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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
8,256 posts

Actually, to summarize the most important bits, instead of answering to my point-to-point reply (end of p.348 if you still want to reply to that), here's what I have to say:

You believe that killing, thieving and so on does make a difference in the great scheme of things, because you believe there's a great scheme of things. This is what your book tells you.

I do not think so, and to me killing or thieving does make no overall difference in the end; this is what my reason tells me.
HOWEVER, it does make a big difference to me. My consciousness subjectively values life high enough to not want to end it randomly, and it values possessions and order/decency high enough to not go around stealing things. I possess a certain amount of empathy and value respect of others high enough (knowing others may also highly value life, at least of people close to them) to not want to hurt them by killing someone.

Plus my reason tells me that I'll experience psychical repercussions if killing someone.

This together with common sense are reasons why I don't kill or steal.

What you must keep from all that is the very important nuance between objective and subjective. Yes I do think that life has no objective meaning, I do however have subjective expectations of life, like being overall happy (I know I'll never be happy all the time, and I don't want to be), contributing to scientifical advances, raising a family etc.

- I hope this answered most of your questions about the why of things.

534 posts


If you look, there are hundreds of explainations about the meaning of life. Most of which show a bunch of stuff that say eating drinkng and partying everyday is the meaning of life, or having sex everyday or killing people or bullying other people or bombing a place or beating your wife or.......

These are mostly the bad stuff. I rarely find a site that gives good explanations on what the meaning of life is other than the bible.
8,256 posts

These are mostly the bad stuff. I rarely find a site that gives good explanations on what the meaning of life is other than the bible.

Why do you even expect people to tell you the meaning of your life? In the best case it simply helps to realize what you personally expect from your life. Don't google it, think for yourself!

Oh, and since when are eating, drinking, partying and sex bad stuff?
9,462 posts

The Roman Empire, the most powerful, intelligent, and longest lasting form of government and Empire ever created on Earth lists these records, Peter, one of the main writers of the New Testament of the Bible, was even a Roman citizen, heck, even Jesus was a Roman citizen. Roman Centurions kept personal records, Pontius Pilate, the Rome's city governor, mentioned as Theophilus in the Bible, Titus Sabinus is his Roman name, kept records.

The places he shows up were not Rome. They were back water areas under Roman rule where Greek was a second language to Hebrew. But the comment was more for Old Testament points. God showing himself has been with people who's primary means of recording history was word of mouth, not written records.

Again there are no first hand records of Jesus, every single one mentioning him is a good generation or more after the supposed events.

though the Bible considered by many History professors as being a History book,

No, while it is important to research the Bible if one was to study the culture from which it originates, as it can give some cultural incite through it's story telling. The book itself is not a history book. The only one's I have ever seen it treat it as such are Christians.

You told me that you come up with your own morals and that you also get your morals from society. How do you get your morals from two different places?

More then that, though this shows you weren't paying attention.

"Upbringing, social pressures, traits of empathy likely instilled through evolutionary processes to better ensure our races survival given we are social animals that tend to live in groups."

As for how that's like asking how could I learn about history from two different history books. I can take in the information and assimilate it into me.

Okay then. What do you believe your meaning is? And I don't want any "We give our own lives meaning."

This would be quite long to list everything but here are a few. (no particular order)
As I mentioned the care of my pets.
The gaining of knowledge.
Getting to spend time with my girlfriend.
Being able to enjoy pleasurable sensations.
Art work has had a lot of meaning in my life.

You: "The meaning of life is to bring entertainment to ourselves, and to savor our only life."
Me: "So why don't you steal from other people to bring yourself happiness?"
You: "Because that does other people harm."
Me: "I thought your meaning was to make yourself happy. So why don't you fulfill your meaning by stealing from people?" ...........

Going back to that list of where we get our morals from.

"traits of empathy"

Because of this the harm done to by others I can experience as if it happened to me. So causing harm to another person can in turn negatively affect me. This was explained to you.

Person1"Hey that was mine!"
Person2"Not anymore. Now it belongs to me."
Person1"I ought to make some morals where stealing is considered bad."
Person2"Good luck with that. It will take about two hundred years to do that."
Person1"For a thousand years people have been doing stuff I am sick of. Well today it stops!"

That's actually a pretty shallow take on it.

If thats true then how come a former atheist profesor was able to find mention of him?

