ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
554 posts

UGH. How about a priest reference. You guys do reilixe that christians go to mass too right. And that we don't sit at home and learn our religon from reading the bible. Well, catholics do. I think you're refering to protestants who have a more strict adherence to the bible. And i have a real question that's been bugging me. If other people can only pick out bad stuff from the bible, why shouldn't christians be able to pick only good stuff?

Some christians say the bible is good and moral and can be proven wrong with the bad bits. If you say a book is bad you can show the bad bits and say any good book would have had these bits in it. The fact that it has good bits in it just shows that the bible writers sometimes ogt it right but that doesn't show divine interference. At best you could say it is partly right which doesn't sound very holy to me. Also where do priests get their info
3,025 posts

You must take a belief as a whole.

Often why the term "Atheism" or, more likely ones like "Pantheism" is taken much more loosely - it isn't the entire or correct belief of a person. Pantheism is a bit more "spiritual" than other scientific beliefs but it's not like the people who follow it believe in anything illogical (I'd imagine some of them don't).

Anyway. Each term is used quite loosely as "Christian" barely goes towards someone who says they are. They don't follow it entirely, they barely know the entirety of it and to be fair they're not exactly the moat observant if they don't see the flaws.

- H
9,462 posts

Just because you don't belive the religon doesn't mean you will burn in hell.

Keep in mind that religion is divergent, just because you believe doesn't mean it's so for everyone. Many in Christianity seem to think that not believing = go to hell. (on a side note it being divergent is an indication of it being false)

How about a priest reference.

If we are to go with vespers beliefs then isn't this just a human's claim of God's way, thus blasphemy?

If other people can only pick out bad stuff from the bible, why shouldn't christians be able to pick only good stuff?

I'm not just picking out the bad stuff. I'm looking at it as a whole and I see it as very contradictive with the good stuff often being few and far between. Since you only pick out the good stuff or even at times make up good stuff that isn't even in it, we point out the stuff that isn't so good, which you then in turn ignore or excuse away with special pleading.

I'm catholic, and haven't taken the time to learn about protestants. So... Maybe we need to find a protestant to tell us.

Your views sound very much more protestant then Catholic.
3,371 posts

Your views sound very much more protestant then Catholic.

Really? I've heard that Protestants have a more strict adherece to the bible.

I'm not just picking out the bad stuff. I'm looking at it as a whole and I see it as very contradictive with the good stuff often being few and far between. Since you only pick out the good stuff or even at times make up good stuff that isn't even in it, we point out the stuff that isn't so good, which you then in turn ignore or excuse away with special pleading.

So it's even right? Because as you ingnore the good we ignore the bad.

If we are to go with vespers beliefs then isn't this just a human's claim of God's way, thus blasphemy?

Well the priests should be trianed to tell us what to follow.

I think that the main problem is that since some churchs support different things. Some of which are wrong. I think we all need to support the same right thing. Even I know Christians who belive that if you're not a christian you'll go to hell.
3,817 posts

So it's even right? Because as you ingnore the good we ignore the bad.

Actually, we look at it and yell "Wow. That is inconsistent and violent." while you go "NANANNA I AM NOT LIGHTNING!"
5,552 posts




So it's even right? Because as you ingnore the good we ignore the bad.

I do not ignore the good. However, if you find a serial murderer, and also find that he donates money to orphans, does charity works, and seems to be a nice guy...are you ACTUALLY going to listen to him? NO! Then why would you think the bible is any different. It may teach good things, but it teachs a CRAP load of bad things. You can't just ignore that.
3,817 posts


Spell check...Messes up some times.
3,371 posts

I do not ignore the good. However, if you find a serial murderer, and also find that he donates money to orphans, does charity works, and seems to be a nice guy...are you ACTUALLY going to listen to him? NO! Then why would you think the bible is any different. It may teach good things, but it teachs a CRAP load of bad things. You can't just ignore that.

Okay. But what if the serial killer becomes a teacher and only teaches the right things. Should he not be allowed to teach? And I know in the case of religon that the serial killer sometimes teaches bad. But in my specific case my serial killer only taught good. Which is why i'm happy with my teacher.
3,371 posts

No. He doesn't do, only teach. The killer represents religon.

3,371 posts

Can we focus on the metaphor. Killer=religon teachings.

3,817 posts

Can we focus on the metaphor. Killer=religon teachings.

Even going with that, you are inaccurate. Religion doesn't only teach good things, and those it barley teaches. It would be like a
mass murderer teaching things, some times half decent sometimes how to kill people, then we still say they are a bad person. And the half decent is just made up on the spot.
3,371 posts

He started life. Is it wrong for him to end it. Technically he ends everyone's lives.

3,817 posts

He started life. Is it wrong for him to end it. Technically he ends everyone's lives.

So by that logic, it is OK for me to kill my own children. And the last part just makes him an extremely bad mass murderer....
3,371 posts

Even going with that, you are inaccurate. Religion doesn't only teach good things, and those it barley teaches. It would be like a
mass murderer teaching things, some times half decent sometimes how to kill people, then we still say they are a bad person. And the half decent is just made up on the spot.

That's not true. If it were half the people on earth would be killing. He teaches good. But occasionally it's not so good. I mean out of every religous person I'm sure only a small percent are fundamentalist.
3,817 posts

That's not true. If it were half the people on earth would be killing. He teaches good. But occasionally it's not so good. I mean out of every religous person I'm sure only a small percent are fundamentalist.

Most people just do what you do, and ignore the bad. People take there own morals and then apply them to the book. They are not really getting morals from the Bible, they are putting their morals into it.
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