ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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2,150 posts

I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
534 posts

Even if your father is an absentee father who when he is around is a drunk ******* and your mother is a useless crack *****. Yep definitely deserving of honor just because they got it on once in the back seat of a car and didn't use a condom.

I'm going to do this just like that short answer for stupid questions that Gameinformer did.
3,371 posts

I'm going to do this just like that short answer for stupid questions that Gameinformer did.

No. Parents are people to. As people they should be treated equally and fairly. Just having a child does not make whatever actions they take from then on excusable. Giving life to something, just to abuse or neglect it deserves no respect. And what if they were to beat you? You know that up to a certain point it becomes extremly difficult to love and respect your parents. Pretty much impossible. Even if they do change, theres just something that makes you want to reject them and deny them. I can speak from experience when I say that even when you want to respect and love a parent, it can be hard in certain circumstances.
4,104 posts

Alright then. You're saying that it is part of a cell's natural life cycle to reproduce, right? You yourself said that the cell didn't have a choice. But we human's have brains and we have choices. So why do we choose to reproduce? Because it's our instinct? But why is it our instinct?

I already explained this. The only reason we have brains is to aid in survival and reproducing, so our brains want to do what they exist for.

Fallacies, misconception, lies, fallacies, failures, contradiction, and more fallacies. Is your &quotoint" assuming that Christianity is real or not? Because if you are assuming Christianity is true, then your logic is impossible, because Christianity and God's morals have existed forever. If you're assuming Christianity isn't real, then your logic is STILL impossible because how can something exist before Christianity if Christianity doesn't exist? You are just a very confused little boy who blurts out endless fallacies. I wouldn't blame you if you left the debate now.


First of all, i'm obviously not assuming it's true. Second, you're the one using "real/exist" and "true" interchangeably. Christianity exists, that's obvious, Christianity isn't necessarily true. I'm really not sure how you don't know the difference between these two words.

On a side note, I am older than you, but it's not unlike an insecure child to attempt to stroke his own ego based off his age.

If they are the same word, doesn't that mean that they can be interchangeable?

No, it means they mean the same thing. I can't interchange the word "anonymous" with "anonymous", nor with any other words. You can use them interchangeably in translations if you want to make the bible sound better.

I merely expose logic that you should be going by.

Oh, i'm sorry. I thought we're arguing our side, not you're arguing both sides. See, normal debates work by separate parties arguing their sides, not one party arguing every side for every other party.

Those are the words I'm putting in your mouth.

Yay, you admit your making up the arguments your arguing.

So tell me why you are going to spit out those words. Tell me why that logic is wrong.

Like ever other person on this thread has said, read to our arguments this has been answered an excessive amount of times.

Okay. So to you think it's cool to steal? Because if your goal is to be happy, then your logic should be like the example above ^

You're still putting arguments and words into my mouth, your point is so irrelevant it's ridiculous.

As for your "Did society and culture dictate what we think is cool and uncool?" No they did not. People come up with what they think is cool. So thank you for defeating yourself again, because with your example of substituting words, I logically concluded that society is not a valid place to get morals.

So they can come up with what is "cool", but they can't come up with what is moral?

And before you call me off on "People come up with what they think is cool." Just think. If people think it's cool to wear a belt everywhere, that's fine and they may wear as many belts as they'd like. But God most likely doesn't give a care about what belt you wear. So the words "Cool" and "Moral" are not always substitutable.

Good, that wasn't the point I was making.
4,104 posts

So tell me why you are going to spit out those words. Tell me why that logic is wrong.

Like ever other person on this thread has said, read to our arguments this has been answered an excessive amount of times.

I forgot to mention. We're not arguing the arguments you make. If we want to use your "logic", we would have used it. We didn't use it, you said yourself you came up with it for us. You want to make arguments for our side, you argue them. We'll make our own arguments and we'll argue those. We don't need, and especially don't want, your "help".
9,462 posts

I'm not sure how logic works exactly,

It's a philosophical study of reasoning broken down into two parts, inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.