Care to give us a name to work with? Because "some form atheist professor" sounds like "some Mexican guy". (cookie for the reference)

First of all just because i'm memorizing it doesn't mean I am really studying the bible. I had to learn it the hard way. I have to understand every meaning in the bible if you put all that together it would probably take thirty years. No I will show what I have learned and not wait that long.

All things considered I have to wonder how much of those meanings is from a bias perspective.

Most of which show a bunch of stuff that say eating drinkng and partying everyday is the meaning of life, or having sex everyday or killing people or bullying other people or bombing a place or beating your wife or.......

These are mostly the bad stuff. I rarely find a site that gives good explanations on what the meaning of life is other than the bible.

Doing something to an excess can be bad sure, because it can be detrimental. But these things in and of themselves are not bad.
Doing these things only once in a while would only make it all that much more special and meaningful to a persons life. Very much like how only having this life is all that much more meaningful since it's the only one we get.
1,434 posts

If you look, there are hundreds of explainations about the meaning of life. Most of which show a bunch of stuff that say eating drinkng and partying everyday is the meaning of life, or having sex everyday or killing people or bullying other people or bombing a place or beating your wife or.......

These are mostly the bad stuff. I rarely find a site that gives good explanations on what the meaning of life is other than the bible.

The meaning of life is an open-ended question. Fill in your own response. It's whatever you want it to be. You were given a brain with free thought, and the ability to make choices. You choose what you want your life to mean. If some folk want the meaning of their lives to be activities generally accepted by society as "malicious" or "bad", then that's their choice, and society shall respond accordingly.

I'd actually like to see some sources where you find all these auxiliary meanings of life, and how you know they're in mass quantities. As of now, it just seems you're stereotyping the general populace, but I could be wrong, all I need are sources.

If you want a book filled with hypocrisy to be your meaning of life, then very well. Mine is to enjoy everything that comes my way, do what I want, because I evolved with free will, vocal chords, and an open mind, and I'll do with them what I wish, no God getting in my way from my afterlife Paradise.

5,552 posts

Afterburner, I'm going to say this up front, I'm getting really, really sick of you just repeating the same question. I'm not going to respond to you anymore after this unless you move onto something else. We've answered you 5 TIMES now.

You missed my other question which was: What if those multiple places' morals contradict each other?


You just tried to fill a leaking hole with water. I was asking specifically, what do YOU believe that life's meaning is.

Leaking hole? What, that you think Atheists can't have a meaning of life? That you define &quotleasure" as raping/pillaging/stealing? I'm sorry, I'm not a sociopath as you would appear to be, because I don't find harming people fun.

My personal "meaning of life" is to learn about the world and enjoy our time here (This DOES NOT mean raping/pillaging/stealing, etc) and to help better things for those who will follow.

Now just repeat this over and over and over... Now I'd appreciate if you'd give me real answers.

And I'd appreciate it if you got it through your thick skull that stealing/raping/pillaging/murder etc AREN'T everyone's definition of pleasure as they would appear to you to be.

God punishes because we are sinned against Him. He doesn't punish us because we have free will.

Sigh. IF we had free will, that would mean we could choose. Just not believing in God wouldn't be a sin then, because we would have the choice to do so or not.

I want their money because money will make me happy. They won't give me their money. I will take money. When money is mine, I will be happy. There.

I personally couldn't care less about money. The only reason I have to is because of how our society works.

You are just confused.

Don't push it. You're getting very close to having me just flat out call you retarded.

Just because my personal conclusions and what society already has in place are the same doesn't mean that if society changed my personal conclusions would as well.

Why should it cause pain to others if a walking bag of meat collapses to death?

Are you seriously a sociopath? Do you know the meaning of the words, "sympathy" &quotity" "empathy?" Have you felt those before?

Dude. Think. Why else do people r-ape, pillage, and steal? Do they do it so they can get thrown in jail?

Why don't you get off your high horse and look at things not through your blind devotion standpoint, and actually use your head?

Greed, rage, anger, and other such strong emotions can lead to this. Pleasure might be involved, but it's not the driving force.

And when they contradict? You go with your personal judgement? So shouldn't that be your only source of morals?

It is my primary source, yes. I think many laws that we have are stupid an unnecessary. But I understand why we have them, to keep general order and peace because of the actions of stupid and selfish people.

