You just said "We survive and reproduce because we survive and reproduce." That makes no sense, and I shall regard your statement as irrelevant.
Nah, I said we exist because we survive and reproduce. That makes sense and is relevant.
Reproduction, or maybe I should say replication, is one of the reasons why life started; not the other way round.
I asked you why slavery was wrong. If you don't answer, I will comprehend it as your loss of the debate.
Fine. Slavery is wrong in my eyes because I value other people's freedom as I do mine. That has no objective reason so don't ask for one.
So you are not bound to your meaning of life? Therefore your happiness is not really the meaning of life. Thank you for defeating yourself.
Did not, lol. As an atheist I don't feel bound by a higher force to do anything. Of course I will tend to do things that make me happy, but I will not do constantly so; because being happy all the time no matter at which cost, is not part of my goals.
That's what I meant with not bound; I decide for myself. I'm not even bound by the concept of atheism because there is none, really.
It is all short-term happiness, kiddo. (Remember this is from an atheist perspective) When you die, you're happiness is over, therefore it is short-term.
Relatively, you moron.
Why is life valuable?? We're all just walking meat-bags, right? We have no eternal souls, so nothing really matters, right?
In the end, right, it does not matter. That doesn't hinder me from giving personal value to life. Objective and subjective, remember?
Your religion says that doing nice things is nice and you should do so, but doesn't really give a sh*t about whether you do or not.
You are denying the Bible and God. If you don't believe them, then you reject them.
I can only reject something that exists, by definition; if I don't believe it exists, I cannot reject nor accept it.
Those feeling from your consciousness are feelings of the basic morals that God built into us.
Those feelings from my consciousness is a result of my evolved consciousness and a healthy dose of empathy and common sense.
Why do they value life?
Because I do and I reasonably assume they do too.
If you don't think life has objective meaning, why don't you end it? Because you want to be happy? Happiness is not a solid meaning of life.
SAID I PERSONALLY HAVE EXPECTATIONS FROM MY LIFE! I don't care whether there's an objective meaning to life or not. And screw your darned happiness. It gets annoying.
Why do I have these expectations? To answer this, I will pass you on to literature about Neurology. I cannot explain the last bit of every 'why' because in the end, it's all about neurology and it's evolution/development. And I don't expect you'd understand a word about it.
It didn't.
Of course it didn't, you're much too rooted in your religious mindset and ideas of absoluteness and fate, to ever be able to understand the slightest bit of atheist reasoning.
I thus consider you unqualified to lead a real discussion about it, and I don't see any way anyone could 'win' this nonsensical rabble that has been going on.