Here are my responses to the bunch of arguments on page 344:
You repeatedly asked where we get our morals, which we told you but you keep asking.
You told me that you come up with your own morals and that you also get your morals from society. How do you get your morals from two different places?
You have tried to tell us what our position is on things such as with "atheists have no meaning to life" and have even go as far as to try and put words in our mouth.
Okay then. What do you believe your meaning is? And I don't want any "We give our own lives meaning."
You continue to ask why we don't just do what ever we like regardless of harm, which we answered.
Here's how it was:
You: "The meaning of life is to bring entertainment to ourselves, and to savor our only life."
Me: "So why don't you steal from other people to bring yourself happiness?"
You: "Because that does other people harm."
Me: "I thought your meaning was to make yourself happy. So why don't you fulfill your meaning by stealing from people?" ...........
because, like we covered earlier, it only serves as a detriment to our species to kill off a good source of genes.
And... Why does our species need to survive? What do you believe is the meaning of life?
no, because it would still serve as a detriment to our species, which our instincts tell us to preseve our species.
Why must we preserve our species?
because if we do, then we would only shorten our life, or make it as meaningless as your religion when we get life in jail.
Why would you get life in jail? Why is stealing wrong if the meaning of life is supposed to be to make yourself happy?
you again seem to be missing the point. morals don't come from religion. society made it first
Why? Tell me why society made stealing wrong. Where did they get their moral basis? People were racist during the civil war. People wanted black people as slaves and some people didn't. But why did society decide to demolish slavery? Because they felt that it was morally wrong. But slavery helped people because the slaves did work for free. So even though slavery was doing no real harm, why was it abolished?
we wouldn't steal because extending our species is our ultimate goal.
Extending our species to where?
religious doctrine (if you actually paid attention) says otherwise.
Okay lemme give you the breakdown here. You think that, from my beliefs point of view, when someone dies, they go to heaven or hell. When they go to heaven, that's a good thing because it's better than earth. You also think that we think that it was God's plan for someone to go to hell when they die. You think that by killing someone, we would be doing good either way. Well you're wrong about what we think. If someone is a Christian, they should not just immediately die, just so they can go to heaven because they still have work to do on earth. They still need to advance the gospel that is why Christians should not just die immediately. God's plan is not for people to go to hell. He loves us, and sent His only son to save us. It is a Christian's job to lead those people to Christ, it is not a Christian's job to shoot all unbelievers.
sorry, but that also applies with religion. everything you did has no real meaning in the eyes of god
As I just explained above, it is the duty of Christians to bring people to Christ, that is our meaning.
for he is indeed "a jealous god".
He is jealous if you make idols of something else. He wants you to worship Him because He is the only way to heaven. You might say: "Wow. A god who wants all the attention for himself sure seems selfish." Example: You are terribly ill and I am a good friend of yours. You are taking the wrong medication for your illness. I have the right medication. I want you to take the correct choice because you are my friend.
and that is why we all call you a fool.
Well then you're lucky I'm one who is quick to forgive.
look over it again, and see if you can't figure out why.
I'm afraid I can't figure out why I shouldn't kill myself if I saw that life has no meaning.
but they had no morals, until they ate the fruit, so they wouldn't know that they were doing wrong.
Yes they had morals. They were given direct instruction to not eat the fruit. Adam and Eve chose to disobey direct instruction. They believed that there would be no punishment if they ate the fruit because satan lied, and said that there would be no punishment.
how can you not see this, or understand this. his has more meaning than yours. his will extend his life,
How will caring for birds extend his life span.
(because you believe that the ultimate goal is to die and go to a false land).
Thank you for putting the wrong words in my mouth. But the goal of Christians is to bring others to Christ. The goal is not to die.
we are, but we are still obligated by instinct to preserve the survival of said talking meat-bags.
Why? Why must we preserve our species?
still beneficial,
Beneficial to what? Your ultimate goal? I'd still like to know what you believe that your ultimate goal is.
society says otherwise
your god said it was okay to mistreat black people, if my memory is correct.
Your memory is 100% faulty.
you are thinking that because we have only one life, that we should just run rampant and do whatever we want for as long as possible. it doesn't work like that
Why doesn't it work like that? If your meaning was to bring happiness to yourself, you should take the money.
Sigh. No. Stop reading into people's posts what you want to see there. No one has said this.
You didn't answer the questions....
In a society where strength is valued and mates are chosen by this, **** would be a form of courting. Taking the other by force would indicate that you have more strength than they do. Since this would be the commonly accepted way of courting/mating, this wouldn't be wrong.
Okay. So why would it be fine in only certain societies and not others? Because morals differ from person to person? So who is right? What choice would you make? The choice that was acceptable by that society? What if murder was acceptable by that society? Would you go around killing everyone?
I'm saying that violence in this case is unnecessary.
Why is it unnecessary? Because it's wrong?
While we could go forever in a circle of give and take, this would be a colossal waste of time.
Well making yourself happy is your meaning to life, right? So how is fulfilling your meaning in a big circle, a waste of time? If it's your meaning, why is it a waste?
Because if we all just went out killing each other, we wouldn't get much down now would we? It would kill off our species.
What's wrong with our species going extinct? We're all just worthless bags of chemicals that can talk, right? So what's the point of survival?
I said that's one of the 3 ways/places we get them from.
What if the three ways contradict each other? What if you believe stealing is wrong, while society says it's not?
Because it wouldn't make me happy. I'd be thrown in jail. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Please read the following words a thousand times: If there were no laws, would you steal to make yourself happy? Because now, in this hypothetical situation, there is no jail. Now that there is no jail, stealing would make you happy, right? So why are there laws that say "no stealing" if, without laws, stealing would make you happy?
