ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
9,462 posts

Only once you've done the deed is no longer becomes a choice.

No, ones attraction would be there with or without the deed.
3,025 posts

"You" do not consider bisexuality as an option

I'll put that in terms that I think it's in:

I consider it an option, but for me it's a near-definite "no".

No, ones attraction would be there with or without the deed.

I'm not talking about ones attraction.

Okay, since it appears I'm talking bull, which to be quite frank, it really does, I'm gonna take a step out of this thread, think about it myself and right now I am leaning towards the "musical" preference - right now it's not a serious topic since it doesn't bare serious consequence, therefore the amount of passion or resistance you put into it should be minimal.

That's what I think about music, and right now I'm starting to think that about homosexuality. Can I at least say that that is a fair way to think about it? plz. xD

- H
9,462 posts

I'm not talking about ones attraction.

Ones sexuality is more then ones actions. It is ones attraction and affections as well.
3,025 posts

Ones sexuality is more then ones actions. It is ones attraction and affections as well.

Therefore I feel
We are all homosexual to some extent

is almost indefinitely true.

Under those circumstances, Mage, no, it isn't a choice. Well done, sir!

- H
955 posts

Threatening and actually being about to kill someone are different things.
Being about to kill someone is an attempted murder, it does not become a complete murder before victim's death. And if you, as a to-be victim, have prevented the murder, the culprit won't be punished for murder. The same with God.
The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians all went on for thousands of years and they are extinct.
You could compare these with primitive tribes with their pagan religions and say the same. Here we have all the progress which compresses time in terms of idea sharing and thinking evolution (changes in moral, civil laws etc), this makes the fact of religion survival harder to avoid.
Christianity. Unbacked, illogical, no evidence. And if you interpret the bible right why does god let so many others not and if you haven't interpreted the bible right why follow it.
To interpret the Bible right, one has to consult with God, that's what baptism and confirmation do as sacraments, we receive a gift from Holy Spirit to stand for the cause of Christ and Church. Name me any other branch of Christianity except Orthodox (who in fact still share the mainline dogmas of Christianity with us) that has confirmation as a valid sacrament (this will require valid Ordination sacrament). And even then a human can fail, since a limited mind, when challenging the infinite, can understand it wrongly. And, no evidence? Check this. And this is not a complete list, it has flaws inside, but E1337 said my Google fu is weak.
Why pray tell is it bad to be gay? That is just homophobia.
Read me back 100 pages, there was a wide discussion already. Being homo-inclined is not equal to being gay, if one says he's gay it might be only an unimplemented homosexuality inclination, which in fact can be built in a human for some reason. These people are not being hated, even those who do homosexual acts are not hated, only the acts themselves are condemned.
Only once you've done the deed is no longer becomes a choice. Even then, bisexualism is still an option.
Well, a deed done is not a choice anymore, but any subsequent deed you could do is still a choice, and you are responsible for that choice. And MGW, the attraction being there makes it harder to choose what's not a sin, but still possible.
9,462 posts

And, no evidence? Check this. And this is not a complete list,

Do we really need to get into how subjective your evidence is again?

And MGW, the attraction being there makes it harder to choose what's not a sin, but still possible.

The attraction being there is what primarily makes one homosexual or not. The attraction is completely natural.
955 posts

Do we really need to get into how subjective your evidence is again?
You can alerady remain silent.
And religous folks wonder why atheism is on the rise. Because it's the "you can be gay, just can't engage in any homosexual behaviors" bull**** that can't pass the sniff test. It's like saying you can own a car, just can't drive it.
It's like saying you can own a car, but since you don't want to drive it on roads, you must not drive the pavement.
9,462 posts

It's like saying you can own a car, but since you don't want to drive it on roads, you must not drive the pavement.

That doesn't make any flipping sense!
5,552 posts

It's like saying you can own a car, but since you don't want to drive it on roads, you must not drive the pavement.

That doesn't make any flipping sense!

Lawl, I have to agree with Mage, that doesn't make any sense.
9,462 posts

This man is truly a prophet.

554 posts

Being about to kill someone is an attempted murder, it does not become a complete murder before victim's death. And if you, as a to-be victim, have prevented the murder, the culprit won't be punished for murder. The same with God.

If you steal to survive you get a more lenient punishment than stealing from greed. This is because of the intent. If the intent is to kill it should get a similar if not the same punishment as killing.

You could compare these with primitive tribes with their pagan religions and say the same. Here we have all the progress which compresses time in terms of idea sharing and thinking evolution (changes in moral, civil laws etc), this makes the fact of religion survival harder to avoid.

