible and indefinitely inefficient. However I don't think being gay is exactly the best way to ensure the well being of our race.

I'd like to disagree with your choice of words too - homosexuality isn't an 'option' in that you can't just choose your sexuality.

Only once you've done the deed is no longer becomes a choice. Even then, bisexualism is still an option.

Unless of course you're referring to an improbability / impossibility of matin-- I mean meeting someone of the opposite sex.

Also keep in mind that noone is 100% heterosexual. We are all homosexual to some extent

I'm not gonna touch that topic...

I can say I am definitely attracted to women, and I can't imagine it otherwise - for myself. If others feel otherwise, it's ok, even if it's a bit strange.

I'm actually rethinking my opinion of homosexuality. I certainly don't think it's more natural than males and females but right now I can't say it is not justified - I tried developing a reason against it further but I'm actually debating with myself on the subject. :/

- H
3,085 posts

Everyone needs to be remotely similiar, sexuality I think should be included.

Homosexuals are similar to heterosexuals - the people involved in both are usually of a roughly similar age, have a loving relationship, tend to live together, etc - your point seems a little silly if I'm honest.

However I don't think being gay is exactly the best way to ensure the well being of our race.

There's no link between homosexuality and low intelligence or genetic diseases or anything so it can't be argued that they'll harm the human race. There's always going to be a vastly higher number of heterosexual people so we're not in danger of dying out due to lack of breeding or gene pool size either.
5,552 posts

Think of it this way Highfire. How you feel about Male+Female, is how they feel about Male+Male or Female+Female. "You" do not consider bisexuality as an option

Also keep in mind that noone is 100% heterosexual. We are all homosexual to some extent
I'm not gonna touch that topic...
and they feel the same for themselves.
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