Stealing makes yourself happy

Doesn't make me happy. I've never felt an urge to steal something. I wouldn't find it pleasurable, because I know how that person would feel to find it missing.


Now, move on. We've all answered you. If you want us to go in further, DON'T PICK THE SAME THING 200 TIMES IN YOUR POST AND ASK THE SAME THING AGAIN AND AGAIN.

You sound like a 7 year old brat who thinks it's funny to ask "why" after everything.
9,439 posts

Just so we're on the same page, which branch of Christianity do you follow and what bible do you use?

To save us. Wouldn't you die to save the entire human race?

Only if it was necessary. If He wishes that no one suffers, then why force one to suffer? If God is truly all powerful, He could simply prevent all suffering instead of being greedy and requiring a bloody sacrifice as compensation.

The punishment for sin is death.

Which is why people claim they're doing a service for God when they kill a 'sinner'.

Let's say you wrote a 500 page novel. You ask me to read it because you spent countless hours on it. But I just skip to the end, and waste all your work. God doesn't want us to skip to the end, He wants us to actually put faith in Him.

I'd be glad to have someone take the time and effort to skip to the end. It's better than if they threw it away. However, to more accurately compare the analogy to God, I'm pointing a gun to your head telling you to read or die. Free will. Your choice. Go ahead, make my day.

I'm not a slave. It was my choice to live for God.

The slaves made the choice to stay with and work for their masters, too. A shotgun and a reward helped them to make their choice. You fear hell (the shotgun) and want to go to heaven (a place to sleep and be fed) in exchange for your service. How are you not a slave?
5,129 posts

What reactions? Give me an example.

the way family's act when 1 of their sons is shot dead.

doesn't that ring a bell for you that killing some1 might be bad. seeing what happens after some1 died.
do you realy need a book to learn this lesson?

Stealing makes yourself happy, therefore, if everyone steals, everyone will be happy.

read my example again and use logic plz. i don't have time to explain the same thing twice.

Me: "Why is helping each other 'good'?"
You: "Because helping each other helps us to survive."
Me: "Why do we need to survive?"
You: "Because it's our instinct."
Me: "Why is it your instinct?" ..... You have yet to provide me with a decent answer for this question.

1st of i have not posted in this topic befor so you are now just assuming what i will say.
if you readed my whole post then you would read on the bottom that i do not agree whit the argument that "we need to survive"
plz. keep in mind who you reply to because we (atheists) are not all the same.
actualy is the only thing we have in commen is the denial of god. nothing els.

Why is stealing against the law if it makes you happy when you steal?

like i said befor. stealing does not make me happy. plz. read everything i write and don't make up things i have never said.
what i said was actualy the opposide.

You can just steal right back from them to make it even, right?

like i already said. that will only cause more chaos and violence.

plz. read what i write and don't make up your own assumptions.

Slavery was wrong because, by Christian morals, it is wrong to treat people like that. But you don't believe the Bible, so why is slavery wrong in your eyes?

slavery brought all kinds of diseases across the globe. causing lots of epedemics.

family's were broken appart. causing lots of grief. then they have to work hard for nothing and threaded like pigs.

now place yourself in the shous of a slave. would you like that to happen to you? no. so there we have it moral made: slavery = bad

you wnt me to go on why it wasn't moraly bad befor 1800?
i actualy know alot about the subject because it's the most importend part of my country's history.

Like I said, I'm not an expert Bible scholar...

what is this? a hit and run?
1st say alot of BS in a way like you know it all. then you hide and say you no expert.

i'm not a expert either. i just use logic.

And one day, all the fun will be over, and we will die.

so why not have some fun while it lasts?

Fun is not the meaning of life.

there is no actual meaning of life. the meaning of life is what we give it by ourself.

If it were then follow this logic: They have lots of money. I want to have fun. I can have fun with lots of money. I will take their money so I can have fun. So why isn't stealing 'right' if we're going to use the money to have fun?

there we got that BS again.
please read what i wrote above somewhere.

(the following 3)
(i don't feel the need to say more, it will only cost me more time)

Me: "Why do you think killing is wrong?"
You: "Because it hinders the survival of humans."
Me: "Why do humans need to survive?"
You: "It's our instinct."
Me: "Why is it our instinct to survive? What are we supposed to achieve by surviving?" ..... You have yet to supply me with a sufficient answer.

please read back and see that i do not agree whit the survival argument
come up whit something els for a change plz.
i'm only directing you back to things i already told ya.
don't you get tired of that loophole your in?

