ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
9,462 posts

Blood weighing test, at the very least.

Which wasn't determined through scientific testing but ecclesiastical investigation conducted in the 16th century.
955 posts

The first one was ecclesiastical, conducted in 8th century, the testing done in 1574 was not.

9,462 posts

The first one was ecclesiastical, conducted in 8th century, the testing done in 1574 was not.

It says the ecclesiastical investigations were conducted since 1574. The scientific testing was conducted in the 70s. Now knock off the grasping for straws with this one, it's lame.
955 posts

To weigh something, you don't need a scientist but an authority. Stop hitting the wall, it's lame.

315 posts

Hmm. The recent change of the title of this post only shows that the atheists are trying to secure their beliefs. It shows that they feel threatened in some way and therefore have to belittle religion in every way that they can. I don't think they have learned one human aspect that we all should learn: Tolerance. It's alright if the atheists have different views, I don't care. Sure, I might argue, but they are still people. Yet, for some reason, they are rude and bigoted on these forums, especially to religious types. It's very ironic how this has all played out.

1,612 posts

The recent change of the title of this post only shows that the atheists are trying to secure their beliefs. It shows that they feel threatened in some way and therefore have to belittle religion in every way that they can.

whoa, I would have never said you could understand all that from two letters switched...
3,025 posts

Hmm. The recent change of the title of this post only shows that the atheists are trying to secure their beliefs. It shows that they feel threatened in some way and therefore have to belittle religion in every way that they can. I don't think they have learned one human aspect that we all should learn: Tolerance. It's alright if the atheists have different views, I don't care. Sure, I might argue, but they are still people. Yet, for some reason, they are rude and bigoted on these forums, especially to religious types. It's very ironic how this has all played out.

You fail - have you even seen the arguments made and the insults swapped? Rarely is it from the Atheist side and hell I know this is a "No YOU!" debate right here - do I care? No, because as far as tolerance goes we have to tolerate more than theists and they're the ones buckling their heads asking "WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!".

Rude and bigoted? Give us explaination, give us an example and furthermore - give us context. I don't want to read "Why are you just being so ******* retarded?" when really there is an exceptional reason behind it.

Oh, and tolerance is great - when it doesn't slap you in the face and ruin chances. You know, religion isn't ALWAYS a good thing (it's more bad then good imo).

That, and
but they are still people
is a bad point - you do it, because in the end it's the right way to carry out a debate (or the most influential). Not only that, but hey, people are flawed, and this does include arguments.

Take a guess and see which part refers to it (if it isn't all of it).

Also, secure beliefs? I don't know about you, but at the START of this thread I was trying to secure others from thepyro's beliefs.

- H
3,817 posts

I don't think they have learned one human aspect that we all should learn: Tolerance

So being homophobic is tolerant? Forcing your views on others is tolerant? It would seem that you have yet to learn this word.

It's alright if the atheists have different views, I don't care.

You just think we will burn in a fire, but you don't care. Nice, aren't you?

Yet, for some reason, they are rude and bigoted on these forums, especially to religious types

So saying that you are an idiot if you beilive an idiotic claim that has no scientific backing, such as a world flood or anything in your religion, is somehow rude and bigoted? I say the same thing to people who think other idiotic things, like that we are stealing rain.
554 posts

Hmm. The recent change of the title of this post only shows that the atheists are trying to secure their beliefs. It shows that they feel threatened in some way and therefore have to belittle religion in every way that they can. I don't think they have learned one human aspect that we all should learn: Tolerance. It's alright if the atheists have different views, I don't care. Sure, I might argue, but they are still people. Yet, for some reason, they are rude and bigoted on these forums, especially to religious types. It's very ironic how this has all played out.

You know we are perfectly happy to not make fun of you once you have provided proof or at least evidence. Until then you are granted the status of a conspiracy theorist.

From here
And I have found the weight of them being 15.75g reported on another of the sites.

The miralce you linked to was so obviously a legend I couldn't even be bothered to continue reading. It was like 800 years ago, how can they know what happened?
554 posts

Oh and if Vesper is going to come out with his miracles I'm going to ask again a question which he never answered. Why does God show himself in these miracles but not in more obvious ways? Why doesn't he heal all who pray to him not just some random few? Why, if he is prepared to show himself in random meaningless ways like that, doesn't he actually help people and do something productive?

1,143 posts

yes but you fail to take in to consideration the fact that whena christian cannot answer something they fall back on the old exscuse that god has a plan and that we are too stupid, sinfull or evil or whatever to understand what that plan is

1,612 posts

Why doesn't he heal all who pray to him not just some random few?

THIS. you know, I don't want to worship a god that decide to give out miracles throwing a die.
9,462 posts

To weigh something, you don't need a scientist but an authority. Stop hitting the wall, it's lame.

No You need a scale and as for the authority I don't trust a hand full of Bishops who could easily be bias and fudging the results. This is however something that could be verified, but I doubt the church would allow a non bias party enough access to do so.
1,143 posts

HERE HERE! (basically sort of)

2,520 posts

Wasn't this Christianity FTW?

Showing 1711-1725 of 4668