You try and hold back science since it is "blasphemous" yet when science manages to get past this and makes a breakthrough you say this is what god wants us to know and say your religion always supported it. However, some people don't see this and still somehow think religion is a great thing. And unlike your religion old religions encouraged philosophy which made a lot of genius inventions which were mainly compiled into their religion. Yet they died out. I fail to see how yours will survive when theirs didn't

To interpret the Bible right, one has to consult with God, that's what baptism and confirmation do as sacraments, we receive a gift from Holy Spirit to stand for the cause of Christ and Church. Name me any other branch of Christianity except Orthodox (who in fact still share the mainline dogmas of Christianity with us) that has confirmation as a valid sacrament (this will require valid Ordination sacrament). And even then a human can fail, since a limited mind, when challenging the infinite, can understand it wrongly. And, no evidence? Check this. And this is not a complete list, it has flaws inside, but E1337 said my Google fu is weak.

Most don't say the miracle, most aren't true miracles, none have proof and almost all don't have to be supernatural. And what you basically said is my religion believes something is important which no one else does and since we have it we are more important. To you this is logic, to anyone else it is stupidity.

Read me back 100 pages, there was a wide discussion already. Being homo-inclined is not equal to being gay, if one says he's gay it might be only an unimplemented homosexuality inclination, which in fact can be built in a human for some reason. These people are not being hated, even those who do homosexual acts are not hated, only the acts themselves are condemned.

yeah, you can decide that homosecxual acts are wrong for no reason.

It's like saying you can own a car, but since you don't want to drive it on roads, you must not drive the pavement.

This is a stupid metaphor. It is not, it is just another road which once was banned and now is open again but not as many people like to use it
9,462 posts

I mean honestly, why the **** are you religious folk so god****ed concerned with what I do with my penis?

It's a control mechanism in religion. Having sexual feelings are normal and a strong aspect to being human. Turn that into something that in most cases is wicked and requires you to "turn to God", through the specific religion of course, and you add an artificial dependence on that religion to keep those "wicked" feelings you have in check.

I find it funny how something that has a doctrine of not telling falsehoods, would use them so readily to further their own agendas.
955 posts

If you steal to survive you get a more lenient punishment than stealing from greed. This is because of the intent. If the intent is to kill it should get a similar if not the same punishment as killing.
God judges both by intent and action, a grave sin consists of both. So if there was an intent to say steal from greed but the steal itself failed, the punishment will be less than if the steal would succeed.
It's like saying you can own a car, but since you don't want to drive it on roads, you must not drive the pavement.

That doesn't make any flipping sense!
Okay, rephrasing. It's like having a prick and while not wanting to employ it in the correct hole, being forbidden to use other holes. If you do use other holes, you sin. I have meant that a pavement is not for the cars, so driving over the pavement is illegal.
And, no evidence? Check this. And this is not a complete list,

Do we really need to get into how subjective your evidence is again?
By the way, several of these miracles do not involve humans to filter info, are pretty objective as containing objects, and I am aware that at least one of them was investigated by scientists who failed to explain the event but confirmed that body and blood are for real. Check here
You try and hold back science since it is "blasphemous"
Cite me for this please, otherwise this didn't happen.
I fail to see how yours will survive when theirs didn't
Well, if you can, survive for another 2000 years and see.
Only once you've done the deed is no longer becomes a choice. Even then, bisexualism is still an option.

Then kindly suck my ****, since, as you say, being bi is an option.
Wow, you have just insulted Highfire. I don't think you're blind.
And really Vesperbot? Blogspot?
You can try beating me in this Google fu, I believe you will find more reliable resources. You might want to check the link I gave above.
554 posts

Okay, rephrasing. It's like having a prick and while not wanting to employ it in the correct hole, being forbidden to use other holes. If you do use other holes, you sin. I have meant that a pavement is not for the cars, so driving over the pavement is illegal.

Who decides which hole?

By the way, several of these miracles do not involve humans to filter info, are pretty objective as containing objects, and I am aware that at least one of them was investigated by scientists who failed to explain the event but confirmed that body and blood are for real. Check here

CAnnibalism is supposed to be bad but anyway he could've just gotten flesh and blood from somewhere.

Cite me for this please, otherwise this didn't happen

here for a start

Well, if you can, survive for another 2000 years and see.

\\if I do it'll be from science.
9,462 posts

By the way, several of these miracles do not involve humans to filter info, are pretty objective as containing objects, and I am aware that at least one of them was investigated by scientists who failed to explain the event but confirmed that body and blood are for real. Check here

"During the Divine Liturgy, when he said the Words of Consecration (This is my body. This is my blood), with doubt in his soul, the priest saw the bread change into living flesh and the wine change into live blood, which coagulated into five globules, irregular and differing in shape and size (this number supposedly corresponds to the number of wounds Christ suffered on the cross: one in each hand and foot from the nails, and the wound from the centurion's spear)."

The lack of faith, and the flesh and blood once being bread and wine are all subjective claims. So really all we have is a monk with an unrealistic story and some flesh and blood. Nothing here demonstrates that it was once bread and wine. So your evidence is still subjective.

In the flesh we see present in section: the myocardium, the endocardium, the vagus nerve and also the left ventricle of the heart for the large thickness of the myocardium. The flesh is a heart complete in its essential structure.

Well now I guess I know what the bread is suppose to transubstantiate into. I was figuring it was foreskin.
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