How do you figure that.
I figure that like this.
Me: "What is the meaning of life?"
You: "To make myself happy, and to continue the human race."
Me: "Why do you want to continue the race of a bunch of temporary, talking, meat-bags? What good does our survival do?" ........
The common good is the common good...the environment where each person has a fair chance to live a happy life...
A happy life that has no goal. Nothing to be accomplished other than your own happiness. That seems a little selfish to me...
For the exact same reason you do. Because they have meaning to us.
I don't value things. I value the eternal souls of people. Things have no meaning to me. Things may have meaning to you, but one day, all your things will be rusted, rotten, broken, forgotten, misplaced, or stolen. Even our bodies will die and decompose. Eternal souls are the only things that matter.
1) In born instinct in this case.
2) Sociopaths aren't born with this.
In-created morals in this case.
Sociopaths are probably atheists who actually realize that everything is temporary and so they actually go and do whatever they please.
All of us have already told you why we don't just go out and do whatever whim we want, on how we don't think life is meaningless, and our own personal stances on where we get morals from.
Perhaps you could go over your reasons one more time. And make it clear and concise.
Then why did He send Jesus to suffer?
To save us. Wouldn't you die to save the entire human race?
Is this justification for the Crusades?
Sigh. Whatever 'Christians' participated in the crusades, were hypocrites. The Bible says 'do not murder' and they go out and murder. They are hypocrites.
It's like telling a kid not to touch the stove because they'll get burned, when the kid's never been burned before. They'll touch it wondering what the heck you were talking about.
That kid knew it was wrong to disobey.
You believe that an all-powerful being decided to create you with the sole purpose of being his preaching slave
I'm not a slave. It was my choice to live for God.
instead of simply writing "I am God, I exist" in the sky?
Let's say you wrote a 500 page novel. You ask me to read it because you spent countless hours on it. But I just skip to the end, and waste all your work. God doesn't want us to skip to the end, He wants us to actually put faith in Him.
Gotta love contradictions. By your logic, if God made him with right and wrong born into him, and he truly believed that Jews were enemies of Christ who deserved to die and God was putting him in power for such a noble purpose, then therefore God told him that genocide was the right thing to do.
Wrongamundo. "And he truly believed that Jews were enemies of Christ who deserved to die...." Gotta love fallacies. Why would he want to kill 'enemies' of Christ? Because he's a Christian? No. If he were a Christian, he would do as the bible says and he wouldn't murder. He most likely didn't believe killing was right, he was just being a bully.
I make my own morals.
I thought you got morals from society?
You asked me if killing was wrong. I said sometimes.
Why isn't killing right all the time?
It is in the Torah, or Old Testament to the Christians. Which, even Jesus said, still counts.
Find me a verse in the Bible where Jesus says that stoning is excusable, and I will be convinced.
If you believe that the Bible is the book of a deity, and is more important information for him to give then even things like medicine, then why are you not memorizing the whole thing?
If you enjoyed reading a long novel, would you memorize the whole thing?
Bull. You have not gotten any of your morals from Jesus or his doctrine. If you did, then wouldn't all Christians think the same?
All Christians should think the same. But some are hypocrites.
If god gave us morals, then all morals would be the same. Since all morals are different, then that means that a god could not have given us morals.
When you kill someone, do you feel as if you have done the right thing? No. Because the foundation of morals are the same.
You seem to think that without religion, you would be a murderous killer. If religion is the only thing keeping you from genocide, then you hate life.
Exactly. If I, as you do, believed that we were all temporary bags of meat that can talk, then I wouldn't give a care if people died.
He was not an atheist. He was Catholic, he even had a Catholic funeral.
I don't think a catholic would commit suicide.
Alright, thousands of suicides happen across the world each year. Statistically, most of them are Christians do to there being more Christians. So why don't you off yourself, or if you can't do that drink hard and live dangerously, if you are just going to go to heaven after you die?
Like I said before. I need to lead more people to Christ.
Are you suggesting that if you where an atheist, you would **** and pillage then kill yourself?
If I were an atheist, then yes, I would because I saw that life had no meaning.
HA! Have you read the Bible? God killed more than that, and is planning to do the same himself. The flood! Revelations! David, Sampson, Lot, he ordered killings of millions and killed millions himself.
The punishment for sin is death.
Why is killing bad, if it is just sending people to god, or sending them to hell, which would be part of his plan?
I believe I addressed that somewhere up there ^
Yawheh wants people to suffer. Why else would he make hell in the first place?
Because the punishment for sin is death. Hell is where you go if you reject God and devote your life to evil. You can't do evil and be repaid with good.
So are you saying that all the Jews, who would go to hell under the Christian doctrine, deserved to go to hell?
Everyone deserves to go to hell because all have sinned. I even deserve to go to hell. But I put my faith in God and He has forgiven my sins. He can forgive anyone's sins if they ask Him.
Then you are the scum of the earth and deserve no paradise.
Why am I scum? Because (assuming I were embedded in atheism) I am smart enough to realize that life is temporary and pointless? If I were atheist, I would realize that life would seem temporary and pointless, and that we are all an accidental mistake with no purpose. And of course I deserve no paradise because I am a sinner. But God can forgive those sins.
You are scum and a coward.
I forgive you for those words.
the only reason you even live is because you are afraid to die.
I am not afraid of dieing because my faith is in God.
you have no morals outside of an insane book you have not even read
I read the Bible every day.
and admitted that you would **** and pillage without it.
If I believed that we were all pointless piles of chemicals, as you do, then I would do whatever the heck I pleased because I would believe that nothing mattered.
Because society wouldn't exist if everyone is murdering everyone.
Why does society need to exist?