ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
955 posts

So feeling that God's existence is questionable or false isn't a feeling about a deity?
Yes, it's not a feeling, it's a premise which, for some reason, is rarely questionable by the one who has it.
8,257 posts

That's not how I see it, everyone has feelings towards what god is supposed to be, independent of whether he truly exists or not. Try to see it from my viewpoint: people have feeling about something that does not exist. In what is that different to feelings I have about an idea?

159 posts

Alright, so Jesus is your God ? And you just said he died, can a Supreme GOD die ?! I'm just saying.. :P
What do you think about Jewishs and Muslims btw ?

3,139 posts

Alright, so Jesus is your God ? And you just said he died, can a Supreme GOD die ?! I'm just saying.. :P

Christians (Well at least Catholics) believe in the Trinity - God was present in different forums. The flesh form, through Jesus Christ died, the "Supreme god" as you put it, did not.
159 posts

Jesus is not god, he is his prophet just like Moses and Mohammed.
Plus his body didn't die, the one that 'died' wasn't Jesus.
Oh well everyone got his beliefs and everything will be clear in the afterlife

5,552 posts

Plus his body didn't die, the one that 'died' wasn't Jesus

There goes, "He died for our sins." Of course, this to me sounds like you have no idea about your own religion or are apart of the 40,000 different variations of Christianity that i've never heard of.
3,085 posts

Kasic, considering that he lives in Egypt and referred the the Prophet Mohammed (May Allah honour him and grant him peace), I think we can assume that he's Muslim.

9,462 posts

Well you see Jesus was born from a virgin and God, his father. But Jesus was also God. (Talk about inbreeding issues.) He was born so he could eventually be brutally beaten and killed in order for God to say "Your forgiven" to all of humanity (Because you know no one can forgive without having something killed first.) for something the first (metaphorical) people did that God didn't want them doing. (Even though God set everything up for just that to happen.)
Anyway Jesus died, a bunch of dead people came back to life and walked around the city "Matthew 27:50-53". (But the zombie invasion wasn't at all important.) Jesus spent a few days dead then came back to life as well. (ZOMBIE!!!) Then Jesus just walked around a bit began ascending into heaven when the Ghostbusters showed up and trapped him.

1,036 posts

Isn't Jesus kinda like Hitler?
I mean look what they have in common.
1.Hair color.
2.Facial Hair
3.Both made people think he was good.
4.We know little about their childhoods.
5.Both were involved some how in Jew faith.
6.Both died.

26,677 posts

Well you see Jesus was born from a virgin and God, his father. But Jesus was also God. (Talk about inbreeding issues.) He was born so he could eventually be brutally beaten and killed in order for God to say "Your forgiven" to all of humanity (Because you know no one can forgive without having something killed first.) for something the first (metaphorical) people did that God didn't want them doing. (Even though God set everything up for just that to happen.)
Anyway Jesus died, a bunch of dead people came back to life and walked around the city "Matthew 27:50-53". (But the zombie invasion wasn't at all important.) Jesus spent a few days dead then came back to life as well. (ZOMBIE!!!) Then Jesus just walked around a bit began ascending into heaven when the Ghostbusters showed up and trapped him.

Silly Mage, zombies aren't made of ectoplasm, thus nobody would call!

Christians (Well at least Catholics) believe in the Trinity - God was present in different forums. The flesh form, through Jesus Christ died, the "Supreme god" as you put it, did not.

Could somebody explain the Holy Ghost to me?
26,677 posts

Isn't Jesus kinda like Hitler?
I mean look what they have in common.
1.Hair color.
2.Facial Hair
3.Both made people think he was good.
4.We know little about their childhoods.
5.Both were involved some how in Jew faith.
6.Both died

That is so vague, it could be applied to a large amount of dead people.......
183 posts

I dont get surprised if the christians secretly believe zeus is their God, by this trinity contradict.

159 posts

I think we can assume that he's Muslim.

Of course I am

Well you see Jesus was born from a virgin and God, his father. But Jesus was also God. (Talk about inbreeding issues.) He was born so he could eventually be brutally beaten and killed in order for God to say "Your forgiven" to all of humanity (Because you know no one can forgive without having something killed first.) for something the first (metaphorical) people did that God didn't want them doing. (Even though God set everything up for just that to happen.)
Anyway Jesus died, a bunch of dead people came back to life and walked around the city "Matthew 27:50-53". (But the zombie invasion wasn't at all important.) Jesus spent a few days dead then came back to life as well. (ZOMBIE!!!) Then Jesus just walked around a bit began ascending into heaven when the Ghostbusters showed up and trapped him.

I doubt you are Christian, there's no way in hell a Christian would call Jesus a Zombie! This is mean, stop it please.

Isn't Jesus kinda like Hitler?
I mean look what they have in common.
1.Hair color.
2.Facial Hair
3.Both made people think he was good.
4.We know little about their childhoods.
5.Both were involved some how in Jew faith.
6.Both died

That is so vague, it could be applied to a large amount of dead people.......

I agree, it could be applied to a large amount of dead people.

Could somebody explain the Holy Ghost to me?

What Holy Ghost.. ?
1,036 posts

zeus is their God

Nope, the christian God didn't have random sex with women nor did the christian God get drunk which is why I like the Zeus Gods more so when a person asks me what would Zeus do (Instead of Jesus) Then I could go he would F*** random women!
9,462 posts

That is so vague, it could be applied to a large amount of dead people.......

I think that was the point.
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