It doesn't matter how much good you do. Without accepting that you are a sinner and asking God for forgiveness, you will not go to heaven. You can't check off boxes of do's and don'ts to get to heaven. But at they same time, you can't have only belief either. I believe in James chapter 4 it says that "faith without deeds, is dead."

god is all forgiving, jesus died for our sins.
so god will forgive me for the sin of not believing in him.
he will forgive me the moment i see him or heaven is real. because that will be the moment i know i was wrong all along.
then god and i will have a good laugh about the time he tricked me in not believing for so many reasons that appaeredly he made by himself. i will call him the big pranker then.

why would he forgive me for the sin of not believing in him?
because he is all loving. he loves me so he will forgive me.

He wants to forgive you, since you deny His very existence, you won't be forgiven.

as soon there is actualy proof of his existence. i will believe in him. hench it's hard to deny when something is fact. but i dunno if you understand that.

thats btw why i said "he will forgive me the moment i see him or heaven is real. because that will be the moment i know i was wrong all along."

Because I was looking for an answer which you previously failed to give me.

i didn't post befor. so i wasn't able to previously answer the question.
plz. read to who you talk.
we are not all the same and non of us fits your small view.

Why don't you kill people? To you, they're all just (this is like the tenth time I've said this) bags of chemicals that can talk. What difference does it make whether they are alive or not?

i never said they are bags of chemicals.
to me they are people. people whit feelings and thought.
just like i am 1 of 7 billion.

however it doesn't matter me that people die. it doesn't matter me when there has been some senseless shooting again. it doesn't matter me when a earthquake kills 10.000 people.
aslong it's not some1 i know.

now i can place myself in the shous of a other person and still don't want any of this to happen in my surroundings.
then why should i become the cause of this grief in other people.
i wouldn't want it to happen to myself either.


now your probably gonna twist it around agan, and come back to your same BS points of view that you believe that all atheists view is.
but i wont be making any more time free for this non-sense.
plz. provide us whit some new lines, new views. because your stuck whit your views and they are totaly wrong. we only want to show to you how close minded your ideas are.
9,439 posts

actualy is the only thing we have in commen is the denial of god. nothing els.

Lack of belief =/= denial. I'm not 100% ruling it out, it just seems incredibly unlikely.
2,487 posts

@afterburner0- we are getting sick of giving you the answer, you taking something out of context/showing complete ignorance, and then twisting it to make it seem like we are fools. we know what we are telling you, and you are the only one (not even deathbewithyou is arguing) who doesn't seem to understand. you have been proven a fool, or a sociopath, multiple times. we have repeatedly explained to you why we won't become angels of hell when we don't believe. if you are going to continue to show signs of ignorance/brainwash/indoctrination/doublethink, then we will no longer give your posts any weight (though, to be fair they had little to begin with)

1.instincts and morals are the same.
2.instincts aren't individual. they pass from generation to generation.
3. there is no meaning of life.
4.society came first, but religion usurped the position of "moral keeper".
5.your fear of god is why you are a coward.
6.if you really think that your only reason to exist is to bring your false god more thralls, then you are a tool (not the good kind). your very beliefs that are supposed to make you feel joy has left you an empty husk of blind acceptance of really dumbfounded claims.

if I need to go any further, please feel free to comment again.


896 posts

First of all, I don't care what you believe, we're assuming evolution is true because we're looking at this through an atheist perspective.

Correct, we are assuming evolution is true and we are looking at this from an atheist perspective.

And as for the rest of that first speech of useless pointlessness..... But why was the instinct of the first cell to survive? Why didn't it just say "to heck with surviving" and then stop making food for itself? Yes, we want to survive and reproduce, but WHY? What are we trying to achieve?

As for the second speech of useless pointlessness..... Okay, so about that fancy code. Why are certain things right and wrong on it? And

If any one bring an accusation against a man, and the accused go to the river and leap into the river, if he sink in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser.

That law is quite confusing. I don't think I'd like to follow it...

If slavery was wrong by Christian eyes, the bible would have said not to do it. It didn't say not to do it. It didn't say to do it, but it gave laws how to do it, not to mention how common it was that people in it did it.

