I thought I'd respond to MageGrayWolf's ten commandment attack. And he quoted 13 times while there are only 10 commandments.......... Well, lets get started.
So does this mean the spaghetti monster is okay since he was invented after this God? :P
God was speaking in terms of order of importance, He was not speaking chronologically. If you made a list of important things, nothing else should come before God.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God [am] a jealous God,
this, are part of the same commandment, genius. God means that we are not to worship only the images. God says we should worship what the image represents. Not making much sense for your tiny brain? Alright, let us try an analogy: You have an Xbox. Xboxes are a lot of fun when you put in the disc and play the game on the TV. Now turn off the TV and play with the actual console. Not much fun is it? God wants us to play the game (worship Him) and not fool around with only the console (worship His "image"
. Does that make sense? Good.
What a ******.
Anyway no contradictions.
Ezekiel 18:20
The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father.
I'm not a Bible scholar or anything, but I do know, that the "commandment" you quoted, was not a commandment.
Again seems rather petty.
If you invented something like... a cure for cancer, would you want people to just curse at you all the time? No. But God created us, so we should not curse Him and/or misuse His name.
Update, unless you need to work three jobs in a poor economy to support those half dozen or so kids you had from not using birth control. Just saying.
What is this... I don't even... .......... All I know is that God says keep the day holy and bam. We have church on Sunday.
Even if your father is an absentee father who when he is around is a drunk ******* and your mother is a useless crack *****. Yep definitely deserving of honor just because they got it on once in the back seat of a car and didn't use a condom.
Yes. You should still honor your parents.
Of course we can just ignore those times God wants you to go around killing in the very same book.
God tells us to kill people.....when?
Hey that's two for two. Wait, originally this referred to a woman who has sex with a guy other than her husband. So I guess the context here only applies to women. Also what if the guy is okay with it, not really doing any harm there.
Wrongamundo. God says "Thou" not "Women" ... Also, if the guy is a Christian, he should not be okay with it according to 1 Corinthians 7. If the dude isn't a Christian, then he won't worry about the commandment.
Also what of other cultures who have completely different social relations when it comes to family structures?
It doesn't matter about what other cultures think. There is only Christian and non-Christian. If you are non-Christian, do whatever you please or whatever the culture wants you to do. If you are a Christian in which adultery is acceptable, you should still not commit adultery because it is still against your beliefs. And the Christian's beliefs comes before (speaking in terms of importance there. I just thought I'd tell you that since you can't tell the difference.) the culture's beliefs.
What if the person is starving to death and the only way to survive is to steal? I guess they are suppose to just starve.
Sigh. Wrongamundo. Let me refer you to Matthew 6:31-34 which says: So do not worry, saying "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its' own.
So if you are a Christian and seek God before anything else, He will provide for you and you will have no need to steal.
I wish more Christian actually followed this one. Maybe then we wouldn't have this bs like creationism.
I have not the foggiest clue on how your logic got you from "Do not tell lies." to creationism.
Yeah it's not like we have a system like capitalism based on this or anything.
Once again, I have absolutely no idea how your logic got you from "Do not envy what other people have." To capitalism.
These morals as absolutes or as morals at all are laughable.