Moegreche could probably give you a more in-depth explanation since philosophy is his thing.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Find a more efficient source before posting. Wikipedia doesn't host all the correct data in the world. .edu or .gov could suffice.
And you still never "rubbished" the fact they were the longest lasting. But this is getting off subject, that's my fault.

Wikipedia isn't as bad a site as it is when you check the sources backing it. Smearing Wiki is not exactly a smart and even strong counter in an argument.

But if you really must contend that, then look at the sources which Wiki links. Especially those printed eveidence. Or just look at a simple map. Compare the size of the Roman Empire, which was Western + Some Central and Southern European bits, the North African Coast and some parts of Asia Minor. Now look at the British Empire. It comprised a quarter of Africa, Australia, Canada, India, amongst others. Australia alone almost dwarves the Roman Empire.

And no, I'm not going to dispute the Roman Empire's length. Why? Because it is debatable that the RE lasted for one of the longest times in history, unless one chops of it's Republican Era, and ended it in 476 AD. Furthermore, if one counts all the Egyptian Dynasties as one single entity, the Egyptians lasted a far longer time. Even the Ottomons have done better, with a roughly 700 year history.

There ya go assuming again. I said "an unintelligent Human wasn't doing the recording" as MageGrayWolf posted about how there was a possibility of incorrect date posted from incompetent people. PlEASE read all before posting.

No, your first sentence clearly states the properties of the RE. Unless you're admitting that it's a useless statement, and should be discoutned.

The Roman Empire, the most powerful, intelligent, and longest lasting form of government and Empire ever created on Earth lists these records, Peter, one of the main writers of the New Testament of the Bible, was even a Roman citizen, heck, even Jesus was a Roman citizen. Roman Centurions kept personal records, Pontius Pilate, the Rome's city governor, mentioned as Theophilus in the Bible, Titus Sabinus is his Roman name, kept records.

I am aware of this, there are many accounts of Jesus's existence on Earth and not only in the Bible, though the Bible considered by many History professors as being a History book, I was merely stating that we should take into account some credible sources of recording there

You were clearly not just stating that not only were the people in power no unintelligent, but intelligent; and at the same time, generalizing horribly, that since the Roman Empire was ''intelligent'', the officials it employed were too.
5,552 posts

It's called logic, pal. You should try it sometime.

You've said this a few times now, but looking at it, I have serious doubts you know what logic it.

Let me give you some examples here.

We had morals before Christianity arose.

Christianity claims that it is the source of morals in society/the world.

This can thus be proven a false claim.

The reason this is true is because we have verifiable evidence that morals existed before organised religion.

Christianity claims to be the source of all morals though, handed down from their supreme God.

This is obviously not the case however, because if it was true we would not have had these morals before this event occurred.

Now, I know what you're going to respond with here. You're saying that if Christianity is true then these morals have always existed regardless of whether or not we knew about them. This isn't what the point is though. The point is we DERIVED these morals, which you claim are divinely true, BEFORE they were given to us. THUS, this proves that we do NOT need someone to tell us our morals, EVEN IF Christianity is true.

Now for an example of false logic.

Morals come from religion.

If I am not religious, I have no morals.

Since I am not religious, I can do whatever I want.

The above is false because the premise is incorrect. While morals do come from religion, that is NOT the ONLY place they can come from.

Further, being non religious does not mean that you have no morals. Since morals dictate our actions, a non religious person can not just do whatever they want.
8,256 posts

You just said "We survive and reproduce because we survive and reproduce." That makes no sense, and I shall regard your statement as irrelevant.

Nah, I said we exist because we survive and reproduce. That makes sense and is relevant.
Reproduction, or maybe I should say replication, is one of the reasons why life started; not the other way round.

I asked you why slavery was wrong. If you don't answer, I will comprehend it as your loss of the debate.