Look in the Bible. In most all cases, except for the case of the Israelites and the Egyptians, the words "slave" and "servant" are almost completely interchangeable. Back then, 'slaves' were paid to do their work. And so "slaves" in the Bible were almost no different than the modern-day waiter/waitress.

Because it's the way things work.

You just said "We survive and reproduce because we survive and reproduce." That makes no sense, and I shall regard your statement as irrelevant.

Are you really gonna ask about every little thing that is not in the bible? goumas said it, morals and society were there before christianity, so in fact you should be the one to answer all your 'why' questions.

I asked you why slavery was wrong. If you don't answer, I will comprehend it as your loss of the debate.

Nitpicker... if the fish does not worship Kasic, the fish sinned, and thus gets punished. Happy now?

Wrongamundo again. So no, I'm not satisfied. We are not punished because we don't worship God, we are punished because we sin against Him. Now are YOU happy?

Stealing is not somethig that makes us happy.

Why??? Because it is morally wrong? Well then why is it morally wrong??? It's back to my very beginning question: Where do you get your morals?

Plus, we are not bound to do stuff that makes us happy.

So you are not bound to your meaning of life? Therefore your happiness is not really the meaning of life. Thank you for defeating yourself.

You can also strife for long-term happiness, which doesn't necessarily include a lot of short-term happiness.

It is all short-term happiness, kiddo. (Remember this is from an atheist perspective) When you die, you're happiness is over, therefore it is short-term.

Because you're a criminal held back only by the bible.

No. I would not be a criminal in my eyes because all I was doing was seeking my happiness. And up there ^ I just defeated that happiness is not life's meaning! You guys are all just tangled up in your own feet.

Killing is wrong in my eyes, because I generally see life as something valuable.

Why is life valuable?? We're all just walking meat-bags, right? We have no eternal souls, so nothing really matters, right?

.. this religion is sick..


What if I don't deny him because I don't believe in him in the first place?

You are denying the Bible and God. If you don't believe them, then you reject them.

To you, killing makes a big difference in the great scheme of things.

Well you're right about one thing.

To me, it doesn't; however it makes a big difference to me.

Why does it make a big difference to you?

Happy now?

I am always happy because I have God. But am I satisfied with your "answers"? Not. One. Blasted. Bit.
Your own bible disagrees with you.

That bit about slavery was in Leviticus. Not only was that ancient law written to the Israelites only, and: "But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe. Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed... Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law." Galatians 3:22-25 Also "for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

So if you weren't afraid of a book you would steal?

Assuming that I were an atheist, yes, I would do whatever the heck I pleased because there is nowhere to get my morals from.

This should be pretty obvious to anyone with friends or family.

Not really. If I were an atheist, I wouldn't mind if anyone died, I'd just find someone to replace them.

When Jesus says the laws written before he came still stand then he approves of them. Those laws include stoning.

Show me where the Bible says that Jesus approves of stoning.

The bible is supposed to be an all important book that explains everything, a computer is a means of entertainment/work.

Your point is?

There are a number of reasons, especially for stealing.

And you failed to name any of these reasons. Congratulations.

What is this, I don't even...

It's called logic. You should use it some time, pal.

Animal sacrifices weren't always for forgiveness, it was often used to make the gods happy to give them luck in any number of different thing.

That is only in the practice of people who belong to confused, polytheistic religions.

Why? (is fun not the meaning of life)

Because if it were then everyone would be stealing from each other. Try this (AGAIN): They have money. I want to be happy. I can be happy with money. I will take money because my meaning is to be happy.

Except if God already knew it was going to happen it wasn't Eve or Adam's choice.

Yes it was. Adam and Eve did not know what God knew, therefore they had the choice. God doesn't choose for them.
I could ask you the same thing about the Bible, y'know, the supposedly infallible and perfect word of God - that advocates the death penalty for a number of offences but tells people not to kill and to love thy neighbour.

Refer to the verse in Galatians that I posted above ^ It said that the law is no more.

different morals are gained from different sources

Along with trying to squeeze out of answering my question, You just said: "Morals that are gained from multiple places are morals that are gained from different sources." That makes no sense and I shall dismiss that statement as irrelevant.

I like to keep the whole 'meaning of life' thing as something that evolves and changes depending upon the specific factors acting upon me at the time.

