I thought I'd respond to MageGrayWolf's ten commandment attack. And he quoted 13 times while there are only 10 commandments.......... Well, lets get started.
I was hoping that would have been obviously mostly tongue in cheek. Anyway I would be much more interested in your response to my hypothetical questions.
What if faith was not required, God shows up proves his existence. However this God says Christianity is all wrong. No heaven, no hell, don't really care about any of us or what we consider is moral or not, doesn't want worship. All this God did was create the universe. Would this God still be so important to you? Could you accept a God where your religion was irrelevant? In short what's more important, God or the dogma?"
God was speaking in terms of order of importance, He was not speaking chronologically. If you made a list of important things, nothing else should come before God.
Yes I know, that one wasn't meant to be taken with any seriousness, thus the :P at the end. That just happens to be what crosses my mind when ever I read that verse. Which I suppose if I wanted to argue divine inspiration for it's interpretation I could. I of course don't see it that way as an atheist, but hey, maybe God is trying to tell me something that I am misinterpreting as just my own thoughts.
Though more to the point, that one along with about half that list is not a moral. It's just God demanding attention.
this, are part of the same commandment, genius. God means that we are not to worship only the images. God says we should worship what the image represents. Not making much sense for your tiny brain? Alright, let us try an analogy: You have an Xbox. Xboxes are a lot of fun when you put in the disc and play the game on the TV. Now turn off the TV and play with the actual console. Not much fun is it? God wants us to play the game (worship Him) and not fool around with only the console (worship His "image". Does that make sense? Good.
Yes I know they are part of the same verse. For the record I'm pretty sure I'm better versed in the Bible then you. But enough with the pissing contest.
As nic pointed out I was breaking it up to better focus in on that part. Though together it really doesn't change what the verse is saying, nor my reply. We have God saying not to make idols, I posted an example of something that is pretty much a Christian idol. God further goes on to say why he doesn't want to and that why is because of jealousy. This again is not a moral and further makes God look very petty and flawed. Your example does not address this at all. Though if the "game" is to worship him I think I'll go find something good on tv to watch instead.
I'm not a Bible scholar or anything, but I do know, that the "commandment" you quoted, was not a commandment.
Never said it was. It is however a contradictory statement in the Bible to what is being said in that commandment. If what the commandment states is the one we should follow I would find this God not worthy of worship. I'm also glad our legal system does not work in such a way.
If you invented something like... a cure for cancer, would you want people to just curse at you all the time? No. But God created us, so we should not curse Him and/or misuse His name.
I wouldn't care. For a deity this is petty behavior and again not a moral.
Really if I were to behave like God it would be like me creating an ant farm then getting mad because the ants don't worship me for it.
What is this... I don't even... .......... All I know is that God says keep the day holy and bam. We have church on Sunday.
It does specify that the method of keeping the day holy is having it as a day of rest. I noticed the part of a guy being killed for picking up sticks has already been pointed out to you. As you yourself pointed out there was a part where Jesus breaks this one, thus joke "Update".
Yes. You should still honor your parents.
Such people don't deserve it. It makes this a rather poor moral to require honor unthinkingly and undeserving.
God tells us to kill people.....when?
One example is with Numbers 31, that one was all about God commanding Moses to go to war with an army.
Not to mention the times God kills.
http://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.htmlWrongamundo. God says "Thou" not "Women" ... Also, if the guy is a Christian, he should not be okay with it according to 1 Corinthians 7. If the dude isn't a Christian, then he won't worry about the commandment.
That's quite right, adultery did originally refer to the actions of a married woman. A woman at the time was little more than property when it came to marriage and a guy could own more then one wife.
It doesn't matter about what other cultures think. There is only Christian and non-Christian.
That's an incredibly narrow view you have there.
Sigh. Wrongamundo. Let me refer you to Matthew 6:31-34 which says: So do not worry, saying "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its' own.
As mentioned there are plenty who very much do worship God and starve to death. It hasn't mattered how much they pray or seek God.
I have not the foggiest clue on how your logic got you from "Do not tell lies." to creationism.
The biggest proponents of creationism will often use flat out lies to support their claims.
Once again, I have absolutely no idea how your logic got you from "Do not envy what other people have." To capitalism.
Desiring what others have is a fuel for capitalism.