Fine. Slavery is wrong in my eyes because I value other people's freedom as I do mine. That has no objective reason so don't ask for one.

So you are not bound to your meaning of life? Therefore your happiness is not really the meaning of life. Thank you for defeating yourself.

Did not, lol. As an atheist I don't feel bound by a higher force to do anything. Of course I will tend to do things that make me happy, but I will not do constantly so; because being happy all the time no matter at which cost, is not part of my goals.
That's what I meant with not bound; I decide for myself. I'm not even bound by the concept of atheism because there is none, really.

It is all short-term happiness, kiddo. (Remember this is from an atheist perspective) When you die, you're happiness is over, therefore it is short-term.

Relatively, you moron.

Why is life valuable?? We're all just walking meat-bags, right? We have no eternal souls, so nothing really matters, right?

In the end, right, it does not matter. That doesn't hinder me from giving personal value to life. Objective and subjective, remember?


Your religion says that doing nice things is nice and you should do so, but doesn't really give a sh*t about whether you do or not.

You are denying the Bible and God. If you don't believe them, then you reject them.

I can only reject something that exists, by definition; if I don't believe it exists, I cannot reject nor accept it.

Those feeling from your consciousness are feelings of the basic morals that God built into us.

Those feelings from my consciousness is a result of my evolved consciousness and a healthy dose of empathy and common sense.

Why do they value life?

Because I do and I reasonably assume they do too.

If you don't think life has objective meaning, why don't you end it? Because you want to be happy? Happiness is not a solid meaning of life.

BECAUSE I SAID I PERSONALLY HAVE EXPECTATIONS FROM MY LIFE! I don't care whether there's an objective meaning to life or not. And screw your darned happiness. It gets annoying.

Why do I have these expectations? To answer this, I will pass you on to literature about Neurology. I cannot explain the last bit of every 'why' because in the end, it's all about neurology and it's evolution/development. And I don't expect you'd understand a word about it.

It didn't.

Of course it didn't, you're much too rooted in your religious mindset and ideas of absoluteness and fate, to ever be able to understand the slightest bit of atheist reasoning.

I thus consider you unqualified to lead a real discussion about it, and I don't see any way anyone could 'win' this nonsensical rabble that has been going on.
4,104 posts

We had morals before Christianity arose.

Christianity claims that it is the source of morals in society/the world.

This can thus be proven a false claim.

According to him, saying this makes you an idiot.

The above is false because the premise is incorrect. While morals do come from religion, that is NOT the ONLY place they can come from.

I wouldn't even call them morals if the only reason for following them is because god said to.

because being happy all the time no matter at which cost, is not part of my goals.

Really, It's also impossible.

I thus consider you unqualified to lead a real discussion about it, and I don't see any way anyone could 'win' this nonsensical rabble that has been going on.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

The thing is that "Christian morality" isn't even homogeneous. Christian Churches and individuals disagree -time after time- among each other over what they think is God's moral law, God's word is -almost always- interpreted differently by different Christian sects.
As a matter of fact, Christian morality varies from time-to-time, place-to-place, person-to-person.

Thus, a concept of "Christian morality" just does not exist. Countless contradicting notions and ideas cannot be unified into one universal moral code. It simply can't be done.

Simply put, what I am saying is that:
1. A sole "Christian morality" is a completely imaginary concept. There is a plurality of -contradicting- "Christian moralities".
2. Its prima facie that its impossible for a person to get his or her's morals from something that its fictitious.

Let me say it again: Christian morality? No such thing.

9,439 posts

It is all short-term happiness, kiddo. (Remember this is from an atheist perspective) When you die, you're happiness is over, therefore it is short-term.

Do you own stuff? Why? It's all temporary. You can't take your stuff to heaven. Why have it now?

Christian Churches and individuals disagree -time after time- among each other over what they think is God's moral law, God's word is -almost always- interpreted differently by different Christian sects.

Which is why I asked a bunch of questions on 349, still unanswered, including which branch he follows and what bible he uses.
9,439 posts

Sorry for the double post.