So one day your meaning is to have fun? And the next day your meaning is to be bored? You. Are. Not. Making. A. Single Ounce. Of. Sense.

You assume that there's no difference between getting things (the acquiring of material possessions through legitimate means) and stealing things (illegitimately taking the possessions of others and claiming them as your own) - can you back up this assertion?

I was never assuming that there was no difference. I was showing you how dumb your arguments are, by means of role-played conversation. I didn't assume that there was no difference between legitimately obtaining things, and stealing someone else's things. You are the one who made an incorrect assumption by assuming I assumed something. I shall consider your statements upon this matter, irrelevant.

Because if we lacked those basic instincts then we'd end up killing ourselves out of stupidity and a lack of common sense

And what's wrong with our species' extinction?

Anyway, in my eyes, slavery is wrong as it adversely impacts upon the group/pack dynamic of the human hierachy by forcibly removing the equality of one person or a set of persons and stripping them of their freedom for the sake of another persons gain.

What's wrong about doing something for your gain? Isn't that your "meaning of life?"

Okay, so God gave us free will, but if we use the free will He gave us to do something that God doesn't like... then we get punished. Do you not see how that's punishing us for having/using free will?

Try this example: Someone hands you a hammer and there is a nail in a board in front of you. That someone tells you not to hammer the nail. You hammer the nail anyway. Now by your logic, it was the hammer's fault. Do you not see how outrageously absurd your arguments are?

I think you're missing the parts where "if I take this money from them then they will no longer have it, this will have a detrimental impact upon them, this will be my responsibility, I have caused harm to someone" comes into play.

So? Your meaning of life is YOUR happiness, not theirs. Besides, they can just steal back from you or steal from someone else, right?

Alright, that's it, I've read through the rest of your ignorant nonsense (and frankly that's what it all is) and I can't see the point in arguing with someone who won't accept (or can't understand) that all the things they're arguing have already been addressed repeatedly.

I could also blurt the exact same rant about you as well.
You believe that killing, thieving and so on does make a difference in the great scheme of things, because you believe there's a great scheme of things. This is what your book tells you.


My consciousness subjectively values life high enough to not want to end it randomly, and it values possessions and order/decency high enough to not go around stealing things

Those feeling from your consciousness are feelings of the basic morals that God built into us.

I possess a certain amount of empathy and value respect of others high enough (knowing others may also highly value life, at least of people close to them) to not want to hurt them by killing someone.

Why do they value life? For happiness? And the reason why happiness can't be a meaning to life has been discussed about a thousand times over.

Plus my reason tells me that I'll experience psychical repercussions if killing someone.

Why? In your eyes, they are nothing but talking, walking meat-bags. What's wrong if they die?

What you must keep from all that is the very important nuance between objective and subjective. Yes I do think that life has no objective meaning, I do however have subjective expectations of life, like being overall happy (I know I'll never be happy all the time, and I don't want to be), contributing to scientifical advances, raising a family etc.

If you don't think life has objective meaning, why don't you end it? Because you want to be happy? Happiness is not a solid meaning of life.

- I hope this answered most of your questions about the why of things.

It didn't.
More then that, though this shows you weren't paying attention.

I was paying attention enough to notice your fallacy that you have yet to back up. Now then. How do you get your morals from two different places?

As for how that's like asking how could I learn about history from two different history books. I can take in the information and assimilate it into me.

I'm not asking "how" I'm asking "why". Why are we supposed to survive and thrive?

This would be quite long to list everything but here are a few. (no particular order)
As I mentioned the care of my pets.
The gaining of knowledge.
Getting to spend time with my girlfriend.
Being able to enjoy pleasurable sensations.
Art work has had a lot of meaning in my life.

Those are all temporary things. 300 years from now, no one is going to care. All your meaning will be gone like a cloud of steam dispersing among the air. Yes I to will die, but my meaning is to change the eternal souls of people. In 300 years, the people that I lead to Christ will be thankful that they did not go to hell because of me. My meaning is much much more powerful than yours.

Because of this the harm done to by others I can experience as if it happened to me. So causing harm to another person can in turn negatively affect me. This was explained to you.