Because you have an eternal soul

Where was it before we were born?
Eternal: Without beginning or end; always existing.
2,487 posts

@afterburner0- I can't believe that I have to do this, but you forced my hand. you have forced me to forcibly regress back into my old christian mindset (I was an avid mormon at 16, and believed rather strongly in my religion. I then turned 17, and became an atheist because I learned physics. I stoped believing because physics disproved many things that the bible claims happened)

you will never understand why we tell you these things, because you aren't wired to understand us. we will never accept your beliefs, because we are wired in a way that makes us unable to see it your way.

this debate will go in circles forever, because both sides think their argument is valid (I'm not going to say which is though, because the moment I do, then the other will give me flak).

you won't budge, I won't budge, kasic, mage (etc.) won't budge. it's best we drop this now, before this becomes even more migraine inducing. better to have a truce, than to have a stalemate.


14,991 posts
Grand Duke

What's all this ridiculous hullabaloo about atheists not possessing morality because all we know is logic? Really? It's parochial and insulting to be labelled as amoral just because I frankly don't believe that there's a Supernatural being up there who dictates the rules on Earth. It's a little like a non-sequitor. Let's start to crush the claims on why religion is absolutely necessary for morality to exist.

Now, religious folk claim that morality cannot be anchored without a reference to a higher power; that if God had not told us to do such and such and to be good, we would have no reason not to be good. So far so good.....until we examine this more closely. This claim betrays its own incoherence, for we can then ask, why does God command us to be moral? Does he have reasons for that edict? If so, then we too can make use of those reasons, for if they are good ones, they will stand on their own without reference to who is giving them. We don't require someone from a higher plane to tell us about the reasons for the reasons to stand. We don't need to be led by the nose.

On the other hand, if God has no good reason to give for why we have to act on his commands which tells us how to be good and moral, then it simply destroys the concept of morality stemming from religion; religious morality is cut loose from any anchor. For example, if God commanded us to be magnanimous to the poor, but has no reason to back that up, then it's a meaningless and arbitary choice to be kind to the poor. He can just as easily have told us to be cruel to the undertrodden, and those would be the definition of ''morally good'' if he has no other reason why we should choose one over the other.

Hence, religion is not even a required prerequisite to gaining morality.

So, Where does morality stem from for atheists? Well, largely from empathy for other human beings. Kindness, care, honesty, love, they all stem from empathy. I care not for others because someone from a higher plane told me to do so. We are social animals, tribal, to say the least, and this forms the basis of human morality. As Rousseau said succintly and nicely, ''it is an innate repugnance to see his fellow suffer.''. Would you hate to see people suffer, even when you have no inkling about religion? Unless you're a heartless jerk, you will.

You're worried that atheists have no compelling answer to a person who says, ''I'm going to do whatever I please.'', and that we can do whatever we want to because we somehow lack scruples. But religion does not solve that problem. If anything, the problem is far worse when the malcontent is a theist who claims that his desires are not just some idiosyncratic expression of individual preference, but the very will of God. An atheist, at least, has no warrant to claim holy sanction or divine infallibility for his opinions, and in theory can be persuaded by reason. On the other hand, a person who sincerely believes that they are acting in accordance with the will of the creator is immune to evidence, diplomacy, and compromise - as the many religious wars still smoldering after millennia should make abundantly clear.

2,487 posts

Which is really what he is attacking here. He has built his own strawman argument and has been trying to argue that this whole time instead of what's actually being said. And as far as I can tell he seems to think this is a winning tactic.

adding to that, he is doing something that i used to do when I was a kid. he is grabbing the last word. he thinks that if he has the last word in the argument, then he can win it no matter what he says, but he doesn't realize that said method is not only baseless, it also damages the credibility of his argument, due to the fact that you tend to throw crap out of your mouth when you are losing an argument, but can't accept that fact.

this is why I call him a fool.

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