Why will you feel bad about stealing? Because you have caused harm to others. Why should you not cause harm to others? Because inflicting harm to someone is a sin. You feel guilty about harming them because you have sinned. But you're and atheist, so you don't believe in sin, so you shouldn't feel guilty. So answer me this: Why do you feel guilty?
Afterburner, I'm going to say this up front, I'm getting really, really sick of you just repeating the same question. I'm not going to respond to you anymore after this unless you move onto something else. We've answered you 5 TIMES now.

Kasic, I am asking so many times because I have not received a legit answer. And thanks to your illegitimate answers, this is going in circles.


Oh. So I did. But it was a ways down a bit and I answered it a bit after I answered the last part. So I apologize for my mistakes.

Leaking hole?

It was an analogy.

What, that you think Atheists can't have a meaning of life? That you define &quotleasure" as raping/pillaging/stealing? I'm sorry, I'm not a sociopath as you would appear to be, because I don't find harming people fun.

I said: "Why else do people r-ape, pillage, and steal? Just so they can get thrown in jail?" Then you say:

Greed, rage, anger, and other such strong emotions can lead to this. Pleasure might be involved, but it's not the driving force.

Dude, you are the one who is not thinking. People are greedy because they want more things to make them happy. Do you understand? Why might these people be enraged or angry? Most likely because someone wronged them first. And now they want revenge. Revenge will bring them pleasure and satisfaction because our society believes that two wrongs make a right.. But you guys really have no definition of right and wrong, so..... I'm confused, but not nearly as much as you are.

My personal "meaning of life" is to learn about the world and enjoy our time here (This DOES NOT mean raping/pillaging/stealing, etc)

But your meaning is still temporary, therefore pointless.

And I'd appreciate it if you got it through your thick skull that stealing/raping/pillaging/murder etc AREN'T everyone's definition of pleasure as they would appear to you to be.

Those evil things do not bring me pleasure because I know that they are wrong. Now then... can you give me real answers?

Sigh. IF we had free will, that would mean we could choose. Just not believing in God wouldn't be a sin then, because we would have the choice to do so or not.

Refer to my hammer and nail analogy above about this matter ^

Are you seriously a sociopath? Do you know the meaning of the words, "sympathy" &quotity" "empathy?" Have you felt those before

No. Yes. And yes. I have pity for their eternal soul. You have pity for their temporary body. So why should you care if they die? You know their bodies not going to last, so why prolong the inevitable?

But I understand why we have them, to keep general order and peace because of the actions of stupid and selfish people.

Why do we need to keep general order?

I've never felt an urge to steal something. I wouldn't find it pleasurable, because I know how that person would feel to find it missing.

I responded to MageGrayWolf with this: "Why will you feel bad about stealing? Because you have caused harm to others. Why should you not cause harm to others? Because inflicting harm to someone is a sin. You feel guilty about harming them because you have sinned. But you're and atheist, so you don't believe in sin, so you shouldn't feel guilty. So answer me this: Why do you feel guilty?"

Now, move on. We've all answered you. If you want us to go in further, DON'T PICK THE SAME THING 200 TIMES IN YOUR POST AND ASK THE SAME THING AGAIN AND AGAIN.

I will keep asking until I get legitimate answers.

You sound like a 7 year old brat who thinks it's funny to ask "why" after everything.

Or maybe I am seeking more knowledge about atheist philosophy.

Once again, I run short on time. So... I hope my points clear things up for you fellas and I will try to answer the rest of your fallacies later.
896 posts

As for the second speech of useless pointlessness..... Okay, so about that fancy code. Why are certain things right and wrong on it? And

Oops. I'm sorry for that abrupt ending to an argument against master565. I paused my typing to go feed the dog, and forgot to continue that part. I apologize for this double post as well.
5,552 posts

still temporary, therefore pointless.

Here it is. Drop this notion. Don't apply it to anything we've said. That's not how we view it.

I will keep asking until I get legitimate answers.

We are giving you legitimate answers. You just keep twisting them and applying the same "temporary = pointless" thing and then ignoring what we said.
896 posts

That's not how we view it.

It doesn't matter how you view it. You can view a walrus as a platypus for all I care. But the walrus will always be a walrus. And temporary things will always be pointless.

We are giving you legitimate answers.

You must be joking with that outright lie.

You just keep twisting them and applying the same "temporary = pointless" thing and then ignoring what we said.

You just can't give me a good reason to the meaning of life from an atheist perspective.
534 posts

You must be joking with that outright lie.

Think about it. He believes he's right and you believe you are rit.
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